Chapter 30

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wow i cannot believe im on chapter 30! I wouldn't be here without you guys really! I mean it!!

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Chapter 30

Emma's P.O.V.

On second thought i think it would be better to just get back to my flat. And plus, Mark might still be ther so i want to make sure that he is okay. 

"Um, on second thought, can you just drop me off at my flat?" I asked in a weak voice.

"Are you sure?" Louis asked.

"Please." I begged, and they both nodded. Not to soon we were in front of the buliding where my flat was. The car stopped.

"Are you sure you want to go?" Niall asked making sure, as i nodded.

"We, then i guess we'll see you later." Louis said, as i got out of the car. I waved to them, and they drove off. I turned around and went back to my flat, still curious if Mark was there.

Mark's P.O.V.

I didn't really mean to get Harry that upset. I swear, i didn't mean to! I felt that something bad was going to happen to Emma, and i wanted to get her out of the situation, so i acted quickly, and it just came out of my mouth. 

I was still in pain from when Harry punched me, but i managed to move myself onto the sofa after Emma ran off after him. I knew she had to go so i just let her. I honestly do think that they should be together. I mean they for like a dream couple, where anyone would e dieing to have that kind of relationship, well if they were together still. 

After, and hour or so, someone walked into the flat. I was guessing it was Emma.

"Mark...a-are you okay? I'm so sorry for that, he, i don't know-" She started to say as she kneeled down next to me by the sofa, but cut her off.

"It's okay, Emma. Really, guys need to get their emotions out too you know." I told her, and she smiled.

"Well i know that!" She said with a laugh but then started talking in a serious tone, "But are you really okay? Do you need anything?" 

"Um, i guess i could use so hot tea, or something to drink." I suggested.

"Sure hot tea sounds good." She said as she walked into the kitchen.

"So what exactly happened, when you ran off after Harry punched me?" I said louder so that she could hear me from the kitchen. After a couple of minutes, she came back with the tea, and set it down on the coffee table. I sat up, and she sat down next to me. 

"Well, i started to yell his name, which you probably heard for a while. But he never answered. He just kept walking. I kept talking to him fo how much pain was built up inside of me, but he still didn't say anything. I even showed him my cuts for god's sake!" She said the last part louder. 

I almost choked on my tea. Did Emma just say cuts? I would of never expected her to be a girl that cut!

"Y-you, c-cut?" I asked stuttering, and she nodded.

"Why?" I asked, her and she looked down at her wrist. I followed her gaze. There is was, a couple of cuts from something. I was guessing a razor but i wasn't sure. It was healing a little, but i could tell that it still hurt. Emma started to say something.

"Well, i had so much pain an anger boiling up inside me. I couldn't take it anymore! I just had to do something, but i didn't know what. I was looking around and came across the razor. I hesitated but did it anyway." She finished. I put my hand on her shoulder.

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