Chapter 14

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"Oi!" Harry whipped around as someone called out.

"Hello Louis." He returned, looking over him. "Why is it that everytime I see you you have a cigarette between your lips?"

"Because I smoke." Louis replied, sitting down next to Harry. "What are you reading?"

"The Great Gatsby."

"I love that book."

"Me too." Harry smiled, "this is the third time I've read it."

"You read a lot?" Louis asked, looking out over the pond and rummaging around for lighter.

"Yes. Well, we have a library so it would be an awful shame for it to be neglected. Do you like to read?"

"I do. Don't have much time for it though.  Nor the money."

"You can always borrow books from here."

"Thank you very much. I think I shall take you up on that offer." Louis smiled as he glanced at Harry before cupping a hand around the end of the cigarette as he brought the lighter up.

"Shouldn't you be working?" Harry tilted his head to the side.

"Shouldn't you be princing?"

"What's princing?"

"Being a Prince. Waving at peasants and eating swans."

"I'm vegetarian." Harry told him. "And do we have peasants in this Kingdom?"

"Of course we do."

"Oh." Harry frowned. "I'd like to help them."

"Your father doesn't want to."

"I'll talk to him."

Louis looked to Harry, tilting his head as he squinted a little. He let go of the cigarette, holding it between his teeth. With one hand he touched Harry's jaw gently, turning it to face him.

"Have you got makeup on?" He rubbed his thumb over Harry's lower lip before removing his hand and looking at it. "You do."

"Yeah..." Harry murmured, bowing his head a little, "is that, like, are you alright with that?"

"Of course it's alright. It's pretty. Plus, it shouldn't matter if it's alright with someone else. As long as you like it."

"I didn't want you to shout at me." Harry admitted in a small voice.

"I wouldn't shout at you. That's just another level of pathetic. What you do to your body is nobody else's business. Did you do it yourself?"

"No, Gemma did. She's gone to her friend's house for a barbeque and to swim. Have you ever had a barbeque?"

"Of course I have. Hasn't everyone?"

"I've not." Harry shook his head. "I think I'd like to try it though."

"Well, if the staff have a barbeque then I'll invite you along. How old is Gemma?"

"You knew my age."

"Yes, I did. You're 18. It's an easy age to remember."

"She's 21. So one year older than you. Jack is 22."

"Thank you for letting me know that she's one year older than me. I would never have known." Louis spoke sarcastically.

Harry stuck his tongue out at him and Louis fought back a smile.

"I'm assuming you've never gotten drunk, but have you had alcohol?"

"Um, I've had glasses of champagne and wine with meals or a glass as a celebration."

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