Forty-two: Professor Aleksander Morozova

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Aleksander Morozova

The night before Genya's party, he was in his office in the society. Wylan Van Eck stood before him, one of the members of The Dregs. The indie band Kaz Brekker had with his little group of ruffians. "The bomb will go off backstage," said Wylan, "we've given it just enough power to mean the club will have to shut down but not enough power to hurt anyone."

"You're absolutely certain?" Aleksander said.

"Yes," said Jesper Fahey, "Wylan and I tested several of them using old, abandoned barns we'd found."

"Old, abandoned barns?" said Aleksander. "Is that safe?"

"No," "Yes."

Aleksander wasn't sure who had said which, Jesper or Wylan or Wylan and Jesper.

"And how did you get the resources to do this?" he asked.

"I'm a chemistry major," said Wylan.

Jesper laughed. "Don't be modest, Van eck. It isn't cute. Besides, it isn't like he didn't recognize your name."

Wylan sighed. "My father's the head of Van ek industries. He's a war monger and a bastard."

Aleksander laughed. "Not in the traditional sense of the word, I take it?"

"No," said Wylan, frowning, "not in the traditional sense of the word."

"Right," said Aleksander, "I've got the stad watch on stand by."

"How did you manage that?" Jesper asked.

"I've got friends in all sorts of low places, Mr. Fahey," he said, "and you managed to get the Fjerdian soldiers uniform?"

"From the drama department," said Jesper, "definitely worth it with the actress---"

Wylan shot him a look. "You said nothing happened."

Jesper tossed an arm around his boyfriend's shoulder. "Nothing did happen. It was only flirting."

"Right," said Aleksander, "then everything is accounted for."

"Yes," said Jesper, "it's going to happen right around happy birthday, when they bring out the cake."

"Excellent," he said, "then we've an arrangement. Once it's done, I'll wire you the money."

"Good," said Wylan, "Kaz will be looking forward to it."

"Can I ask you a question?" Aleksander said.

Jesper smirked. "You can. We might not answer."

"What's Brekker doing?" he asked. "With the maps?"

Jesper raised an eyebrow. "How do you know about the maps?"

"A little birdie whispered it into my ear," he said.

Jesper shook his head. "Was that birdie the name of Pekka Rollins?"

He smirked. "Perhaps."

"We don't know, to be honest," said Jesper, "that's between him and Inej. We think it has to do with them trying to find her parents. Inej lost her family because of the war. She doesn't know if they're alive, or dead, and she's been struggling to survive in Ravka ever since."

"And her and Brekker are they...."

Jesper shook his head. "They weren't involved," he said, "originally, Inej was brought into the society by someone else, and Kaz bought out her contract."

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