Twenty-six: Professor Aleksander Morozova

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Aleksander Morozova

There was a stranger in his office. It was the second time that this had happened within the past month. Only this time, the stranger wasn't there to intimidate him. It was to annoy him. "Morozova!" his cousin called as he entered the office. Aleksander winced. The very last person that he wanted to see. His Royal Highness Prince Nikolai Lantsov.

The blond young man turned as he entered. Aleksander rolled his eyes. "Lantsov," he said, "what are you doing in my office?"

"I'm inviting you to our dear cousin's birthday," he said.

Aleksander took a deep breath. He had hoped to avoid this. Most of the time, he managed to avoid his connection to the royal family. Every once and a while, one of his family members got the need to be "inclusive" and invite him to something. Nikolai was the worst, as the young man couldn't fathom anyone hating him. He didn't understand that when Aleksander looked at him, all he thought about was killing him.

But he knew how difficult the royals could make life for people. He smiled and made nice with the young Prince even though he was his least favorite person. "Must I come?" Aleksander said.

Nikolai nodded. "I'm trying to impress a girl. You might have seen the news."

Aleksander took a seat in his desk chair. "I believe I've seen something about you having a new consort."

"Yes," Nikolai said, "and she's in your class too! Your teachers assistant."

He raised his eyebrow. "Teacher's assistant?"

"Alina Starkov," he said, "now you don't have to come to Genya's party. I know that won't be any fun for you at all, old man. But the family is gathering at the chateau for Solstice, and father is insistent that you come. He wants to get your perspective on the girl. Thinks you know honesty more than others or something."

Aleksander laughed. "Maybe."

"What do you say?" Nikolai asked. "The girl's going to be my future Queen if all goes well. It's going to be two weeks. She doesn't have any family, and I'd like for her to have people to talk to. Genya says she speaks highly of you and that you're one of her favorite teachers. Tell me you'll come, Morozova."

Two weeks in The Islands with Nikolai and Alina.... not being able to touch her or be near her the way that he wanted. He would go crazy. But if he said no, they would want to know why. They would think that there was something wrong with Alina. He had no choice but to agree to what sounded like the worst vacation of his life. "Fine," he said, heaving a sigh, "I'll come."

Nikolai slapped his hands together. "Excellent! That's going to make everything more wonderful."

"Are you actually going to propose to the little orphan girl?" he said. "What about you and that law school student you were seeing?"

At the mention of Zoya, Nikolai rolled his eyes. "Zoya has her sights set on things other than being Queen. No, Alina is exactly the girl that will be perfect for me. She has a mind of her own but.... she can be bought."

Aleksander frowned. "What do you mean?"

Nikolai leaned back in his chair. "Well, I don't mean to be coarse, but she's a girl that has nothing. Once she's a Princess, she isn't likely to cause much conflict. She's got everything to lose. We've got a contract stating she'll date me for a year and she'll be paid if she doesn't fall in love with me, but I've got everything the girl could want. I don't think that it will be very hard to convince her to be my bride, and once she is, I don't expect I'll have too much trouble from her. Not to mention it will help the public to see someone that is like them and pacify tensions a little bit between us and the people."

"You want her to be a prop?" Aleksander said.

He shrugged. "That's what I need from a wife. Someone that is going to make my life as King easier, not harder. That was why Genya suggested her in the first place. She saw how she was with that friend of hers. He barely gave her the time of day, and she was still completely devoted. She won't be boring, but she won't be difficult. It's the perfect medium for me. And of course, she'll be completely in debt to me and the family. Won't be a problem at all."

Aleksander clenched his jaw. "If you had a read on her already, what do you need me for?"

"To make me seem more intellectual and less shallow, of course," he said with a grin, "also because father says."

Aleksander raised an eyebrow. "Did he really?"

"The Apparat wants a show of family unity when it comes to Miss Starkov, it would seem," he said, "he thinks that if someone disapproved it would set a bad precedent for her. So, everyone is going to be involved. Including our---'honorary members'."

Aleksander laughed. "Is that what we're calling bastards now? How colorful."

"Thought it was original," Nikolai said with a wink.

"I'll be certain to use it next time," he said. "Find out her favorite books, 'cousin' of mine."

Nikolai raised an eyebrow. "What for?"

"She'll be impressed if you have them there for her. It will make her think that you've got something in common."

Nikolai smiled at him. "Thank you, my dear 'honorary member'. I'll be certain to remember that. Should I bring out the first editions?"

"Of course," he said, "the fancier the better."

"I'll be certain to thank you in the vows at the wedding," he said, "I'll see you in the winter, then."

Aleksander got up and patted his 'cousin' on the shoulder. Nikolai winked, and then left. When he was gone, Aleksander muttered under his breath, "My fucking half-brother." 

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