Chapter 2

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*quick mother POV*

I was making some coffee and I heard a knock on the door to which I left my coffee brewing in the machine and opened the door to see Tommy Tubbo and who I believe was Wilbur.
"Uh ehe Hi! Where's Y/N she told us to come here for planning on moving out?" Tommy said awkwardly.
"Oh she's in her room, not sure if she's up yet but you can go wake he up if you wish" I said with a chuckle letting them in up to Y/N's room.


I woke up to Tommy Tubbo and Wilbur barging into my room and jumping onto my bed sitting next to each other
"Heyyy" Tubbo had said calmly in a posh voice making Tommy and Wilbur laught
"HEY Y/N NOW WAKE UP" Wilbur said sitting closest to me. Wilburs eyes and mine locked after I had julted to sit almost up right leaning on my elbow.
"OI LOVE BIRDS" Tommy cringed opening the laptop he had been carrying before.
"TOMMY!!" me and Wilbur shot our heads around to him and screamed in-sink. Tubbo sat furthest away laughing to himself with his hand covering his mouth.

After a while of chillin and looking at some more houses Tommy Tubbo and Wilbur stayed looking at some houses whilst I got a outfit out of my draws, went into my bathroom to get changed. I chose some black, ripped, baggy jeans and a rolled up to slight cropped grey jumper. I walked out of the bathroom back into my room and placed my Pj's on my bed next to my pillow out the way before everyone followed wilbur out the house into his car where we drove to the first house.

*time skippp, love em*

After we had looked at all the houses we liked I contacted the landlord of the house we thought was perfect telling him we were willing to buy the house and move in throughout the next week or so.

"Wanna go get ice cream on our way back? There's a nice cafe thing whatever around here" Wilbur asked as he was driving, different synonyms of sure was spread around so we went to the cafe and parked up.

We opened our doors where Tommy and Tubbo rushed out to get in front of us, I walked beside Wilbur and we entered the cafe.
"Hurry up... Love birds" Tommy hesitated as he spoke the last half where me and Wilbur gave him a death stares. Me and Will followed them inside to a table of four. We were soon greeted by a waitress who took our orders and went to the back to get our food. I got a ice cream milkshake, Tubbo got the limited 'summer bee ice cream sundae' then Wilbur and Tommy both got different scoops of eyes cream in a pot.
"You guys are so boring" tubbo said to Wilbur and Tommy.
"Shut the fuck up" Tommy said turning to tubbo pulling a sarcastic face. Wilbur just ignored it and waited for our food.

A couple minutes later of me and Wilbur listening in on tubbo and Tommy's weird conversation our ice cream things got placed on our table in front of the right people and we all started eating. The waitress placed tubbos down in front of him and he gasped loudly silenting half the cafe as he saw the large bee sprinkles:

 The waitress placed tubbos down in front of him and he gasped loudly silenting half the cafe as he saw the large bee sprinkles:

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This just like on an ice cream sundae ofc bc I couldn't describe the sprinkles..

We just stared at tubbo as well as most of the cafe before everyone went back to talking where's me Wilbur and Tommy died of laughter. Conversations between us all or just me and wilbur, Tommy and tubbo spread around as we ate then once we finished we gave the bin our rubbish and left walking back to the car.
"Once we move out we need to prank tubbo and Tommy" Wilbur mumbled to me and we both began to laugh thinking of ways to prank them.
"I HEARD THAT DICKHEAD" Tommy screamed and slightly wacked Wilbur around the head in a playful way. I laughed even more but then we reached the car. I sad in the front again and Tommy and Tubbo sat in the back, Wilbur of course driving, and we head home.
"It's still not fair Y/N is always in the front seat" Tubbo winged.
"Well Tubbo, I'm the 2nd oldest" I said sounding like a older sibling in the car. Tommy and Tubbo both groaned in annoyance and just became annoying the whole way home. Tommy and Tubbo where repeating there conversations and making annoying noises (NOT LIKE THAT DIRTY MIND) like 'beep beep beep beep' or even like 'wooo waaaa woooo waaa wooo' and they honestly sounded like five year olds. We finally got back to my house and I invited everyone inside as I knew my mum wouldn't mind. My mum never really minds my friends coming round or anything, shes one of the chill mums I guess.

We all headed up into my room and decided to stream together. Tommy and Tubbo sat on my bed right behind the camera and Wilbur sat on my stool next to me. I clicked go live where I counted down for us all to welcome the chat.
"WELCOME BACK TO THE STREAM" we all said over the top of each other.

"Omg Heyy your all here!"

I laughed slightly reading the chat "yeh as you properly can tell Wilbur Tommy and Tubbo are here and we were planning on doing a Q&A today"


A text to speech came through almost immediately:

I looked back at Tommy and Tubbo then back at the camera passing Wilbur on my turn back.
"We actually have a surprise coming soon and then, lots of vlogs together" you said in a cheery voice.

Text to speech:
"Is being with Tubbo and Tommy annoying?"


I muted the stream for a second where me and Wilbur looked back at him.
"THAT'S A FAN" Wilbur laughed
"SAY SORRY" I quickly turned back and Unmuted.
"soRry" Tommy grumbled and I rolled my eyes.
"He is very indeed sorry chat" Tubbo said smiling.

*time skip*

It was getting later and we answered loads of questions then I looked at my phone and realised the time.
"Oh shit it's 11:30" I said under my breath he loud enough for everyone to hear
"What!?" Wilbur Tommy and Tubbo all said before getting out there phones and checking the time.
"Awe sorry chat but I'm gonna end it here as it pretty late! Cya guys next time" I waved and clicked end live.
"You guys can stay round tonight, sure my mum won't mind as it's quite late" I said turning around to all of them. They all nodded
"Thanks" Wilbur said with a smile.
"Yeh thanks" Tommy and Tubbo said before standing up.
"You guys can sleep on the bed if you want to share" I said with a giggle. I had a double bed so it was possible.
"I'll sleep on the sofa!" I said pointing to the sofa I had in the corner of my room. It was pretty big for a sofa so I didn't mind sleeping on it. We all agreed and got ready for bed, I got onto the sofa with some spare pillows and blankets and closed my eyes falling into a sleep.

Early the next morning I woke up once again to Tommy Tubbo and Wilbur but this time they where playing Minecraft on MY account on dream SMP. I heard them on call with dream playing around.
"Wait where is Y/N?" dream said through the computer.

{} A/N {}

I've decided to update every day at least so there will be AT LEAST a new chapter every day but maybe 2 or 3 or 9? Depends hehe

1362 Words! Woo

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