Chapter 12

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{} okay okay no one rly reads these buttt just wanna know I write these for fun so don't judge uh but anyway hope you enjoy if your reading this!❤{}

When we came home from the park, Anne when back to he house with Leo then everyone came to ours for a bit.
"I might do a vlog tomorrow if anyone wants to join?" Tommy asked sitting back in his chair.
"Yeh sure!" tubbo and quackity said with a smile.
"I'll join in but depends what your doing" sapnap laughed.

I zoned out into mine and wills conversation.
"Do you wanna go upstairs?" he said from aside of me in a low whisper.
"Yea" I said getting up and dragging him out of the living room up the stairs.
"OI WHERE YOU BITCHES GOING" Tommy screamer as we walked off.
"There gonna go make babies" quackity said laughing.

Me and wilbur continued walking and made it to my room. We locked the door behind us making sure no one came in but as soon as we step foot into the room wilbur pushed me against the wall and kissed me with full passion.
"Will-" I said cut of by another kiss.
"I told you I wasn't patient." wilbur said with a grin. I pulled his shirt so he came closer to me and kissed me again but longer and deeper.
Knock knock knock
"Why does someone always try to come in when we're either making out or having sex." I questioned walked away from wilbur and to the door.
"Yus?" I said opening the door to see quackity standing there.
"I just wanted to let you two know WE CAN HEAR YOU FROM DOWNSTAIRS SO DON'T GET WEIRD." he said walking away.
"I mean the living room is right under my room so uh. Anyway" I said walking back to wilbur.
"Why would we care about what they can hear?" he said quietly in my ear with a giggle. I locked out lips together again but he moved closer down to my neck and started kissing the same spot. He bit my neck a little making me let out a small whimper but not a bad one. He moved me by my waist and pushed me into the bed, seconds later getting on top of me and kissing me from to top. He pulled away for a breath before rolling down next to me with me still in his arms so I was on top of him. He pulled me down closer so I kissed him again but trailing to now his neck. Our breathing was still heavy and hot when wilbur slid his hands under my jumper to get it over my head and arms. He held me on top of him not breaking the kiss.
"I love you" I said pulling away and falling to his side.
"I lovee you too sexy" he said with a smile. I loved on of my legs over his side in between his two legs and my arm was on his chest across his shoulder. I kept my head right near his as we fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning to see wilbur already awake.
"Morning Y/N" he said pulling me closer to him and kissing my forehead.
"Morning" I said with a smile looking up at him planting a kiss on his lips.
"We have to get UpppPPP" I said in a groan. Wilbur slowly sat up to which I stood up and questioned my clothing.
"Where the hell is my jumper" I said turning to Wilbur who was bright red.
"did you take my jumper from me-" I said walking over to him shirtless and taking my jumper.
"Well it's my jumper but sure." Wilbur mumbled getting up. He waked back to his room and got changed then came into my room. I was just putting a jumper on and he walked in. I turned to see him then walled over just adjusting my jumper.
"Cmon" he said taking my hands and walking down stairs into the living room. Quackity sapnap and Tommy where in there laughing as they saw us.
"Whattt?" I questioned them.
"We heard you all night and-" Tommy started.
"You've come down stairs both of you having hickys" sapnap finished in a laugh.
"Oh my god grow up" I said walking into the kitchen but bumped into dream on the way. He moved me and looked at my neck.
"YOU DO HAVE HICKYS?" he said sitting down as I walked off. I mad myself a coffee and went back into the living room. Wilbur was on the side sofa so I went and sat next to him before anyone else did. I sat basically on wilburs lap so everyone giggled again slight.
"Bet you wilburs got hard just from you sitting on his lap" quackity said throughout laughs. Wilbur didn't agree not deny.
"Why the fuck would you know" I asked quackity.
"Don't you be hooking up with Wilbur behind my back" I said with sass watching quackity sit back.
"He never denyed it" dream said with a laugh. I put my middle finger up at quackity.
"Bitch I don't hook up with your little boyfriend" he said sitting back up right. I looked back at Wilbur.
"Why- there's a -100% chance I'll hook up with quackity Y/N." Wilbur said pulling me closer to him. I kissed him on the lips forgetting everyone was around.
"Sapnap. I've walked in on them making out before and they have all made out basically SHIRTLESS in front of us before. It's not the first" quackity said with a sigh.
"SHIRTLESS?" I said turning around to him.
"Yeh" "shirtless" quackity repeated himself.
"AND YOU WATCHED?" I asked another question.
"No no you did it I front of us, you two where drunk so I guess it was true feelings" quackity said laughing. I sighed sitting back in my chair aka wilburs lap and got Confterble watching the TV.

There was a knock on the door so I slowly got up and walked over to it. I opened the door and..

{} A/N {}

Heyyy make sure to go read chapter whatever... The next chapter! Also tell me if EVENTUALLY you want Wilbur and Y/N to have kids but it won't be like kids are annoying all the time it will be fun and still loveeee


word count: 1084

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