Fifty-four: Professor Aleksander Morozova

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Professor Aleksander Morozova

Nina was in the room with him She snuck in through the back, as he delivered the pictures to Zoya, who was going to deliver them to Brekker. She would also grab pictures that Nina had taken that day of Aleksander talking with Zoya. Because there was a story that he was going to tell, and it had to be done perfectly. And Zoya had agreed to it if only to stop Nikolai from marrying Alina. When Aleksander pulled Alina in, she stared at the two of them.

"What's going on?" she demanded. "Are you sleeping with Nina too?"

Nina laughed. "Oh please. He couldn't handle me. Also, Matthais would kill him."

Aleksander rolled his eyes. "Alina, the only woman I've bene with since we were together is you. No one else has been in my bed. Actually, I've been frustrated because I couldn't get Zoya to go back to Nikolai's bed."

Alina raised an eyebrow. "The girl that I met in the hallway is---"

"Madly in love with Nikolai and ridiculously stubborn," said Nina, "but it's fine, we're going to fix everything. But we need you to do something for us."

"It's going to mean you won't have the support of the Queen for Mal," said Aleksander, "but Alina, I promise you, he's going to be taken care of. Everyone is going to be taken care of."

She frowned. "What about Nikolai?"

"Nikolai will end up with exactly who he's supposed to end up with," said Aleksander, "but it's going to involve you.... releasing some pictures. Zoya already approved of this. In fact, that's what she was here delivering. That whole little scene in the hallway was just in case there were any press spying on the building."

Alina stiffened. "Press? You think they knew about this place?"

"No," said Aleksander, "not yet. But they will."

He handed her his cell phone, and there were pictures. Of Nikolai and Zoya, going as far back as right around the night of Alina's first date with him. They were together. "These are intimate," said Alina, "I don't know if I feel comfortable releasing these."

"Please," said Nina, "when was the last time someone rich and beautiful didn't bounce back from a sex scandal? Unless they were doing something illegal. In which case, these two weren't."

Alina took a deep breath. "Alright. What do I have to do?"

"You're going to release the pictures on the Instagram, tag the official royal Instagram, and Nikolai's, and Zoya's, as well as the King and Queen. And then you're going to put simply, "I know" and wait."

Alina sighed. "I don't.... I don't want to go back to the apartment."

"Go to the hospital," said Aleksander, "wait with Mal. I'll come to you, alright? Keep your cell phone off for a little bit...."

"How long?"

"Until midnight," Aleksander said.

"What's happening at midnight?" she said.

"Do you trust me?" he asked.

Alina hesitated. He had done nothing but lie to and manipulate her. She was carrying his child, and that had to mean something, didn't it? "Alright," she said, "I'll turn my phone off and I won't turn it on until midnight. I'll go see Mal."

"Good," he said.

He reached out and squeezed her hand. "I told you, we were going to get everything we want, Alina. We're going to have to go far into the darkness to get it. But when we get it, we're going to come out into the sunlight, and enjoy every bit of it. Now, post those pictures for me?"

"Alright," she said.

She logged into her Instagram account, and she tagged the royal family like he told her, and she captioned it 'I know'. Then, she shut her own phone off. Aleksander cupped her chin and kissed her deeply.

"You're beautiful," he said, "I love you, and this is all going to be worth it in the end. I promise you, Alina."

"You really love me?" she whispered.

"I really love you." He kissed her again, then glanced at Nina. "Take her out the back and get her to the hospital."

"Of course," said Nina, "come on, Alina. Got to get you out of here before the chaos starts."

"What does that even mean?" Alina said. She glanced over her shoulder at Aleksander. "Aleks, you're not going to do...anything violent are you?"

He smirked. "It's a kind of violence. But not the kind of thinking. Go see your soldier boy Alina, and I'll come to you when everything has been taken care of."

"Alright," Alina said, "I'll go see him. Aleks...."

"I'll be careful," he said, "I promise."

Then, he bent down, and he kissed her stomach. Then kissed her again. "By midnight, all of the pieces will have fallen into place. Wait for me, and I'll be there."

Alina nodded, trying to ignore the sense of dread that was coming over her. She felt like she had the day she'd had to hide in the woods as her parents had gotten shot at. Frozen, helpless. Except this time, there was nothing and no one to hide her from whatever was coming next. This time, she was completely exposed. She placed her hands on her stomach. And it wasn't only her. It was her child, also.

"Come on," said Nina, "we've got to go."

He watched from the window as Nina and her exited the back, and then she was pushed into the car and drove away. As the car drove off, he saw Alina look out the window, up at him. He pressed his hand against the window pain. The next few hours were going to be chaotic. But it was worth it. Because he and Alina would get to live happily, ever after. And there wouldn't be a single soul that could stop them from it. Royal or otherwise.  

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