Chapter 22

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Harry ducked down, allowing the water to engulf him. He smiled as it washed over him, turning the world silent- even if only for a couple of seconds.

He re-emerged, giggling as he splashed Louis.

"Wanker!" Louis yelled, but he couldn't help the smile that spread across his face.

Harry's mouth was in a wide grin, his head thrown back and crinkles by his eyes. His eyes sparkled, forests surrounded by thick, dark lashes. The light filtered in through the trees, illuminating the rose hues of his cheeks and the curls which tickled at the bottom of his neck.

"Lou, are you okay?" Harry tilted his head.

"I am." Lou. "Are you?"

"I'm soggy."

"That's what happens when you go in water I'm afraid." Louis shrugged, before splashing him back.

"That was mean." Harry pouted.

"You started it."

"You've got more tattoos than I thought."

"I'd like more."

"I think tattoos are really pretty." Harry said decidedly.

"Would you ever get one?"

"I wouldn't be allowed."

"You shouldn't have to live in someone else's shadow. You're your own person. I say fuck it, you'd look hot with tattoos."

"Louis!" Harry squealed, a blush coating his cheeks.

"What? Am I not allowed to compliment you now? You could always get a tummy or a chest tattoo, then nobody would see it."

"You'd see it."

"What? Are you planning on being naked with me more often?"

"No! No, that is not what I was saying. I just mean, if we maybe go swimming again. But anyway, it's silly to think about. It won't happen."

"I think a butterfly- may I touch you, not in an inappropriate way-"

Harry nodded.

"-here," Louis traced over the top of Harry's tummy with his fingertip, "would be lovely."

Butterflies filled Harry's tummy as Louis's fingertips danced delicately over his skin. "Tickles, Lou." He said breathlessly.

"Sorry." Louis chuckled. "What do you think?"

"I wish I could. It sounds ever so pretty."

They stayed there for the rest of the day, splashing around in the lake and relaxing by the side.

When it began to get dark they pulled on their jackets and began to walk back to the castle.

"I don't want to go back." Harry admitted quietly, his and Louis's footsteps echoing around them.

"You've got to."

"Yeah." Harry sighed, "I know. Father would kill me if I didn't return. Even if only for a night."

They soon approached the gates, Harry's heart picking up as he noticed the lack of guards. "Louis, there should be guards here. If there aren't guards how do I get in?" He rushed out.

"Hey, don't panic. Let's just check around."

"He's going to kill me. He's going to kill me. Oh my god, he's going to kill me."

"Harry, calm down. It'll be okay." Louis grasped at Harry's hand, holding it tightly. "Can you climb it?"

"It's the Castle of Wonderland, of course I can't climb it!" Harry exclaimed, adding a strangled, "Louis, what do I do?"

"Okay, everything is going to be okay. What time do the guards return to their posts?"

"I don't know, maybe around 5, 6, I don't know."

"Okay, listen to me. Don't panic. There's nothing to stress about. I'll have you here and safe before anyone knows. Okay?"

"But where are we going to go?"

"Babes, believe it or not, I do have a house."

Harry's eyes flickered to Louis.

"You can stay the night." Louis continued, "I only have one room but I'm happy sleeping on the floor or sofa or sharing the bed."

"Thank you so much Louis." Harry flung his arms around him, "I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Come on, it's getting late." Louis smiled softly.


"This is your house?" Harry looked up, taking in the small cottage. "It's so pretty. Oh Louis, I love it."

"Thank you." Louis chuckled at Harry's enthusiasm. "Not much compared to your castle though, is it?"

"Just because it's not as fancy, it doesn't make it any less beautiful."

Louis opened the front door, nodding his head in an invitation for Harry to follow him. Harry stepped inside, wiping his feet on the mat and taking off his shoes.

"What do you want to eat?" Louis grabbed a box of matches from the table next to the front door. He began to light candles as they walked through the house to the kitchen.

"Do you not have any lightbulbs? I thought we installed the village with them?"

"Oh, I do, but I prefer to use candles in the hallways. Sometimes the bulbs can be a bit bright. Plus, the candles smell nice. Anyway, food?"

"Um, I don't mind."

"I'll just make us some sandwiches or something. It's too late to make anything else. Is that alright?"

"Yes, yes. Of course." Harry trailed after him into the kitchen, looking around. The cupboards were oak, painted a duck egg blue and the countertops were plain oak. A bowl of colourful fruit sat next to the sink, plants and candles dotted around. "This is delightful, it's ever so cosy."

"Thank you. I try my best. Do you want to wait in the living room?"

"Where's the living room?"

Louis laughed, "babes you're not gonna get lost here. It's next door. You can just stay in here if you wanna. Sit on the countertop, sorry about the lack of chairs."

"It's okay." Harry shrugged, jumping up onto the counter. "Do you have to cook after work everyday? You leave late often."

"No, my mum cooks and brings it over sometimes or I'll go to hers quite a lot. I just don't live there because it's a small house for so many people."

"Does it get lonely on your own?"

"Nah. I'm not here too often, it's alright. It's nice having someone else here though. Chuck me the bread will you? It's in the bread bin next to you."

Harry took off the lid, taking out a loaf wrapped in cloth and holding it out for Louis.

Louis took it, unravelling the cloth and cutting four slices of bread. He looked back to Harry, frowning as he saw Harry sat with a faraway gaze on his face and his hand tracing over his cheek.

"Everything is going to be okay my darling." Louis said softly.

"Yeah." Harry murmured quietly.

first day at sixth form today 😃 I miss my old teachers and tutor (I get attached easily lol). I am now knackered and I only had half a day (and I'm mad because I only have one lunchtime finish and loads of period 6 a fortnite whilst some of my friends have loads of lunchtime finishes and hardly any period 6)

anyway, I'm excited for this stress, yay! & my lanyard is purple so that matches no outfits

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