Chapter 11

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{} okay okay no one rly reads these buttt just wanna know I write these for fun so don't judge uh but anyway hope you enjoy if your reading this!❤{}

I woke up still sitting on the sofa and wilbur was watching TV.
"Oh your wake!" he said with a smile.
"Good morning baby" I said softly still half asleep. I smiled as I got up and want to the kitchen making myself a cup of coffee when the door rang and I ran to the door. I opened the door and saw dream and the others.
"Oh it's you.. NOT THAT'S THAT'S A BAD THING BUT WASN'T EXPECTING YOU AND DISAPPOINTED- NO I'M NOT DISAPPOINTED BC YOUR FRIENDS BUT WE'LL YEH... I JUST WOKE UP LEAVE ME ALONE." I said keeping the door open yet going back to my coffee. I walked back into the living room and saw everyone sitting down so I went and sat down on on of the side sofas to drink my coffee.
"Heyy Y/N are you actually awake now?" dream said laughing.
"Yes. Ha. Haha. Ha." you said with a straight face the whole time.
"There was another knock on the door so I put my mug on the table and ran to the door again but I opened it and it was a delivery so I shut the door again and sat down on the sofa. Everyone laughed but dream got up and took the delivery from the guy just passing it to wilbur. He opened the box and immediately gave it to me.
"I'm not gonna question who ordered that" he said passing it to me. I opened the box and took out a 'hey sister' makupset and a pink glitterly dress. I almost died of laughter.
"What?" everyone questioned me except Tommy.
"I didn't order this" I said showing everyone. Tommy ran over to me and took the box.
"If you judge me you will fucking die bitches" he ran up to his room and came back down empty handed. We were all still dying from laughing and failing to breath.
"SHUT UP" Tommy said sitting back down. The door knocked for a third time and I walked over to it slowly.
"If this is another fucking random person" I said through shut teeth. I opened the door and saw Anne and a little boy who must be Leo.
"HELLOOO" I said steping outside giving Anne a hug and then Leo.
"Hauo" Leo said but still mumbled. We both laughed and went inside.
"Guysss, this is Anne and Leo" I said with a smile, Anne waved and quackity smirked standing up and waking over to Anne.
"Heyy mamazita" everyone cringed behind him and Anne just laughed getting a little red. She handed Leo to me and I went to sit down with him and wilbur whilst quackity and Anne even into the kitchen to get drinks.
"I shouldn't have told quackity she thought he was hot.." I said as everyone laughed. All the others went into the kitchen with quackity and Anne but me and Leo stayed in the living room.
"Y/Nn?" Leo said muffled. I laughed slightly "yea?"
"Look" he said holding up a plush that had been sitting on the sofa. I smiled and laughed as he walked over to me on the sofa and jumped around. Dream and wilbur stood in the door way watching me and Leo.
"Are you hungry?" I asked Leo as he stopped and looked at me. He nodded so I picked him up and rested him on my side walking past everyone and grabbing a bag of baby food bites from Anne's bag and going back to the living room.
"Look what's this?" I said holding a baby food bite out for him. He took it out my hand and looked at it for a while whilst I giggles to myself waiting for him to eat it.

*wilbur pov*

Me and dream watched Leo and Y/N for a while, Y/N has always liked kids an it was to cute. Dream rapper me on the shoulder and signaled for me to follow him so we both went into the movie room to talk.
"Have you and Y/N talked about like children?" he asked awkwardly.
"Okay butttt, Y/N loves kids to much to just never talk about it.." dream told me. I laughed to myself a bit.
"Listen I'll talk to her about it later, dream" I said waking back to the living room.
"Okay then." he said following me back to the living room where I saw everyone had sat down at the table waiting to eat lunch.

*Y/N pov*

"WE HAVE BEEN WAITINGGG" Tommy said bashing his cutlery on the table like some Viking.
"Dream pulled me away to talk about children" wilbur said to everyone. I jaw dropped.
"WELL" wilbur said scooting his chair into the table.

*time skip*

After lunch everyone sat down to watch a film. Anne let me stay with Leo so I sat down next to will ur again with Leo on my lap. I didn't even pay attention to the film I just watched out for Leo. Eventually he layed down in my lap playing with my hair and necklaces and soon fell asleep.
"About earlier at lunch.. Why do you always bring up conversation somehow linked to sex when im around.." Tommy said breaking the silence accept the film playing beforehand.
"Tommy we don't that just your mind" sapnap said laughing.
"Okay okay sure but they always have something to do with wilbur and Y/N like early at lunch wilbur was the one to say about kids and funny enough if it were to be with anyone here it would be with Y/N." he said sitting back. I buried my face in my hand.
"Tommy, shhh" wilbur said watching the film.

After the film finished Leo had woken back up and I gave him back to Anne so that me and wilbhr could sneak off. No one noticed because it was right as everyone was getting up but we managed to sneak off and when up into wilburs room. We laughed at he shut the door quietly.
"So uhm, I promised dream I will talk to you about this but- children Y/N.." wilbur said stepping closer to me.
"Wilbur don't worry I don't was kids u till I'm at least 21" I said with a giggle.
"Y/N you 21 in 2 months!" he said grabbing hold of my waist.
"Okay okay but children are cutee"
"Arnt I cute?" Wilbur said with boo boo eyes.
"No no your more sexy then cute" I said with a laught as I kissed Wilbur on the lips. He moved my hair behind my ear and lifted me up so I could kiss him properly.
"We need to tell everyone that were dating if we are?" Wilbur said only pulling away from the kiss to talk.
"Of course where dating I mean we only had sex twice and made out about 5 times within the last 2 week's." I giggled as he moved his lips to my neck but moving back to my lips when he realised he should give me a hicky right now..
"Ugh we have to go back downstairs" I said sobbing in his arms.
"Well we don't have tooo" Wilbur said pushing our noses right next to each others.
"Fuck is this a bad time to be turned on" I said to Wilbur with my fingers going through his hair.
"I can't say nope bc I am to" he admitted.
"Listen after" I shot my lips to his for a couple of seconds before pulling away and walking down stairs.

"WHERE DID YOU GOOO" dream said walking up to me.
"I went to.. The bathroom" I said with hesitation right as Wilbur walked down and went past me to sit down.
"Hmmm you went to the bathroom with Wilbur?" dream said laughing and sitting down. I just sat down next to wilbur and watched the TV with everyone else. Quackity and Anne where talking and laughing a lot at each other as if they where dating. Wilbur looked down at me and kissed me lightly on the lips.
"I don't have patients to wait till later" he said in a low voice to my ear.
"Wilbur! Get patients you know I whispered to him in a low voice back before we both laughed a little quietly.

"Wanna come to the park?" Tommy said standing up with tubbo.
"Yea sure" me tubbo Tommy wilbur sapnap and Karl where gonna go just dream quackity and Anne where staying to chill.
"Watch quackity fall I love whilst there's like no one else there." wilbur said laughing.
"Yep" Tommy agreed and so did tubbo.

We all got to the park and it was quite late so it was just a late night park trip. We made it home by 10:30 and all welcome ourself back inside.

{} A/N {}

Heyyy I'mma stop writing for now hehe but I'm writing more in the morning!!


Word counts 1565

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