Chapter 3

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Jack wandered back to the shelf, counting over the ornaments several times.

"Did you have a good day? You know, other than that. I heard about the tea party."

"It wasn't all that good. I couldn't pick an outfit so I was late and then father wasn't happy. And then he told me I had to win croquet. I'm positively awful at croquet. I didn't win and I embarrassed him."

"It's okay. Croquet isn't a skill you'll need in life. I was always awful at it too. But why would you need to be able to hit a hedgehog with a flamingo in later life?"

"I've no doubt father will ensure I play it every single time there's a game. Anyway, I'm sorry I couldn't spend much time here but I ought to be getting back to my room."

"It's okay. I appreciate that you come and see me."

"Can I um, can I give you a hug? Or...?"

"Not today. I'm sorry." He shook his head.

"That's alright." Harry nodded, "don't worry about it. I'll see you soon." Harry stood up, smoothing out the chair cushions before blowing Jack a kiss.

Jack laughed, reciprocating Harry's actions, "I'll see you soon."

"Love you."

"Love you too. And Harry, please try to ignore father's harsh words. You're better than what he says. When he said things to me I liked to go down to the stables to escape."

"Thank you Jack."

That night Harry was curled up in his window seat. His hair was messy and his cheeks were glistening in the moonlight. Strings of pearly tears rolled down his face, his lips red and puffy and his nose tinged pink.

He had his arms wrapped around his waist, his head tilted back against the wall.

Of course he had his siblings who loved him, and Niall and Zayn, but he still felt alone. Alone and a letdown.

Harry drew his blanket up around him, sniffling as he held back a sob. He felt it was unfair that he was this upset when he had everything that others didn't, and he tried to tell himself it was stupid to be crying but he couldn't stop.

It was as if once the gates had been opened, the water continued to flow out.

Eventually his eyes grew heavy and his breathing evened out as he drifted off.


Harry took Jack's advice. Early the next morning he made his way down the the stables, dressed in a pink blouse and a pair of cream trousers.

He hoisted himself up onto the wall, bringing his knees to his chest. It was peaceful out here, with the sun warm against his skin and the only sound was the chirping of birds and the rustling of leaves with an occasional neigh from a horse.

He hummed to himself quietly, looking around and taking in the scenery.

"Can I help you, your highness?" A bored voice brought him out of his thoughts.

Harry looked to where the voice had come from- a boy, a little older than him stood to his right. The boy was beautiful, with brown hair, slightly spiked back almost like a hedgehog. His skin was tanned and glowing, lips dark pink with a pronounced Cupid's bow. His eyes were blue, tiny oceans sparkling in the sun.

"Oh, no. I'm just sitting here." Harry shook his head and the boy sighed a little.

"Okay...why?" He leaned against the wall.

"Because it's quiet and pretty, don't you think?"

"Right. Well, it's not really."

"It's not really what?"

"Quiet. You do realise it's the stables. There are lots of horses here."

Harry smiled a little, "yes. What's your name?"

"Is there much point in me telling you? I'm sure you'll forget it within an instance, your highness." The boy raised his eyebrows.

"Are you implying that I have the memory of a goldfish?" Harry tilted his head, his curls falling with it as he reached to tuck them behind his ears.

"No, I'm implying that you're far too important to remember the names of your servants."

"Try me." Harry furrowed his brow.

"Louis Tomlinson. Now let's see if you remember that in a couple of days."

"Louis." Harry repeated, "Louis Tomlinson. Do you live on the land?"

Louis scoffed, "course not."

"Well, do you live in the village? