Chapter 32

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We got back to our room in the boat and I started taking off my light makeup being interrupted by a knock on the door. Wilbur was in the shower so I finished taking off my makeup and walked over to the door opening it. I saw dream at the door smiling.
"I'd it okay if we all come over here? We wanna hang out where all bored" he said awkwardly.
"He's of course wilburs in the shower though I'll have to tell him" I giggled watching dream nod and walk of to tell the others to what I shut the door without locking it so they can come in.

"Will?" I knocked on the door to the bathroom.
"Hm?" I heard him from in the shower.
"The others are coming over so don't come out naked" I laughed locking the door with him inside.
"Yea I won't" he chuckled.

As I turned around I saw everyone coming in and sitting where they please.
"Hey" I smiled.
"Hola" quackity replied to me.

{} time skip {}

It was later that night and the others went back to there room.
"Hello" I said laying down next to Wilbur in the bed.
"Hello" I smiled at me turning in his side to face me.
I gently placed a kiss on his lips and watched his smile lighten.
"Your so cute" I smiled quietly.
"So are you" he frowned.
I nudged myself closer to him and felt him wrap his arms around me.

The next day I woke up to Wilbur leaving the room.
"Wilburrr" I frowned making him stop and turn to me.
"I'm just gonna go to clays room" he smiled leaving and I smiled back.
I finally got up and dressed so they I went to clays room and saw Wilbur there.
"Morning" George smile to me as I entered.
"Good morning" I smiled back.
"Where gonna go down to the pool again soon so go get ready" sapnap said.
"Okay" I spoke leaving again and going back to my room.
I put on my swimming suit under my cloths and then put on some shorts and Wilbur just put on his swimming suit. We all met at the pool and there was only 3 other friends in there. We all got in and of course sapnap an dream started splashing each other.
"I'm gonna go stop clay and Nick before they drown each other" I giggled going over to them and stopping them.
"Guys stop your gonna drown each other" I giggled.
"No. Well... It's possible" clay spoke watching sapnap and the water.
"Don't drown him" I said to clay catching his eyes.
"Fine" he sighed and I laughed swimming back to Wilbur.
"Fuck you" sapnap said as dream sifhed.
I stopped swimming back to wilbur when I saw the other people talking to him. I carried on going to him straight after but it was weird. The 3 friends where 2 girls and a boy and one of the girls where talking to will... Weirdly.
"Aha what's your number?" I heard her say as I got closer.
"Oh uh I can give it to you when I get out?" Wilbur said awkwardly.
"Hey" I smiled stopping when I got close enough to them.
"Hey." the girl said in discuss looking at me.
"We will be over at your room soon" he smiled at will leaving the pool.
"She invited herself over for fuck sake, the little bitch" Wilbur said as she left the pool room making me giggle almost falling back.
"Cmon let's get out otherwise she will like break in or something" he spoke getting out followed by me.
"Where gonna go back to our room" Wilbur said to the others and they need so we left.

Once we got back to our room Wilbur got the key and unlocked it closing the door behind us.
He got changed but I didn't bother as I had my shorts on and then my bikini top so I wasn't worried about it. A short knock on the door brought Wilbur to go answer it. Both the girls where standing there with a smile.
"Hey" one of them hugged Wilbur as he tried to back away.
"Hey." he faked a smile.
Her face was annoyed as she saw me sitting there but she carried on.
"Our other friend didn't want to come hes still in our room.
"Okay" Wilbur said awkwardly. "Hang on" he smiled walking into the bathroom and locking the door behind him.
The girls sat either side of me.
"Hey" I spoke to them both.
"You know you don't have a chance with will, he already loves us" the girl from the pool said. "I'm Bella"
"I don't have a chance?" I questioned them.
"Not one. Wilbur is mine" she sassed.
"You sure" I held in my laugh.
"Mhm and when he chooses me I guess you will be lost forever and lonely" she giggled.
"Mkay" I said.
"Don't cry or anything" the other side said joining in with the laughs as Wilbur came out of the bathroom.
"So uh, what do you wanna do" he said awkwardly again.
"Anything you want to do" Bella said standing up.
"Uhm, watch some tv? I don't know" he said sitting down next to me and turning on the TV.
"Sure" she said sitting as close to will as she could.
I didn't say anything yet and it would be even funnier if they found out I was Wilbur's girl friend at the end.
"You remind me of a streamer my brother watches" the other girl said from beside me.
"Really?" Wilbur spoke looking at her.
"Mhm" she giggled.
"Interesting" he said making me almost laugh.
"What so funny?" Bella said looking at me.
"Nothing." I lost my slight laugh and smiled at her.
"How did you meet will anyway" I asked her.
"In the pool, he was so nice to us" she smiled and Wilbur looked at me awkwardly with widened eyes.
"How do you know him?" she asked with sas.
"I've known will for a while, we met through some other friends" I said standing up as there was another knock on the door.
"HEY BITCHES" Tommy said loudly walking in.
"Who the fuck are these people" he said leaving again.
"Was that Tommy innt?" the other girl asked.
"YOUR WILBUR?" she said realising.
"Can I get a photo my brother will scream when I show him back at home.
"Sure?" he said as the girls tool a photo with him.
"You know Tommy and like the others?" she spoke.
"Yeah?" he laughed.
"I'm gonna go for a second to uh- yea I'll be back" I said quickly going to clays room.
"Just to let you know clay, there's some like self absorbed girls that are obsessed with Wilbur rn and they know us as streamers so yea don't be weird unless you really want a face reveal if that makes sense anyway bye" I said quickly going back to my room.
"She's back" Bella faked a smile.
"Thanks, very welcoming" I smiled.
"Where gonna go for food uhm, yea cya" Wilbur said standing up and walking out followed by me.
He locked everyone out and then we went down to the cafe and saw the two girls follow us and sit at our table.
"Oh hey" Wilbur said annoyed in his voice.
"Hey" she said flirty lookin at Wilbur who was sitting next to me.
I gave her a weird and annoyed stare but tried not to laugh still and she through I wouldn't have a chance and whatever.
"Hey guys" Tommy said crashing into us and sitting down with tubbo and George.
"YOUR ALL HERE WHAT THE HELL" the girl said.
"What-" George said.
"My brother loves all of you and watches all your streams.
"Oh uh yeh-" tubbo said knowing that we didn't like them.

