Chapter 13

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Ok sorry for not posting for sooo long!!!!


Chapter 13

Harry's P.O.V.

After Zayn phoned me in on what happened, i went crazy. Again Mark was next to her?! What is his problem?! I planned to see Emma the next day.

Next Day (Still Harry's P.O.V.)

It was 10:45 a.m and i was off to see Emma. I hope that she wasn't busy or still sleeping like Zayn would have done. To make sure, i called her.

Emma's P.O.V.

I was watching tv, still in my pyjamas, and my phone started to ring. The caller i.d. read "Harry ;)". I answered.

"Hey Emma! Mind if i come over? Your not busy or anything right?" He asked me politely.

"No actually, i'm a bit lonley. And sure why not. When are you coming?" I asked.

"Now! I'll see you in a couple of minutes." Harry said excited.

"Wait?! Now?" I yelled. But it was too late. He already hung up. I wasn't even ready! Ugh! Whatever i'll just stay in my pj's since the're so soft and warm :). I sat back down and turned my attention back to the tv.

Harry's P.O.V.

I was right at Emma's door. But i heard voices in there. It might just be me, she said that she was lonely. I knocked on the door. But there was no answer after a couple of seconds. After a minute or so, the door opened with a crying Emma standing in front of me.

"Emma, what...happened?!" I said while going up to her and hugging her. She looked up at me in pain.

"I-it's....M-mark..." She said while sobbing into my chest. That's it! My last straw with him! I carefully walked in with Emma and told her to stay behind me. Mark comes walking towards us from the living room.

 "What's curly boy doing here Emma?" Mark asks. I hated it when people called me curly, especially those people i hated the most like him...

"What are you doing here Mark?!" I said in a harsh tone.

"Well, the question is what are you doing her?!" I raised his voice a bit. I had enough of this seeing Emma hurt AGAIN. This was way too many times. I ran up to Mark and pushed him on the floor. I started punching him in the face.

"Harry! Stop!" Emma was yelling and crying. She ran up to me and tried pulling me off of Mark. Why was she doing this? I looked back at her quickly

"I don't want you to get hurt." She was sobbing. I hated to see her like this. I got off of Mark, and he quickly stood up. But before i could react fast enough, he grabbed Emma, and covered her mouth so she wouldn't scream.

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF HER!!!" I screamed my head off.

"What for? When she's just a pathetic, loser." Mark said while shoving her onto the sofa pretty badly. I quickly went to see if she was ok. I had to end this. Emma needed this right now. I can't let her down. 

I stand up straight, take a deep breath, and push him as hard as i can. Next this i know, Mark is on the ground unconsious. I looked back at Emma and she was pretty shocked too.

"H-harry!" Emma said while running to me.

"Babe, you ok?" I asked quickly looking at her.

"G-get him o-out of h-here! I-i don't w-want to s-see him ever a-again!" She stuttered from sobbing so much. I got out my phone, and call the police to inform the on what Mark has been doing to Emma. After the call we sat down on the sofa, and i hugged her gently because i could tell that she winced when i hugged her a little harder.

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