Five: Alina Starkov

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Alina Starkov

He remembered her. She was giddy about it. When she left the lecture hall and had walked home, she hadn't been able to stop smiling. Professor Aleksander Morozova looked like a model, and he was brilliant too. In that first lecture, he had discussed myths, and how they reflected the world around them. But as she walked home, she also remembered the promise she had made to Nikolai. She'd agreed to date him for a year. If she didn't fall in love with him, she'd get one million kruge.

She would be set for life. She could get a house of her own, pay off her student the world would be hers for the taking. She could get a job she enjoyed, instead of a job that she hated. The trouble was though, she'd still have to date Nikolai. For one whole year, she'd be the Prince of Ravka's girlfriend. Everyone would be watching her.

Alina made her way up the front stoop, and then she opened the door and made her way up the stairs.

"YOU'RE GOING OUT WITH NIKOLAI!!!" Genya shouted the minute that she stepped through the door.

Alina found herself being hugged tightly by her best friend. "Genya," she wheezed, "Genya---I can't go out with Nikolai if you suffocate me".

"Oh, sorry," Genya apologized, "and I've got the perfect dress for you! I bought it ages ago."

Alina sighed. "Genya, I'm not a doll. You can't always dress me."

She placed her hands on her hips. "This isn't for me. This is for the royal photographers."

"You really think there are going to be royal photographers at my first date with Nikolai? In his apartment?"

"When your royal, there are always photographers. Just let me show it to you before you decide."

She sighed. "Fine."

Genya clapped her hands and went to her room. She came backout holding a golden, sparkling short dress.

Alina couldn't help but be taken away by it. "Genya, that's stunning."

"Good," she said with a smile, "because I actually didn't buy it, I made it. I know my father's making me major in business, but I think I'm going to do a double major in fashion as well and start my own clothing line."

Alina smiled. "That would be perfect for you. You really made this?"

She nodded.


"Remember when I told you I was doing hot yoga?"

"Yes, I thought it was weird you never came back sweaty."

"Well, I was really sneaking off to David's dorm room to work on this for you. That's how we got together, actually. I was spending so much time over there we just kind happened on his drafting desk one night."

Alina smiled. "Of course, it did."

"Anyway, you're going to be the Future Queen. Your love story has to look perfect. As your future cousin-in-law, I've decided to make it my mission to make it happen."

"You are ridiculous."

"Ridiculous, yet fashionable. Come on. Let me play dress up for the fairytale of a lifetime."

Alina rolled her eyes. "It's one date."

"It's true love!" Genya gushed. "Unless there's some tall, dark mysterious stranger that's going to sweep you away in the next few months I think Nikolai is literally your prince charming."

Alina stared at her, half wondering if Genya somehow knew about Professor Morozova. Except Alina hadn't breathed a word about her car ride home with the Professor to her friend. Genya made a face.

"Are you alright?" she asked. "You look.... like you're going to be sick or something. Are you nervous?"

Alina forced a smile. "I'm just going on a date with the Future King of Ravka. No pressure."

Genya smirked. "Absolutely. There's the brave, scrawny girl that I know and love."


Genya coughed then shoved the dress at her. "Go get changed. When you're done, I'm giving you your Pretty Woman moment."

"You're going to make me into a hooker?"

Genya rolled her eyes. "Don't be one of those."

"One of those what----"

"Changed! Now!" she said, shoving her into her bedroom.

Alina sighed, and changed into the dress. She thought of herself going to Professor Morozova's office, of knocking on his door. She wondered what his reaction would be to seeing her in the----

"Alina!" Genya called. "Come on, we've got a makeover to do."

Alina took a deep breath. "Right."

She went to the door and Genya's eyes widened. "You look perfect!" Genya said, and she pulled her into her room so that she could do her hair and makeup.

It was an hour later when Genya declared that she was finally done. Alina looked at the mirror, and she felt like herself only with a little more glittery eyeshadow.

"Oh! One more thing." Genya went to her jewelry box and rummaged through it. She took out a silver bracelet, complete with a decorative little blue heart on the middle. The date was engraved, Alina noticed.

"To remember your first date with Nikolai by," said Genya, "and to be your something old and blue at the wedding."

Alina smiled at her. "Genya, you're sweet. You're delusional that you think that the little orphan girl from Keramzin is going to be Queen, but you're sweet."

"I'm not delusional. I just believe in true love!"

She laughed. "Well, I'm glad David and you have found it. I'm wearing this only because you got it got me. Got that?"

"Alright, party pooper."

Genya slipped the bracelet on her wrist. "There. Now, go make him fall even more fabulously in love with you."

"Pain in the ass," she said.

"Someone has to be, darling. Now go. I believe there should be a car waiting for you out there right now, at least if we timed everything right."

Alina frowned. "You talked about this whole thing with him, didn't you?"

"Possibly," she said, grinning, "I can't just let anyone marry my cousin now, can I?"

Alina rolled her eyes and found herself being pushed out the door by Genya. Outside waiting for her was a sleek black car, and a driver waiting for her with the door opened. The bracelet around her wrist suddenly felt heavy somehow, and the fancy car was practically a seduction itself.

I could get used to this, she thought, and then, Saints forbid. 

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