The end?

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I woke up to a strange knocking on my door. I groaned getting out of bed and walked over opening the door to see the bitchy Siena standing there.
"Hey Y/N!" she said with a smile.
He happiness annoyed me at this point.
"Uhm.. Hey" I spoke confused.
"I just came to wake you up as where going out and the others told me to come make sure your ready... If you wanna come" she now turned her smile to a annoyed look.
"Oh sure. I'll be down soon" I smiled and shut the door on her face.
I got out some sky coloured ripped jeans and a baggy white jumper. One I was ready and mad sure I looked alright I went down stairs and sat down with Tommy and tubbo waiting on Wilbur and siena.
"Cmon let's go" wilbur said as he got down the stairs and opened the door followed by Siena.
We all followed them out and got in the car, of course Siena was now gonna always be in the front seat.
"Y/N look" Tommy nudged me showing me his phone through a laugh.
"Stoppp" tubbo groaned.
I saw a photo of tubbo with a weird face Tommy must have took. I laughed slightly trying not to be to loud.
"Delete it" I spoke trying to stop laughing at the photo now.
"Yeah delete it" tubbo mimicked me but not in a bad way.
"Whyyyyy" Tommy winged.
"Because... Tubbo wants you to delete it" I said pausing in between as my eyes saw wilvur and Siena laughing together.

Me and tubbo kept trying to get Tommy to delete the photo until we got to the park.
"Hey" clay said through my open window as we parked.
"Oh hello" I smiled getting out the car trying not to hit him with the door.
"You alright?" he asked as well the last time we saw each other I was in tears most the time.
"I'm fine" I smiled looking up at him.
"Cmon there's a swing, I was trying to push sapnap on it but he's to heavyyy" clay groaned making me giggle a little and follow him over to the swing quickly.
"Y/N IS HEREEE" sapnap announced.
"Well done" I smiled at him sarcasticly.
"I don't like her anymore" he pointed at me and looked at everyone else.
"Fuck you" I rolled my eyes and laughed a little before I turned around and saw wilbur standing there.
I quickly stopped before I walked into him and looked up awkwardly.
"Jeezusss" I extended my word and moved out the way feeling his stare watch me until it couldn't anymore.
I went back to the car where tubbo nd Tommy still where.
"Y/N! THEY LEFT US AND WE GOT LOST SO WE HAD TO COME BACK TO THE CAR" Tommy said and I'm guessed he was behind a little dramatic.
"Cough cough you couldn't be asked to find the park yourself" tubbo said making me laugh.
"Cmon" I led them to the park where everyone else was.
Me George and tubbo sat at a large table and ordered everyone drinks as they pushed each other around on the swings and stuff. I felt a small tap on my shoulder so I turned seeing Wilbur. He didn't say anything he just held out his hand and smiled slightly. My face filled with confusion and he chuckled a little and grabbed my hand leading me away somewhere.
"You okay?" I asked confused on why he led me away from the others.
"Listen when you bumped into my earlier. What happened to don't make it awkward" he asked.
"I'm sorry I just don't like Siena and she's the one who makes it awkward" I admitted to him.
"Mhm... She keeps staring at George as well" he spoke confused.
"Clay won't be happy" I said looking away.
"Not like that" he chuckled and nudged me.
"Hey guys! What you doing?" I heard Sienas annoying voice say from beside us.
"Oh talking" wilbur said looking down at her.
"Well cmon will I wanna go somewhere else" she demanded to leave me.
"Okay one sec" he said taking his hand away from hers and turning back to me.
"I'll take to you later" he smiled at me and I smiled back.
I saw Siena roll her eyes and tug Wilbur away so I went back to the others.

{Time skip}

"Bye" Wilbur said shutting the door to Siena as she left to go home. "Y/NNN" Wilbur sighed walking over to me in the living room.
"Wilburrrrrr" I repeated his tone.
"I'm sorry about Siena" he frowned.
"It's fine she's gone" I laughed a little.
"She is getting annoying. It's like she's just trapping me away from everything and everyone" he sighed.
"No one in this house likes her then, Tommy and tubbo don't" I smiled.
"I messed up didn't I" he asked putting his hands over his face.
"Mhm" I agreed making him chuckle.
"You can send it" he said passing me the phone of his an her contacts

Where breaking up


Wilbur quickly took back his phone and blocked her and we both laughed a little. I felt out eyes lock like they would.... Before. He inched closer to me and held my cheek up with one of his hands until our lips met. They only disconnected got a split second when they kiss opened.
"WOOL FUCK YOU SIENA" Tommy shouted from the living room door as clay and George stood behind him.
Me and Wilbur both quickly pulled away from each other and looked over at the doorway.
"How long have you been there..." Wilbur asked awkwardly.
"You don't wanna know" clay said walking in and taking a seat.
"ANYWAYS" George said sitting next to clay.
"Let's just-" I spoke grabbing Wilbur's hand and leading him away into my room.

"Oh are we here again?" he smirked.
"Mhm looks like we are" I smiled as he backed me up to the wall.
"I'm sorry about Siena, forget it?" he said with pure guilt in his voice.
"Mhm. Forget it." I smiled.
he took my smile away exchanging it with a kiss. I was happy again. I had Wilbur and Siena what doing fuck what. I was fine.
"I love you" Wilbur pulled away but kept our saved together.
"I love you to" I smiled entering a hug.

{Time skip}

I woke up to Wilbur's arms wrapped around me in bed. I shook him a little waking him up before he flinched awake slightly.
"Morning" I giggled watching him yawn.
"Morning" he said still half asleep.
I finally got up and got changed quickly going down stairs leaving Wilbur to probably fall back asleep.

"Y/N!!" Tommy shouted pointing at me as I walked into the room.
"What-" I asked confused.
"I don't know, keep walking bitch" he spoke as if he was big man Tommy.
"Or what" I rolled my eyes.
He didn't say anything he just stood up in front of me and looked down at me.
"I'm not scared of your height, the others might be but I just slept with someone taller then you. Excuse me" I sassed walking past him.
"How dare you, Wilbur is so short like" Tommy spoke making me stop and look back at him.
He turned around and bumper into Wilbur and had to look up slightly.
"I'm short?" Wilbur spoke looking at Tommy.
"AHHHH" he ran off making me laugh a little before sitting down.
Wilbur sat next to me and I looked up at him where he slowly kissed me letting go with me smiling.
"I'm gonna go out later with some friends you gotta look after Tommy and tubbo" he chuckled.
"Oh god I'll die, they act under there age" I sighed a little.
"Make them stream together or something idk" he chuckled once more under his breath before getting up and walking to the kitchen.
The rest of the day was pretty normal, we just hang around watching TV and stuff until it was 8:30 and Wilbur left to go out and see his friend. I just continued watching TV until Tommy came down and just stopped staring at me.
"I'm hungryyyy" he moaned with tubbo standing behind him.
"Go get food then"
"Well can we tell you a secret" he asked making me slightly worried.
"Me and tubbo decided to-" he said making cut off by the smashes of windows and guns cocking.
"AHHH SHIT FUCK YOU BITCH" Tommy screamed, running off but tripping over his shoelaces.

Then that was it. There was sirens. Screaming. Crying then... Nothing.

Word count... 1451

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