Chapter 26

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I fear this has become the usual introduction, but I apologise for the lack of updates. School is incredibly busy atm (SO MUCH STRESS!!) but yeah, please comment

"Hello Niall, hello Zayn." Harry greeted his friends with a polite grin.

He and Gemma had been placed on door duty, greeting the guests. Harry was keeping an eye out for one guest in particular, Louis.

"Hello Harry." Niall returned happily, "have Louis and Liam arrived yet?"

"Not yet." Harry spoke sadly. "Anyway, you better go in."

"Where are the drinks?"

"They'll find you. Waiters will be wandering around."

"Alright." Zayn patted Harry on the shoulder as they walked past.

Harry rose to his tiptoes, looking around eagerly.

"Harry." Gemma said, and Harry dropped back onto the flats of his feet. "Who are you looking for?"

"Louis." Harry answered, "and Liam."

"Is that them?" Gemma nodded in the general direction.

Harry immediately rose back up, his eyes scanning the people. His face lit up when he spotted Louis.

"Yes, it is! Oh, Gemma, doesn't he look wonderful?" Harry's hands were clasped together in front of him.

"He does." Gemma laughed at Harry's enthusiasm.

"Do I look okay Gems?" Harry turned to her.

"Of course you do." Her smile was fond. "You look lovely. Here he is."

"Hello!" He beamed as Louis and Liam approached. "You both look wonderful."

"As do you." Louis returned, looking Harry up and down with a small smirk and straightening out his own suit. It was all black, fitted at the waist, and his hair was styled in a quiff. Harry very much was enjoying the view.

Harry wore a deep red suit, embellished with black flowers, and a black shirt beneath.

"Would you like to go in?" Gemma spoke, "there are a few more people we need to let in, and then I'm sure Harry will come and find you."

"Yes, of course. You look lovely as well Gemma." Louis said and Gemma beamed, nodding at him.

"I like him." Gemma told Harry as Louis and Liam walked away. "You have my blessing."


"Yes. Just remember that. Go on in Harry, go and find them all. I'll finish up greeting these people."

"Are you sure?"


"Thank you!" He hugged her, quickly placing a small kiss on her cheek before he scurried off into the castle.


"What the fuck is this?" Louis spluttered, muttering to Liam as he glared at the drink in his hand.

"Oh, I could give you the recipe if you'd like!" Harry offered as he approached them.

"No, God no. Please don't do that. It's awful, it tastes like sparkles and fairy dust and probably unicorn shit."

"Louis," Harry hissed, "please try not to swear so loudly. And don't be mean about my drink."

"Your drink?"

"Yes, I came up with it."

"Of course you did." Louis shook his head in amusement, "who else would come up with a bright pink, sparkly drink that tastes of cherries and flowers?"

Harry grinned sheepishly, shrugging slightly. "In that case, I'll have it. It would be a shame for it to go to waste."

Louis handed the drink over. "Please, take as much as you want."

"Thank you for inviting us." Liam spoke up, offering a small smile.

"Oh, you're ever so welcome. It's lovely to have you both here." Harry grinned.

"So, how do these things usually go?" Louis asked, grabbing a different drink from a little round tray as a waiter sweeped past.

"Well, my father will be announced, and then there will be dancing. Food and drinks will be floating around, and at some point I will have to make a speech, but it should be wonderful."

"This sounds like it's going to be a good night." Louis held up his drink, "cheers." 

"Cheers!" Harry and Liam echoed, and that summoned Zayn and Niall.


The dancing had been in full swing for a while now, the band playing some sort of lively tune.

The five were gathered together, Niall and Harry dancing as the other three watched in amusement.

"Oi." Louis spoke loudly over the music. Harry turned to look at him immediately, smiling. "I'm going to go and get something to eat, do you want anything?"

"No thank you, but when you're done, will you dance?"

"I'd rather not."

"Please, Lou." Harry pouted, clinging onto Louis's hand.

"I'm alright thanks." Louis squeezed Harry's hand, "much more fun watching. These people would definitely judge me."

"I thought you didn't care about the opinions of others?"

"Of course I care. I try not to care but I still do sometimes."

"But Lou, Niall and I are dancing. Everyone is dancing."

"Okay. Fine." He huffed, allowing Harry to drag him over to Niall.

Harry took both his hands, swinging their arms back and forth as he jumped. "See, it's fun!" He shouted over the music, his hair flopping from side to side and a large, toothy grin sat on his face.

Louis shook his head, his own smile spreading across his face. "God, how have you got the energy?"

"We'll finish this song and then we can get food?"

"Sounds good." Louis dropped one of Harry's hands, lifting an arm and twirling him around.

Harry spun, stumbling as he came to a stop.

"Steady on Bambi." Louis chuckled as the song came to an end, "if you fall it'll be like dominoes."

"Have you ever played human dominoes?" Harry asked curiously.

"Sorry, what?"

"You've never heard of human dominoes?"

"Of course I haven't."

"Oh, it's ever so fun!"

"I'm not even going to ask." Louis muttered, "food?"

"Would you mind if we maybe go somewhere out of the way? When the music gets slower, I just know my father will seek me out to dance with a princess. He'll make a big thing of it."

"I'd very much like to go somewhere a bit quieter. There's only so many snobs I can tolerate in a day."

"We could go to the rose garden? It's close enough to still hear the music, but it's secluded. It's been decorated with pretty lights."

"Let's go there then."

currently watching criminal minds as per, and I just realised that I have a friend who's so similar to Morgan and it's wonderful

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