After ordering all our food we started eating. (Of course Sherlock)
"So Wilbur where are you from?" the girl said and the others held in there laugh from my annoyed face.
"Uhm- (name a town idk)" he spoke.
"Oh same! We have to meet up soon" she smiled.
"Oh yea sure" he said awkwardly.
"So what about your number?" she asked making Tommy laugh then cover his mouth.
"Oh I left my phone in my room." Wilbur lied.
"Okay no worries" she said trying to be all flirty again.

{} time skip {}

The others left and it was just me Wilbur and the other girls now so we went back to our room but the others where in there.
"Your door was unlocked so you know" tubbo smiled.
I giggled and was okay with it but of course the girls weren't.

{} big time skip {}

The others left and it was getting later and later but the girls still didn't leave.
"It's getting late made you should go back to your room" I suggested.
"Yes soon." she said with a smug look.
"I'm gonna go make sure Tommy and tubbo are in there room" wilbur laughed as there was silence from there room next to ours.
"Okay" I smiled.
"Y/N really?" Bella asked.
"Wilbur is fucking mine so back of just leave he doesn't want you here" she spoke annoyed.
"This is my room-" I said trying not to laugh again.
"Hm sure" she frowned.
"Wilbur loves me not you okay?" she sassed again like always.
"Can you leave" I asked.
"Why. Wilbur. Don't. Like. You" she said in between claps.
"Excuse you" I was cut of by Wilbur opening the door.
"Can you guys go it's getting late your friend mine be worried.
"Oh will can you walk us back" he pouted.
"Sure?" he said grabbing my hand so I would come too.
"Whys Y/N coming she goes everywhere with you or something." she frowned again.
"Because she's coming okay?" he said leaving the room followed by the two girls.
"Here." Wilbur said as we got to there room.
"Oh please come in, Y/N can come" she smiled basically dragging Wilbur in followed by me.
"You know it's late maybe you should stay here" he said getting closer and closer to Wilbur.
"Uhm no thanks" he smiled walking back over to me and the door.
His hand locked with mine and I saw the anger on her face rise.
"Can you tell her to leave I've had enough, you obviously love me not her she's so... Annoying" she spoke to Wilbur looking at me.
"Wow" he said and we both walked out of the room and started dating of laughter.
"What the hell is going on" clay said stepping out of his room.
"No don't..dont worry" Wilbur said still in a laughing fit.
"Uh... Okay" he said leaving.

We got back to our room and went to bed waking up to knocks on the door.
"Hello?" wilbur got up and answered the door.
"Hey will" Bella smiled so I got up and walked to the door next to Wilbur.
"Where gonna go to the pool you should come" she smiled.
"Yes sure" he spoke.
"I'll wait" she stepped inside waiting as Wilbur got changed in the bathroom then I did.
"Cmon will" she said dragging his hand out the door to the pool as I got out the bathroom.

When we got there it was only her friends in the pool so me and Wilbur sat down at the edge.
"She's so annoying" he whispered as she swam to her friends.
"I know right she's a little bitch" I whispered back.
"I have an idea" wilbur smirked and locked eyes with me.
He held both my hands and pushed me lightly against the pool wall and kissed me not pulling away till the others came over.
"Wilbur- your cheating on me" she frowned.
"What?" he said turning to her.
"Your loved me!" Bella said.
"Bella, Y/N is my girl friend and she has been before I even met you. I don't like you. Go away" he smiled at her as sapnap and George walked in.
Her head locked on sapnap and she swam over to her.
"Rip sapnap" we both laughed slowly following her.
"Heyy can I get your number" she smiled getting close to sapnap.
"Fuck off" Karl spoke coming into the pool and standing next to sapnap in the water.
"What?" she spoke.
"He's mine" he frowned dragging sapnap away from her making us laugh.
Everyone we knew, who was here, came to the pool and we all sat around one of the corners in the pool when Bella came over.
"Hey" she said now getting close to clay.
"What- hi?" he said turning to her.
"Y/N all your friends are so hot" she smiled at me.
"I-" I was cut off by George.
"Bitch DNF now fuck of non of us like you, you and your friends are just needy and have no life plus you probably don't even have any friends there probably just people who stick with you because the only thing you have in common in your all ugly low life annoying and let me add, self absorbed shits" he smiled making all of us die laughing.
"George" clay said still laughing.
"What? To much?" he turned to clay as the three friends stormed off.

Word count: 2228

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