Chapter 29

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"Hey um I'm just gonna go to the toilet if there's one around here anywhere" I told Wilbur walking off.
I saw a toilet and started walking over as I genuinely needed one but also wanted to get away before someone worried. I saw him again... It was my brothers friend from before- I figured out his name was Michel am he was there again watching me as I came out the restroom. It was like he was following me when I was walking back till I felt a tap on my back and turned around.

Dream pov:

"I need a toilet I'll go find Y/N and see if she's found one and just finished he in general" I said looking at everyone and watching them nod until I left.
I saw Y/N looking scared and u could tell from when I was down the road. A guy quite tall tapped her on the back turning her around and she looked uncomfortable in there conversation...

Y/N pov again:

I turned around seeing Michel. I froze waiting for him to speak but first took a step back.
"Hello again Y/N" he said with a grin on his face.
"Hi." I said quickly wanting to leave an not feeling safe.

"Hey what's up?" clay said walking over making Michel who was trying to come closer to me hesitate.
"Hi, clay." I said looking at him scared.
"Cmon the others are waiting, bye sir" he said grabbing my hand and walking me away from Michel.
"Are you okay you looked scared a shit" he said looking down at me letting my hand go.
"Yes just bad pasts with him.. That's all" I said not wanting him to worry "please don't tell Wilbur I don't want him worrying?" I asked looking up at clay.
"Y/N if you don't want me to tell then sure" he smile.
I just stopped and so did he so u hugged him knowing I was safe around him. Dream was a close friend and I knew he would always be there for me.
"Cmon let's get back I'll say the toilets where just far" he chuckled followed by my giggle.

We got back I sat down next to Wilbur in the walk thing again and took a bite of his burger as I wasn't hungry enough to eat my own. I struggled as it was bigger then my small mouth and I watched Wilbur laugh as me trying to swallow it.
"Shut up" I giggled after I finished eating the bite. "Big mouth" I sassed.
"No your just small mouth" he chuckled over the top of my laughs and everyone else's conversations.
"Oh my god there's a sweet shop" I said watching a hot dog van move and reveal a sweet shop.
I looked at Wilbur then dream came over.
"Wanna go get sweets?" he asked looking at me an I nodded standing up and walk in over to the shop with him.
"It's him again, don't look for him he will come talk to you, well higher chance of it, if you do." clay spoke to me keep in his head on the path.
"What happened? Do you want me to come over to talk about it seen as you don't want to worry Wilbur" he smiled looking down at me.
"Yea... Invite sapnao or some in over as well or Wilbur will get suspicious and jealous" I giggled hearing his laugh.

We got to the sweet shop and got some random bag of stuff for everyone. Except the sour things as we all would die.

Karl pov finally:

"Don't you think clay and Y/N are together a lot this fine afternoon" quackity teased Wilbur.
"Quackity you have been single most your life you can't tease me about my own relationship" will said standing up making quackity cower at the height difference.
"Well I mean.." he said not finishing his sentence when they came back.
"Quackity shh" I said walking over to him and slapping the back of his head.

Y/N pov:

I put all the sweets on the table for anyone to take and saw someone's phone turn on and I looked over realising it was sapnaps phone and a girl text him. It wasn't mine to look at but I picked up his phone and laughed.
"Sapnap..." I said walkin over to him and every one he was talking to. "Hey baby are you free, sent from love heart emoji? Sapnap got a girlfriend" I giggled.
"What!?" I heard dream say beside me in a laughing fit.
"Hey give me that! My phone" he said trying to get the phone.
"Ooh another message. 'Baby how are you? Are you okay I miss you come over later winkey face heart" I chucked his phone at him watching him tack it before I fell back into my seat laughing.
I heard everyone else laugh around me at the messages.
"Well let's see your a wilburs messages!? Bet there weirder" he said staring at me and Wilbur together.
"Yeah!" quackity laughed.
"Hey that wasnt the deal" I said with my laugh fading.
"Cmonnn please" dream laughed.
I looked at Wilbur and he turned in his phone going to our messages. And before anything sapnap stole his phone.
"SAPNAP" Wilbur shouted as I giggled trying to get his phone back.
" 'HEY BUBS COME HERE I'M LONLEYYY sad face from Wilbur like last week' 'but I'm not tireddd' 'we've had th-" he was cut of by me jumping up and running over.
"DO NOT READ THAT CONVERSATION" I said holding his hands on wilburs phone still and scrolling down a bit more before standing next to him watching.
"Why what's there to hide" quackity laughed.
"Trust me we hear everything every night, you don't wanna know" tubbo said making everyone laugh.
"It's meant to- the things me and Tommy out uo with every night sounds wrong!" he spoke.
"Oh god" I said to myself looking back at wilburs phone still in sapnaps hand.
"Oooo 'come down stairs no one home and I'm bored' Y/N 'no you come here sad face my room had a door lock down stairs dosnt even have a door' 'I have to go out soon though I'm meeting with my brother' 'how long will you be' 'idk' then like a hour later 'wilburrr my brother told my parents about my sex life and now there coming over later' sent by Y/N 'whattt'"
"No!" I took wilburs phone and ran back to Wilbur with it.
"Don't worry I've had your phone the whole time an reading good lot of your messages" Karl laughed handing my phone back to me.
"Karl you know how where friends and you would never tell anyone my secrets, yeah maybe don't tell people what you saw" I said whispering the last bit.
"Hmmm" he giggled.
I realised it was quite late and as the conversations went on I say next to Wilbur with my arm around him and me face in his chest as a hug.
"It's late were gonna go now" dream said standing up.
"Yea cmon children" Wilbur said getting up and laughing looking at tubbo and Tommy.
He took my hand and helped me up and we all packed away our stuff but of course I didn't as i was clueless on how it all worked. I saw Michel still here and we locked eye contact but not in a friendly way... In a evil scary way. Dream walked over to me as everyone else was oblivious.
"Want me to still come over?" he asked stansing in front of me then following me eye contact to Michel.
"Oh uh yea it's only like 5" I smiled.
We both watched Michel walk over a bit closer and I was shaking the slightest but clay definitely noticed.
"Ignore him, your fine" he said taking my attention again.
"Maybe I should go talk to him" I said trying to leave and walk over to him but was stopped by clay grabbing my arms and pulling me back.
"Don't it's what he wants" he said to me as I was still watching Michel.
"But then he might go away... No- ugh he's so... Everywhere and manipulating" I said frustrated.
"Listen were going now, cmon" he said walking back to the cars with me but I saw Michel also now get into his car turning it on and waiting for... Us to leave? I quickly got into the car where I felt somewhat safe.
"Dream and sapnap maybe Karl and quackity are coming over after as well by the way" Wilbur said as turning the car on and reversing out the parking space.
"Yea okay" I said holding back my stutters.

After a long car ride we got home and all went to our house but I went straight in to my room followed by clay and I guess dream asked if Karl wanted to come to and I agreed.

Word count: 1511

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