Twenty: Professor Aleksander Morozova

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Aleksander Morozova

There was a special initiation ceremony for Alina. The group of members had gathered. Kaz Brekker, who only seemed to be there for the connections. Jesper Fahey, who enjoyed all the things the society had to offer. Alexi Coffer. Toyla Yu-Bataar. When a young woman was initiated, they all came for what they called her claiming. They met at midnight by the statue of Saint Juris.

It was the statue of a knight as he was about to face off a dragon with a sword raised above his head. In the dark of night, him and the other members of The Society met at the statue. They were all wearing black cloaks. Alina was there at the statue waiting for him too.

She wore the same, white dress that she had worn when she had signed her contract. He had texted her later that afternoon telling her to. He wanted it to be what she wore when he fucked her for the first time. He liked the idea of her looking innocent as he took her for the first time.

The Society members all wore black cloaks. There were one hundred of them all together, although not all were there. It was a University after all, and students still had to study. Those that had been able to come all wore cloaks.

Aleksander stood in front of the statue of St. Juris. He wore a black masquerade mask and carried in his hand's pomegranate seeds. "You've taken flowers from me, dear Persephone. Now I must take your own dear flower, take my pomegranate seeds so that I might enjoy you in my dark kingdom for more than a few hours."

Alina locked eyes with him. He wondered if he would see fear there, but she was remarkably calm and collected. Her fingers grazed his hand as she reached out and took the pomegranate seeds from him. He gripped her hand tightly, just for a moment. Wanting to feel her skin against his. He would do more than feel her tonight.

He would taste every inch of her. Devour her. Cum inside her.

He finally let her hand go, and Alina took the pomegranate seeds. She seemed to count them.

"Well," he said, "I've given you my price, Persephone. Seeds for the kingdom. Are you going to take it?"

She shoved the pomegranate seeds into her mouth. When she did, she locked eyes with him. "I'm going to take it fucking all," she replied, with a look of venom in her eyes.

He smiled at her. "I cannot wait my dear. Now, it's time for you to see the kingdom."

He led her away from the group. His car was there. He opened the door for her. Once she was inside, he took off his cloak and tossed it in the back. Then he got inside and started to drive to the clubhouse.

She was silent.

"I see you got my message," he said, "about wearing the dress from this afternoon."

"I did," she said, "how did you get my cell phone number?"

"Student guidebook," he said, "I'm not near as nefarious as you seem to think, Miss Starkov."

"Nothing like blackmail and coercion to get a girl hot and bothered, is that it?" she said.

"Perhaps," he said, "depending on your kinks. But we'll learn about those. We'll be experimenting a lot. I'll want to know how to please you, Alina, just as much as you'll want to please me."

"What happens if I become pregnant?" she asked.

"We'll be using protection," he said, "and I've already arranged for you to have a visit with a doctor to get birth control. I assume you're not on it?"

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