Chapter 27

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pls comment or I'll have your guts for garters <3

Harry strolled along next to Louis, their hands bumping together every so often.

Rose bushes lined the pathway, cobwebs and dewdrops glistening in the pale moonlight.

The faint melody of the band caught on the breeze, filling their ears. "It's so beautiful." Harry spoke quietly, taking a seat at the edge of the water fountain.

"So are you." Louis said easily, leaning back on his hands.

Harry turned to look at him, doe-eyed and head tilted. His eyes flickered to Louis's lips, then to his eyes, and then he turned back away.

Louis shuffled closer. "Harry," Louis lifted a hand, tracing Harry's jaw delicately. Once Harry's attention was back on him, Louis asked, "do you want me to kiss you?"

Harry opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out.

"Darling, you're looking like a goldfish."

Harry tried again, but still could not speak. He instead leaned forwards, closing his eyes and gently placing his lips on Louis's.

Louis's hand came up to cradle the back of Harry's neck as he deepened the kiss, Harry following Louis's lead as their lips moved in synch.

Despite the slight chill in the air, and the promise of morning frost, Harry was sure he'd never felt warmer. Butterflies coursed through his veins, every single inch of his body feeling as though he were sat before a crackling fire.

Louis felt much the same way. It had been a while since Louis had kissed someone because he liked them, not just because he was drunk. And he liked Harry. He liked Harry a lot. Sweet Harry, with his Bambi eyes, and his Bambi legs, and his rose-tinted cheeks flushed against his porcelain skin. Harry with his chocolate curls that almost tickled his shoulders now, and his glowing smile.

And Louis relished in the thought of Harry perhaps being his, until the cold air replaced the warmth against his lips. He opened his eyes, seeing a startled look upon Harry's face.

"Harry, love?"

"I'm sorry Louis, I can't. I'm sorry. I-I must return inside."

"What? You can't just kiss someone then run away."

"I'm sorry." Harry repeated, his voice shaky, and his hands even shakier.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Louis furrowed his brow, "you could've said no, you know? You didn't have to kiss me if you didn't want to."

"I did want to, I did. I swear. I just, I can't do this."

"Why not?"

"I'm not gay-"

"Oh, fuck off." Louis muttered. "Don't be fucking ridiculous. You can't kiss another bloke, say you wanted to, then say you're not gay. Okay, fine, you don't have to simply like boys, you don't have to put a label on anything, but you can't just do that."

"Louis, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry-" Harry whimpered, his voice cracking. "Father will kill me. He'll kill me."

Louis simply sighed, shaking his head and turning away. Of course, he understood why Harry was so distressed, but it didn't change the fact that he was mad.

Harry stood there, shifting his weight from left to right, left to right. He was wringing out his hands, biting his lip as he stared at Louis with unshed tears in his eyes.

"Harry?" A voice called out, and soon Gemma appeared.

Harry turned to look at her.

"They're looking for you." She continued, "father wants you to make a speech soon. What's wrong?"

"I'm fine." He muttered, "but I don't want to make a speech."

"You're going to have to. You won't be allowed to get out of it." She gently took ahold of his arm.

Harry nodded sadly. "I'm sorry Lou, I really am sorry." He murmured, allowing Gemma to guide him away.

Louis allowed himself to just sit there for 5 minutes, before finally shaking his head and standing up, beginning to walk back to the castle.

"What happened?" It was Gemma again. She was on her own, holding up the bottom of her dress as she jogged to catch up with Louis.

Louis wasn't entirely sure what Harry had and hadn't said to his sister, and Louis really didn't want to out him. He remained silent.

"Did you kiss?"

Louis stopped and turned to look at her.

"Don't worry, I don't care that he's into boys. I'm not going to say anything to our father. I just know that he really likes you Louis."

"Yeah." Louis muttered.

"He does. He's just scared."

"It's alright. It is what it is, innit?" He forced a tight smile onto his face.

"Come on, you can't stay out here on your own. I think your friends were wondering where you are."

"Alright. Thanks Gemma."

Gemma returned inside, Louis trailing behind her. Once inside she got whisked away in a spiral of dresses and feathers and sparkles, shooting one last apologetic smile to Louis.

Louis opted for standing against the wall, a glass of some sort of alcohol that tasted like lavender soap- which was absolutely awful, and Louis was beginning to wonder if they even served normal, nice drinks here.

The room suddenly went quiet, and everyone turned to face the stairs. The King was stood there, Harry stood next to him- pale faced and shaky. Louis was sure Harry had been crying, his eyes were slightly watery, cheeks and nose tinged pink.

"Thank you all for being here." Harry started, his voice barely carrying across the room and a fake smile on his face. "It's lovely to see so many of you. I'm sure some of you are wondering what the reason behind this ball is. Of course, we don't have to have a reason-"

Louis watched as Harry winced, tracing the movement of Harry's father, who's elbow had just come into contact with Harry's ribs. It wasn't obvious, that was unless you were looking for it.

"However, today there is a reason. I would like to announce my engagement to Princess Edith of Angledan.

The room erupted into gasps and excited chatter. Louis felt as though those around him had drawn all of his breath away.

By the time the guests returned their attention to the front, Harry was gone.

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