Chapter 6

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I want to thank you for all the reads that i'm getting so far thank you so much!! :)


Chapter 6

Breaking News!

Harry Styles has been spotted with a mystery girl out at Starbucks yesterday. It looked like they were just chatting but who knows? Maybe there could be a future relationship forming from what occurred! We will be happy to inform you with any other information so just visit our web page!

Harry's P.O.V.

I heard that whole news broadcast right when i turned the tv on. Great, just another way to make things worse. Why does the paparazzi do this to celebrities?! It's unbelievable! I just hope that it won't affect Emma or anything. Just right when we had a good conversation. I should text her to make sure.

To: Emma

Hey Emma! Just wanted to make sure you knew that the rumors are starting about us. It's unbelievable! I'm sorry that this happened. :(

A couple of minutes later i received a text from her.

To: Harry

That's ok I don't really mind, as long as nothing like horrible happens that it ruins my life. But I doubt that will. Haha ;)

Well this was a completely different side of Emma. It made me smile though. To think that i'm helping her in making her feel better.

Emma's P.O.V.

That was sweet of Harry to tell me even though I already knew. It was almost like the old days, just not quite. I sorda wanted him to come over so we can hang out and fix this whole thing faster. But I was nervous for some reason. I mean i always hung out with him. But why all of a sudden im so nervous? Maybe it's just that i feel like im gonna make a mistake or something. Which i really don't want to do.

Patrick's P.O.V.

I heard the news about Emma and Harry. Yes I know the whole story. Emma came running to me to help her through it. At that time i was literally her only friend out there. I wonder what she's doing right now. Might as well give her a call.

"Hey Emma! How's it going?" "Pretty good myself, what about you?" She asked. "I'm good, lonely though" I laughed at that. "By the way we should hang out some time this week or next week? Is that ok with you?" I said. "Yea that's perfect. But i think that next week would be better so that all the news about me sort of dies down you know?" "Yea, sure i totally understand. So i'll see you next week then?" I asked. "Yep! I'll see you later Patrick!" "Bye!" I said. 

Mark's P.O.V.

What i just heard on the news horrified me. Literally. I can't believe that she would move on that fast. She's such an attention seeker. Like i never understand why. What, does she like want people to like her? Well might as well go give her a visit after she embarrassed me...

Zayn's P.O.V.

I was pretty bored actually. I wanted to have a break from the boys so i wondered if Emma just wanted to hang out. Just as friends though! No way would i be stupid to get in between her and Harry when they're in this kind of situation.

I went to go freshen up. Before i left i decided to watch some tv just to pass time a bit, just in case Emma was busy. But then i heard a scream, and terrified one...

Emma's P.O.V.

There was a loud knock at the door, which made me jump. I wasn't expecting anyone, but i went to see who it was. I opened the door and there stood Mark. I could feel my face go pale, and i tried to shut the door but he was just too strong. The door was left open and he shoved me into the hall. 

"Why all of a sudden i see you on the new? Huh?!" He shouts. "M-mark stop" I say weakly. "Don't you stutter infront of me. I know your an attention seeker. You just want people to like you. That's all. Isn't it?" Mark said. "That's not true Mark!" I raised my voice at him. Just them i feel a stinging on my cheek, and tears falling down my cheek. "Get away from me Mark!" I screamed in terror. I can't believe he would do that. But well obviously he's Mark!!! What am i thinking he always hurt me! 

Mark was walking toward me and i back away from him running into someone. It was Zayn. Thank God he was there. I owe him big time. This was his second time he was going to stand up for me! "What are you doing here Mark?! I thought you were gone for good!" Zayn yelled at his face. I backed up behind Zayn feeling safer.

"Well you thought wrong! Can't you see this girl behind you is an attention seeker?! All she wants is for people to like her using other people. Don't you see.?"  Mark yelled back. Zayn was furious by now. He charged straight at Mark and knocked him to the ground. But Mark being the stupid show of he is rolled back on top of Zayn and started punching him. "STOP HURTING HIM MARK! STOP IT!" I yelled so that he looked at me. By this time, i was in tears. I just hated Mark for everything right now.

They were both fighting back and forth, when Mark was about to punch Zayn the hardest but stopped. He had the most devilish face on, and it was scaring me. "You know what else Emma is?" Mark said to Zayn. Zayn was just listening. "She's a liar." With that Mark gets up and goes up to me. He slams me against the wall and forces a kiss on my lips. I tried to push him away from me, but i couldn't. Zayn please get him of me i was saying to myself!!! Mark stops, but then slaps me again and says. "KISS ME BACK YOU WANNABE!" He slapped me again and i had tears in my eyes. He kissed me again, and i knew i had to kiss him back either way he would hurt me and Zayn again. 

I saw Zayn get up from the corner of my eye, and punch Mark making him fall to the floor. I looked at Zayn terrified, and ran into him to hug him. "Z-zayn" I said sobbing. "Emma it's ok", He says trying to comfort me. "I-i, never w-want to s-see him a-again!" I said sobbing even louder. I heard Mark leave, and assumed that Zayn had a serious face on to tell him to leave. i looked up at Zayn.

"I really owe you big time Zayn. Thanks a lot really. I appreciate it." I said still crying. "Hey, no girl should be treated that way. No one, really. Maybe you should tell Harry that you've got a problem with you ex-boyfriend, well that is if you're talking to Harry now." Zayn told me. "Yea we are, and i think i will." "Hey Emma mind if I come over. I don't really have anything to do." Zayn asked. "S-sure come on i-in." I said trying to stop crying.


 Author's Note:

Well this was interesting. haha. Thanks for reading my story so far. :) Next chapter will be up soon!!!

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