Chapter 25

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After we all sat down and Tommy gave the tattoo artist a photo of them all together we had to decide who was going first.
"NOT ME" Tommy said backing up.
"It was your idea." I frowned at him.
"I'll go" Wilbur said putting his arm out.
We all decided before we were going to get the photo us on are arms and our names put under them.
"Name?" the guy said finishing the photo and starting the name.
"Wilbur" he replied watching him write his name on his wrist with the inky needle.
"Done" he said wiping wilburs wrist and scooting back in his chair a little.
It only took around 2 minuets so I was willing to go next.

After a while we all went and it was just Tommy left. Tubbo ha some screams but we were not ready for Tommy.
"Cmon nexttt" the guy said looking at Tommy.
"Shit" he said putting his arm down after he rolled us his sleeve.
Before the guy even touched Tommy he screamed "AHUAHHHH"
"Mate its fine" he said looking up with open hands.
He went back and started the photo then Tommy looked down at his arm in shock.
"Mhmmmhmumm" he said in a weird stutter.
After a while of Tommy flinching and squirming he was finished and we all had our tattoos together. Tommy of course payed and then we left.
"MY MOTHER WILL KILL ME" Tommy said as we sat in the car again.
"Your to TaLl" tubbo joked.
We all heard tommys groan a Wilbur started the car and drove home. We stopped and parked outside our house and went in with Tommy still streaming.
"NOW LET'S TALK ABOUT YOUR ANSWERS TO THEM QUESTIONS" quackity said walking out from the kitchen.
"How the fuck did you get in here, AND YESSS" Tommy said pointing at quackity.
"Magic" he said walking over to us all.
"What if we're dating and were old enough what do you expect me and wilbur to do?" I laughed at him walking past and into the kitchen getting a drink. I turned around with a cup of juice in hand and saw wilbur smirk and sit down. I walked over and sat down next to him as the others sat on the sofas nearby.
"How did you get in here..." tubbo asked concerned to quackity.
"Like I said little man, magic" quackity said getting up and letting himself out though the door. We all looked at each other confused and laughed as Tommy ended the stream.
"Right I'm off, tubbos making dinner" I said smiling at tubbo and walking upstairs with Wilbur. I shut the door turning to him and falling into his arms and sinking my head into his chest.
"What's up?" he asked kissing my forehead.
"I'm trieddd" I groaned before he picked me up and dropped me onto the bed laying down next to me.
"Film?" he said grabbing my TV remote and turning on the TV going to Netflix.
"Mhm" I said half awake.
Wilbur put on the film 'room' an we both dozed off before it really got to anything.

The next day I woke up to Wilbur nudging me. He was already dressed and looked as if he had been awake for ages.
"Get uppp, someone's at the door for you" he said helping me up.
I groaned and walked downstairs opening the door to see my brother.
"You- what do you want" I said in a large breath.
"Probably hate me still but I wanted to make it up to you," he said handing me a piece of paper with an adress and time "come if you want, it's a diener I thought we could just chat" he said watching Wilbur come down the stairs behind me.
I turned my head seeing Wilbur come down and walk into the living room.
"Yea I'll come.." I said turning my head back to my brother at the door.
"Okay CYA" he smiled turning around and going back into his car to which I shut the door and went over sitting next to wilbur.
"He invited me to a diener to chat and catch up, I said I'll go if it's okay with you?" I asked looking up at him.
"Yea of course, it's just your brother" I smiled giving me a kiss gently on the lips.
I smiled as he parted and we watching the TV again. After a while tubbo and Tommy came down and walked into the kitchen.
"Morning" I said to tubbo as Tommy walked out.
"Morninggg" he said in his sweet happy voice as he followed Tommy into the kitchen and they both sat down to eat a bowl of cereal.

After a couple of hours Tommy and tubbo went upstairs to stream then me and wilbur continued watching TV for a bit.
"I gotta go get ready to go out" I said looking at the time to see it was 12:27pm
"Okay" Wilbur said giving me another kiss as I stood up and went to my bedrook to get changed.
I picked out some leggings and a jumper and put it on before going back down stairs.
"Bye, love you" I said to Wilbur as I walked to the front door.
"Love you, bye" he said waving at me as I exited the house and went to my car unlocking it.
I drove to the correct adress and was lead to a normal diener so I went in a looked around seeing my brother in a table at the side. I walked over and sat down with him.
"Heyy" I said smiling.
"Aye, thought you weren't gonna come" he chuckled followed by my giggle. "What do you want to eat?"
"I'll just have a coffee for now" I said agusting my seat.
"Okayyy" he said as a waiter walked over and took our orders.

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