Chapter 18

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"Would you like to go on the bouncy castle with me?" Harry turned to Louis. "Zayn won't, and Niall and Jack are eating."

"Oh, do I have to?" Louis groaned.

"Please." Harry pouted.

"Fine." He huffed, "but don't pout. If the wind changes you'll be stuck like that." Louis nudged Harry's face with his knuckle.

"Thank you!" Harry grinned, "come on."

"Slow down, I am not running."

"Come on, Louis. Hurry up."

"Christ, how old are you again?" Louis shook his head.


"I think you mean 8."


"Right, gimme your jacket. I'll go and put it down with our shoes and my jacket."

Harry shrugged it off, handing it to Louis with a grateful smile. He climbed on, holding a hand out to help Louis up.

"I cannot believe I'm on a bouncy castle at the age of 20."

"You're never too old to have fun." Harry giggled as he began to jump.

"Yes, but adults tend to have fun in other ways." Louis smirked. "You know, parties and sex."

"You're so crude. Just jump."

"Fine." Louis did as Harry said, jumping half-heartedly.

Harry shook his head, "no, no. That won't do." Harry reached out, grabbing both Louis's hands.

Louis let a small, soft smile stretch across his face as he watched Harry. Harry's curls flopped up and down every time he jumped, his eyes were glistening in excitement and his mouth was stretched into a huge grin.

And then they fell. Harry falling backwards and Louis being pulled on top of him.

"Well, Princess," Louis chuckled, "I didn't expect you to be under me quite so soon but as you wish." He placed his hands on either side of Harry's head and looked him in the eye, and Harry turned into a blushing mess.

He opened and closed his mouth, trying to think of something to say. In the end he settled for a simple, "shut up."

"Oh, but why? It's so fun to see you at a loss for words, darling." Louis's lips were upturned in a smirk, a singular strand of hair hanging down.

Harry's breath seemed to catch in his throat as his eyes flickered over Louis's face. He drew his bottom lip into his mouth, biting it softly as he returned his gaze to Louis's own eyes. He was overwhelmed by the closeness of Louis, his scent encapsulating him.

He could smell Louis's cigarettes and an air of vanilla, some sort of tea mixed in. God, Louis smelled good.

"Cat got your tongue?" Louis raised an eyebrow, cocking his head.

"Fuckin' hell, you're in public. Keep it in your pants." Zayn's voice rang out and Louis turned to look at him.

"Blame Harold here, he's less innocent than you would've thought. Pulled me right on top of him."

"I fell." Harry grumbled with a pout.

"And pulled me right on top of him."

"Right, well go somewhere else if you're gonna be doing," Zayn waved a hand between them, "whatever this is."

Harry huffed and Louis realised he was still posed above him. He rolled off, laughing. "So, where to now?"

"Niall and Liam are sitting under a tree over by the pond. And Jack's gone off with Gemma, Harry. We can go and sit with them for a bit?"

"Yeah, okay." Louis nodded, standing up and holding out a hand for Harry. Harry took it, allowing Louis to pull him up before he brushed himself off.

Harry nodded in agreement, jumping off and pulling his shoes on. The three began to walk, Louis talking with Zayn and Harry wondering why he had just felt that way.


"So, what was that all about between you and Louis?" Zayn asked Harry quietly.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you two looked very...intimate."

"We were just messing around. I fell over and pulled him down with me."

"Harry, you two had quite some tension going on." Zayn smirked.

"How so?"

"Well, you looked like you were in the middle of a steamy snogging session. I honestly thought you were going to start fucking right then and there."

"Zayn!" Harry hissed, "that's absurd."

Zayn laughed, "I'm joking. Well, I'm telling the truth, but I'm teasing you. But what's the deal?"

"I don't know what you're talking about. Louis and I are friends, and that is all."

"Okay Harry. But you know it's alright to be more than friends with a boy?"

"Yes, of course I know that. Well, it's alright for everyone but me."

"It's alright for you as well."

"Zayn, I'm the Prince of Wonderland. It's not okay for me to be gay. But it's okay because I have to marry a princess anyway."

"If you like boys, you like boys. It's unfair for you to miss out on love because of your social status and rat of a father."

"Yeah," Harry sighed, "I suppose." He gazed out over the calm water. "Look, there's a frog." He pointed as he and Zayn rejoined the others.

Louis gasped, "Harry, you never told us you had a pond brother."

"Huh?" Harry tilted his head.

"He's saying you look like a frog." Liam stated.

"Heyyy." Harry whined, "that's mean."

"You don't look like an ugly frog, obviously. You look like one of those cute tree frogs."

"Um, thank you?"

"Anytime." Louis nodded, the corner of his lips tugged up in a small smile as he took out a cigarette. He offered one to Liam, then to Zayn, who both took one.

Harry relaxed back against Niall who put an arm around him.

"I'm going to go and get drinks, what do you all want?" Liam asked.

"I'll come with to help carry them." Louis stood up, brushing himself off.

"I'll have cider or something please." Zayn said, "anything really I don't mind."

"I'll have a beer please." Niall grinned.

"Harry?" Louis turned to him.

"Um, I'm not sure..." Harry paused to think.

"Do you want me to just get you something?" Louis suggested.

"Yes please." He nodded, smiling at Louis.

"Alright, we'll be back in a minute." Louis gave them a thumbs up.

"Stop giving him heart eyes." Niall muttered, nudging Harry.

"What?" Harry whipped his head around to look at Niall.

Niall and Zayn just laughed.

oh I forgot to say but after my too much cider last update I did in fact have a hangover. I do regret it and I'm very sorry for my actions. However, it shan't put me off alcohol and I will in fact be getting absolutely twatted on Friday. love yousss xx

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