Chapter 3

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"Wait where is Y/N anyway?" dream said through the computer.

I was silent till I heard him say that, I jumped up speed walked over to Tommy who was in my chair and wacked him around the head gently.
"I'M HERE BITCH" I said leaning over Tommy into the mic.
"Wow" dream said and everything went silent.

*Y/U was blown up by a creeper*
"FUCK" Tommy yelled him dying on my account.
"Hey all my things!" I groaned
"Hush I'll get them back" Tommy replied
"Fine, I'm going to go get some food do you guys want anything?" I questioned.
"Sure whatever you have" Wilbur said with a soft smile looking at me.
"Yeh sure" Tubbo said, Tommy was too infested into the computer to notice my question or that I left.

Downstairs I didn't see my mum, I guessed she was still in bed as it was only 9:30 and made 3 plantes of avocado on toast but one had an extra slice incase Tommy wanted some. I went back up to my room and backed up into my door opening it as non of my hands where free to let myself in. Wilbur stood up and walked over to my grabbing a plate and I gave one to tubbo as he was right by the door. I sat down next to Wilbur on the bed with not realising how close we were in till he moved slightly. I heard him take a bite followed by.
"Wow this is good Y/N" wilbur said enjoying his food. I just smiled at him and carried in eating as I was hungry.

Tommy carried on playing Minecraft an yes he was given a slice of avocado toast. Once dream had to go he logged off my computer and turned around to face everyone else. I heard my phone go off and I picked it up turning it around to see I had a notification about the house. I quickly opened the message to see we were able to by it for less then our budget which I was happy about.
"We're able to buy the house!" I screeched but not to loud.
"Yess!" Tommy and Tubbo said together, Wilbur looked over my shoulder at my phone and then repeated Tommy and tubbos speech.

*time skip*

It was lunch time now, I just finished my lunch and headed over to Tommy's house to see Wilbur and Tubbo where already there waiting.
"Hey!" Tommy said opening the door.
"Bonjourour" Tubbo said trying to do a French accent. Wilbur just waved as I went and sat down next to him. I looked over to see they where on the house website ready to buy it.
"So we gonna do this?" Tubbo asked
We all nodded and tubbosoved the mouse pad over to the buy button and clicked it but let out a sigh where he had to type in his bank details. Once he was done he clicked continue and now let out a sign of exitment with the rest of us. We all cheered and I hugged Wilbur, it was more of an in the moment thing but I realise what I did and looked up at him pulling away. I stared into his eyes falling deeper an deeper as the time went bye and saw a smile form on on his face from the bottom of my view. I didn't want his to end, his eyes we're so perfect an it was life a dream apon life. We broke our stare by tubbo and Tommy standing up and going to the door waiting for us to get up and drive them to the house. I blushed a little but looked away trying to hide it.

After a somewhat long car ride to the house, will parked up outside and got the key out opening the door. We brought it already furnished and it didn't look too bad.

When you first went in there was a door way to the right and left, the left lead to the living room which also lead to the kitchen and outside where's the left lead to a dining room and a door leading kinda under the stairs was a movie room! There was a small storage area next to the stairs full of cleaning things and some spare bed seats/pillows.

When you first went in there was a door way to the right and left, the left lead to the living room which also lead to the kitchen and outside where's the left lead to a dining room and a door leading kinda under the stairs was a movie room! There...

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Rough sketch of down stairs, upstairs was just you would go up and to the left was Y/N's room, the bath room and part of tubbos room then on the other side was Wilbur and Tommy's bed room, ofc Wilbur had to be on the other side of the floor.

We all had taken our bags and stuff that we packed before and decorated a little more making our rooms more like us. After that I went down stairs to see what we just to make dinner.
"Do you wanna watch a movie for moving in together?" Tubbo asked us all.
"Yea sure!" I said walking over to the sofa and sitting down next to him, Wilbur came and sat on the other side of me where's Tommy went and sat on the other side of tubbo. We decided on watching (your film choice). After about half an hour in I fell asleep from being tired unpacking.

*Wilbur POV*

Y/N ended up falling asleep on me, her head was just about on my shoulder and her body was right up against mine leaning all her weight on me. I didn't mind I actually thought it was quite cute until Tommy looked over at me weirdly.
"What-" I whisper yelled
"Y/N- and you- LOVE BIRDS" Tommy said in a discusted awe. I rolled my eyes and gently rubbed Y/N's hoping not to wake her up.

*time skip*

It was around 12:48 now and Y/N was still asleep next to me and Tubbo was asleep on the side of the sofa. Tommy had left and went to bed a while ago but I stayed down stairs with Y/N. My arm was wrapped around her and I was running my hands through he hair when she woke up and looked up at me.
"Hey" I said with a slight laugh.


"Oh uh-" I blushed a bit realising I was right next to Wilbur but covered my fave trying to hide it.
"I know your blushing" Wilbur chuckled.
"Argh" I said flipping back down onto wills shoulder, he started to blush as well.
"I know your blushing" I mimicked Wilbur.
"Ahsshhhh" Wilbur said quickly standing up and picking me up taking me upstairs.
"Auh" I slightly screamed as he picked me up.
"You okay" he said so close to my ear that shivers ran down my back and left me with a smile.
"Yea" I said softly in his ear. We got to my room and he gently placed me on my bed as I was still half asleep and as he went to walk away I grabbed his hand, he looked back and we locked eye contact. A small grin formed on his face and he say down next to me. I yawned and hugged him. We were both facing each other and my fave was buried in his chest.
"Thanks" I said going bright red but he couldn't see me as it was so dark. It wasn't the first time we shared a bed because we have been friends for a while and of course had sleepovers before just this time it was different in a way. Do I have feelings for Will?

{} A/N {}

AHHH NO I FEEL I NEED TO CONTINUE WRITHING BUT IT'S SO LATE, if anyone sees this while I'm asleep then hi I will make another chapter before school tomorrow!

Word count: 1314

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