Twenty-two: Professor Aleksander Morozova

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Professor Aleksander Morozova

He woke up with her warm body pressed against hers. It took everything in his power not to start playing with her then and there to wake her up. Though he did kiss her neck as she slept. Alina groaned, and stirred awake, and his cock was pressing into her ass she did. "Um...." were her first words to him.

"Morning," he said.

She rolled over halfway on her side to look up at him, and blushed. He liked seeing a blush on her cheeks. He intended to make her do it more often. "Good morning," she murmured, "I see you are happy to see me. I can feel you."

He smiled. "Yes Alina," he said, kissing her, "I am very happy to see you."

He stroked her hair back behind her ear. She reached up and brushed back a stray strand of his hair as well.

"How are you feeling?" he asked. "Are you sore?"

"A little," she said.

"Well, perhaps you should rest then. Spend the whole day in bed with me."

She shook her head. "I can't. I have classes. And I have to emerge sometime, otherwise Nikolai will come looking for me. Don't want that now, do we?"

"Unless, of course, you'd like to invite him to join."

"You like men?" she asked.

He smiled. "Who am I to turn away beauty if it's offered to me? Much less, who doesn't want to fuck a Prince? I'm a man who likes his indulgences."

She didn't say anything. She got oddly quiet again.

"I'll order up breakfast for us."

"How?" Alina said. "You don't seem like the cooking type."

"I'm not," he said, "however we do keep a chef on retainer. He's a student from the culinary school, makes excellent waffles."

She smiled. It was the most beautiful thing he'd seen in the mornings. He wanted to wake up to it always.

"Waffle's sound good," she said.

"We'll get some food in you, and then I am going to have you as my second course. In the shower."

"In the shower?" she said. "Do you think that I'm ready for that?"

"I think you're ready for everything," he said, "and I intend on showing you it all."

"Aleks...." She whispered his name.

"What?" he said.

"What happens after the four years is up? What happens if Nikolai actually proposes----"

"We'll address that when it comes to it," he told her. Then he got up and he grabbed his cell phone from the nightstand. He called down to room service, which would be one of the initiates. They'd take their orders and bring them food.

"But what is this?" she said.

"This is an arrangement," he said, "you signed a contract, and you are fulfilling that contract."

"And what about feelings?" she asked. "What about love? Aren't you supposed to love the people that you have sex with?"

He shrugged. "What we're doing isn't about love, Alina. What we're doing is about desire. Indulgence. Love is a luxury we can ill afford."

"I loved Mal," she said, "and I think he loved me."

"Did anything ever happen between you?" he said.

"No," she admitted, "nothing ever did."

"Love doesn't define everything. Love can fade. Intimacy, I'd say that's more important than love because if you don't have that, how can you even begin to love someone?" he said.

"Is that what we have?" she asked. "Intimacy?"

He reached out and kissed her hand. "It doesn't matter what we have."

"Why not?" she asked.

"Because," he answered, "I have a binding contract that says I get to have you anyway I want, anytime I want for the next four years. I'm going to know you in ways that no one else ever will, Alina. Your Prince or soldier might know your heart, but hearts can be swayed. It's a lot easier to make your body forget the imprint of my touch. I don't need your heart to have you. All I need is for you to desire my skin on yours, and that is more powerful than any feelings your heart will ever have."

There was a knock on the door then. He smiled. "That will be our breakfast."

He went to open it, and one of the younger initiates came in with a cart that had a tray two plates of waffles. They were covered in butter, syrup, powdered sugar, and strawberries. There was also two cups of orange juice.

"Thank you," he said, nodding at the young society member. He pulled the cart over to the bed.

"I know you want something more, Alina," he said, "and I'm fine with that. I would never expect you to look for love with me though. I am, quite simply, not a man that could be loved."

Alina frowned. "What makes you say that?"

He hesitated. "There's a darkness that surrounds my life. One that I can never fully escape from. If I were to love someone, I'd be worried they'd be a target of it every second."

"Then," said Alina, "if this isn't love.... if it won't or can't be.... what is this?"

He smirked. "We are simply two people giving into our desires with a mutual respect for one another."

"You respect me?"

"Yes," he said, "very much so."

"Well," she said, "I suppose that's better than thinking of me like a present...."

He laughed. "I would never do such a thing. Besides, after what I've experienced, you're more of a dessert anyway. Now, eat up, because I intend on eating you next."

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