Chapter 33

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"We're here!" Louis threw a hand in the air, laughing excitedly.

"I'm going to fall off Perseus in a minute." Harry murmured, eyes heavy with sleep.

"Chin up buttercup, we're here!"

"Have you been here before?"

"Nope, have you?"

"Didn't know it existed."

"Apparently only Zayn's family know, and the person who sold them the land. Your father doesn't know."

"So we're safe. We're really safe?"

"We're safe." Louis confirmed.

Harry let out a small laugh, one of glee and relief. "I can finally breathe."

Louis looked to him, grinning. "Let's put the horses away and then we can have a look around."


"What do you want for dinner?" Louis asked from the kitchen.

Harry looked up from his nest on the sofa. "I can make something."

"I'll do it." Louis said, "don't worry you look comfy. I can make us a casserole or something?"

"Casserole sounds good." He beamed up.

"Of course, your highness." Louis spoke in a teasing manner, a small smirk on his face.

"Louis." Harry groaned, "no."

Louis flopped down next to Harry, ruffling his hair. "I'm so glad you're safe."

"You mean the world to me." Harry said.

"And you mean the world to me." Louis kissed Harry's head. "I'll go start the casserole. Oh, and there's a box by the door for you."

"Of what?"

"Take a look."

Harry grabbed the box, returning to Louis's side and balancing it on the side. He opened it up, a grin stretching across his face.

"Louis! It's all my things!"

"I thought you'd like to be reunited with them."

"Thank you Lou. Thank you so much." He pulled the bunny and out of the box, hugging it tightly as he ruffled through the photos of his mother.

"You're very much welcome."


"Where the fuck is Harry?!" The King stormed into the library where Jack and Gemma were playing chess.

"In his room, isn't he?" Gemma feigned innocence, Jack beginning to fidget.

"No he's not and nobody has fucking seen him! Nobody! And you three tell eachother everything so where is he?"

"I don't know father. If he's not in his room I don't know. Have you tried the kitchen?"

"Of course I fucking have! Do you think me to be some sort of idiot?!"

"No father, of course not." Gemma remained calm. "You're not a complete idiot anyway, just a bit of a dickhead." She added with a grin, making a move on the board.

The King lunged forward, rage blazing in his eyes and hand raised, ready to smack down on his daughter.

Jack lifted himself off his seat instantly, but Gemma pushed him back down gently.

"You wouldn't hit me, would you father? Because although I may not know where Harry is now, I'm sure I'll know before you. And if you hurt me you'll never find out where he's gone."

"You're getting far too cocky for a little girl."

"You won't hurt me. Not badly anyway, and I can deal with a bit of battering." She moved her piece. "Checkmate." She grinned, running her tongue along her teeth as she snatched up the king. She turned to her father, sporting a smug smirk mixed with eyes of innocence.

Jack looked up, shocked. He rarely lost a game of chess, yet his father's anger had put him off his game.

"You're a fucking bitch!" He roared, swiping the board off the table, chess pieces clattering to the ground. Jack jumped up, backing against the bookshelves whilst Gemma sat, unfazed, "you're just like your bitch of a mother too."

"Good. Now, if you wouldn't mind I ought to clear this mess up, and I feel you ought to continue looking for your missing son."

The King left, and Jack relaxed.

"Are you okay?" Gemma turned to him immediately.

"I'm okay. It's the noise that scares me, and I was afraid that you would get hurt. You really mustn't act like that Gemma."

"Oh don't worry about me, I'm fine, aren't I? Somebody needs to put him in his place."

"That could've gone horribly wrong Gemma."

"What's life without a bit of risk? Anyway, don't worry. I carry this on me now." She hitched up her skirt slightly, showing a band accompanied by a knife.

"What?!" Jack hissed, "no Gemma. No."

"I wouldn't have killed him, just a little slash and if he came any closer then he'd have something to worry about."

"You can't murder our father!"

"I'm not going to, don't worry. I'm not going to stoop to his level unless absolutely necessary. If it's a choice between him or anyone else, he'll be the one to go though."

"Okay." Jack sighed, agreeing. "He'll be the one to go."

had a party on Friday night, left with a newly acquired plaid shirt, chillys water bottle (full of vodka!!), pink charger cable, and a rather bruised knuckle. And I'm allowed to keep all of them!

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