Twelve: Professor Aleksander Morozova

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Professor Aleksander Morozova

She'd rebuffed him. She was going to choose that brat Prince, and he was never going to get to know her taste ever again. He watched her slip into the safety of her classroom feeling like a lecher the entire time. He could see people with their phones out, stopping to whisper and watch. News had spread fast around Ravka, it seemed. Alina Starkov was the Princes new girlfriend and everyone wanted to watch her every move. Including heated nonsense conversations with a Professor that was older than her.

Clenching his jaw, he turned and left the history building. He didn't teach on Tuesdays, but he still had work that he needed to be doing. Not chasing after some co-ed. He went to his office. When he did, he was surprised to find that there was someone already in his office.

"The Apparat," he said, "one of the most powerful men in all of Ravka, here to visit me. What a pleasure, sir."

He was lying, of course. The Apparat was the leader of the Church of Saints. He had been responsible for banning things like the study of the small sciences and continuing on by indulging the King in his "Holy war" with Fjerda and the other countries that surrounded them. He had dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, and wore brown robes. He looked as though he hadn't seen the sun in days.

The religious figure head stood up. "Professor Morozova-----I'm certain you know why I'm here."

"Can't imagine why."

He smiled at him. "Come now, Aleksander. There is no need for us to act as though we are rivals."

"Yes, because every appearance you've given me in my life has been wonderful," he said bitterly, "what is it? What does the palace want now?"

"There's been some concern from the higherups about a certain student of yours," said The Apparat, "surely, you've seen the news. Miss Alina Starkov, I believe her name is?"

"Yes," he said, stiffening, "what about her?"

"We're going to be doing background research on her. The Prince is considering making Miss Starkov his wife, and the family was concerned about her history. She's an orphan with very little people in her life. However, we have noticed someone that has taken an interest in her as of late."

Aleksander stiffened. "Oh?"

"Yes," he said, "did you really think, Professor Morozova, that you could pick her up outside of the Princes apartment and no one would notice? There are paparazzi there at all times."

He laughed. "What, did they send you to try to appeal to my better nature? Because you should know, your Holiness, that I don't have one."

The Apparat stood from his seat and smiled. "Surely, Professor Morozova, you know of your family's special connection to the palace. I am perfectly aware that your Mother has told you about your origins. We've allowed you to exist because your Mother does not go out of her way to embarrass the royal family. However, if we were to find out that your sudden interest in Miss Starkov has to do with the Prince----"

Aleksander rolled his eyes. "The only reason I met Alina Starkov was because when she was seventeen, she was stumbling out of your Princes house when she was underage, and he was twenty. She was going home alone, and I offered the girl a ride. In case you've forgotten, I live within walking distance of the Prince's home because of the arrangement the palace made with my Mother."

The Apparat glared at him. "Do you know that if you have designs on the girl, we have a way's to get rid of you, Professor. And make certain that you never teach again. The girl clearly does not want any attentions from you. Miss Starkov is an orphan, and she has the opportunity of a lifetime to make her life better. It would be a shame if something or someone were to get in the way of that opportunity, don't you think?"

"Are you threatening me?"

The Apparat smiled. "I'm not threatening you, my son. I am merely asking you to take the knowledge you've learned from The Saints and apply it to your conscience. This girl has been fated to be the Princes; otherwise, why would she have been put in his path? You know that the Prince rules by divine right----"

"And you think it is the divine right that he marry a humble orphan girl from the middle of nowhere?" Aleksander said.

"It is not for me to speak for The Saints," he said, "but it is what the Prince wants, so it's what The Saints want for the girl. His desire is theirs."

He shook his head. "Listen to me old man, I don't give a fuck about The Saints, or your Prince, or anything else. I'm not going to let you force a young woman into something. If she doesn't want me, that's fine. But if she does, I will not deny her."

"We know all about your little secret society, Professor Morozova," said The Apparat, "we've allowed it to exist too long. Mostly because we believed that the information that you collect could prove useful to us someday. But this girl could topple your little empire that you've created for yourself. Are you really willing to risk that?"

"Are you willing to risk that the Royal Family and the Church knew of such an organization for so long and did nothing about it, no less?" he asked. "Everyone knows the people are clamoring for revolution. People are moving away from The Saints and the monarchs. They do not want to worship ancients, they want to see themselves represented. You know what I think, Apparat?"

"What?" he sneered.

"I think its you that should be scared of me. Because one call to the right person, and I could get you removed. So kindly, stay out of my business. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have work to attend to. So get the fuck out."

The Apparat shook his head. "You'll regret this."

"So will you," he said, "but at least I'll have more fun with mine." 

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