Forty-four: Professor Aleksander Morozova

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Professor Aleksander Morozova

The Islands were off of the coast of Ravka. They had a proper name but no one ever used it. Technically, they were not owned by anyone. They were their own little world away from everything, but the royal family did have a chateau there. Because of that they were seen as Ravkaan. The royal family were taking their own, private jet there. Aleksander would be going with the rest of them. A long plane ride with the whole family, and Alina. It was going to be torture knowing that he couldn't touch her or kiss her or do any of the things he wanted with her.

Nikolai was happy. The news was talking about their romantic engagement. How they were in the club at the explosion. How after, they'd both been so overwhelmed at the thought of losing each other, he'd pulled out the Lantsov emerald and proposed. He'd also been carrying the Lantsov emerald in his pocket for several days. There were pictures of them outside of the nightclub as the proposal happened in the street. It had been perfectly timed. As it should have been, because Alina had timed everything herself.

"Aleksander!" his father called him from the limo that he had just gotten out of. The king was red faced, having already partaken in a little drinking on the way evidently. "My dear boy. The Professor arrives! How are you, old chum?"

He smiled at him as his father patted him on the shoulder. "Wonderful," he said, "I hear not only are we celebrating Genya's birthday party and Solstice, but we're celebrating an engagement."

"Yes, yes," he said, "you're dear brother is dating one of your students, haven't you heard? Helluva girl, Alina Starkov. Gorgeous."

He winced. His father never did know when to stop. "Yes, she is. An excellent student. She's in my class. Bright girl."

"Good," he said, "we're going to need a smart heir."

"Of course," said Aleksander, "but aren't you going to make an announcement about that?"

He smirked. "You've been talking to Nikolai, haven't you?"

"Yes," he said.

"Well, that's why everyone was invited," the King said, "there's going to be some changes as far as heirs go. Could be in your favor, if you could ever find a girl and settle down. Are you seeing anyone? What happened with that pretty law school student?"

He smiled. "She has other ambitions. And I don't believe they include being a wife and mother."

"Ah, ambitious. Those ones are always trouble. Better to find someone that isn't so much hassle."

Aleksander knew that if his father didn't have a title and power, he would have been punched every day of his life. It took everything in his power not to hit him now, and he didn't know how he was going to survive the plane ride with him. But he had to. Because this was the final nail in the coffin. Alina and Nikolai were engaged. And he would put the final touches on his little plans once his father made the announcement.

"When are you making the announcement?" he said.

"At Solstice dinner," he said, "at the same time that Nikolai's engagement will be announced officially. There's been chatter because it was so public, but the palace hasn't released an official statement yet. Once we announce it to the family, then they'll do an official engagement release."

"Those pictures from the club were interesting," said Aleksander, "did they ever find out what happened?"

"It seems to be a random incident," said his father, "although there was a Fjerdian soldiers uniform found but there was no one there that fit that description that we could find in the surveillance footage."

"Well," he said, "I'm sure that it was something completely random."

"Most definitely. Someone playing a prank, I think."

Nikolai's car arrived then. Matthias and Nina got out, and opened the doors for Alina and Nikolai. Nikolai helps Alina out instead. Alina is wearing a sweet, pink dress he suspects was picked out for her by Nikolai's hair and makeup team. Nikolai is wearing a white, buttoned up dress shirt and black pants. The green Lantsov emerald glittered from Alina's finger.

"Brother!" Nikolai said as he made his way over to him. "You saw the good news?"

"Of course I did," he said, "congratulations, brother. Alina, best wishes."

Alina smiled up at him. Was it his imagination or was it a pained look?

"Are you alright, Miss Starkov?" he asked.

Nikolai squeezed her shoulders. "She's had a bit of food poisoning, I'm afraid. But you'll feel better once we get to the chateau."

"I've got sleeping pills with me," she said, "I hope you don't mind, but I think I'm going to have to sleep on the plane."

"That's alright," he said, "you can sleep on my shoulder. I'll be your pillow."

She smiled up at him. "You're sweet."

"Couples," Aleksander muttered, unable to help himself.

Nikolai smiled. "Oh, cheer up brother. Maybe you'll meet someone at the wedding."

At the wedding, indeed. If Aleksander had any say about it, there would be no wedding. He just had to make it through this week. That was it. Then, Alina would be his, and he would be one step closer to the crown.

Genya's car pulled up then, and she got out with David. She was wearing sunglasses. "Birthday week going well?" he said, smirking at Genya.

"Fuck you," she muttered, "and yes."

The King chuckled. "Alright, everyone. Onto the plane." 

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