Chapter 27

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YAYAYAYAY!!! The One Way Or Another video is released!!! I just saw it!! Omg BEST VIDEO EVERRRR!!!!!

Now i can't wait till their movie!!!


Chapter 27

Emma's P.O.V.

I woke up to a nightmare. It was horrible, i could feel myself shedding tears. I looked at the time, and it was 5 am. Might as well just stay up. I don't want to have an nightmare again. 


I was lock in a room in a tall building. There was just one window, but not a very big one were you could of gotten out. The floor was made of concrete, and it was cold. Otherwise the room was just pure empty. The sunlight was shining into the room from the window, and i don't know why but it just gave me courage somehow. I went to go look out the window. I looked down and noticed, that the building was really far off the ground. I noticed that the building was also made up of old bricks.

Outside there was nothing, but the tower and grass around. That's all. No sign of people, or anything. I was starting to freak out. I didn't know what to do. I was literally stuck here. I slid down against the wall and tucked my knees to my chest. I could feel my self cry. 

"What am i going to do?" I said talking out loud, to myself. "I'm probably never gonna get out of here." I said as i looked down at the concrete.

Out of now where i hear, a loud crash. My head snapped up, and looked around the room.

"Hello?" I said louder just in case if someone was there. There was another noise that came.

"Is somebody there?" I asked making my voice louder. I know this may seem stupid, but by now i was looking at the walls, because there could be some secret door there. I touched a brick, and the wall opened. But before i could go anywhere, standing in the door was Harry. Why was Harry in this?

"Well well what do we have here?" He asked me with a smirk on his face.

"What do you want?" I asked in a quiet voice not knowing what he was going to do. At this point i was terrified. He had cheated and accused me and i lost his trust twice. What's next? 

"You know i don't think anyone told you did they?" He asked me, with the smirk on his face getting bigger. I just wanted to slap it off his face.

"Told me what?" I said crossing my arms on my chest. 

"This" He said, but before i could say anything else, he shoved me on the ground. 

"That your a dumb slut! Don't you realized that?! Why do you think i kissed that girl at the club? And the first time i broke up with you, i just couldn't take you anymore you were so annoying! How could you not notice it yourself?" He yelled at me. By the time he finished, i was crying even harder. My anger was burning inside of me too. I wanted to beat the shit out of him.

"Harry" I said as i stood up.

"What, your gonna do something about it?" He asked.

"Yea, actually i am." I said looking at him through my blurry vision. 

"Like what?" He asked annoyed. I didn't say anything. And the only thing i did, was slap his across the face, hard, and ran out of that room, and down the fleet of staris. All i could hear behind me was Harry screaming.

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