Chapter 2

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Just as Harry turned around to go and grab a drink, a head of blonde bounded up to him.

"Hello Harry, Gemma."

"Hi Niall." Harry grinned.

"Are you going to be playing croquet?"

"You know father insists on it." Harry sighed, "I think it's downright cruel."

"I'm sure the flamingos nor hedgehogs mind." Niall shrugged.

"I'd mind."

"Harry, I'm going to go over there." Gemma nodded behind her, "I'll see you later. Probably at the croquet tournament."

"Okay." Harry nodded, "yeah."

"Why were you so late?" Niall turned his head to face Harry as they began to walk.

"Couldn't find anything to wear. I really like your outfit by the way." He looked Niall up and down. He was wearing a light blue suit, a white shirt with vertical stripes underneath. "Oh I do wish I had had more time. This outfit feels far too miserable for such a lovely day."

"Thank you, mum made it. She said she needed more to do with her time so she learned how to sew. Bloody good at it she is too."

"Father's being more strict than normal with what I wear at the minute. I tried to wear my pink suit the other day and he slapped me around the back of the head."

"You know he shouldn't hit you." Niall frowned.

"Oh, don't worry. It wasn't much." He shrugged. "It was my fault really."

"It's still not right."

"Well," Harry started, "what can you do? He is the king. Oh, cake! Would you like a slice Niall?"

"Yeah, yeah. Sure. Are you alright though?"

"Of course I am." He smiled brightly, cutting two slices of cake and handing one to Niall. "Is Zayn here?"

"I think so. Do you want to go and find him?"

Harry nodded, but just as they started walking off his name was called.

"Croquet will start within the next 5 minutes. I want you to be on time and I want you to win."

"But father," Harry protested, "you know how awful I am at croquet. I can try my best but-"

"You will win. Okay?" A stern voice interrupted him.

"Okay." Harry muttered.

"And for god's sake boy, speak up."

"I'm sorry father." He nodded. "It won't happen again."

"It better not." He glared before turning on his heel.

Harry sighed, biting his lip as he furrowed his brow.

"You alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry." Harry dismissed it, "I need to find Gemma."

"Come on then. She's over there." Niall nodded his head.

Harry followed after him, thankful when he spotted Gemma. "Niall, is it okay if I just talk to her on my own for a second? Sorry."

"No, don't worry about it. I'll go and see Zayn." Niall smiled.

"Thank you." Harry walked up to Harry, clearing his throat, "Gem?"

She apologised to the woman she was talking to before turning to Harry. "Yeah Harry?"

"Um, I need to win croquet. But I can't play croquet, I don't know what to do. If I don't win he'll get mad."

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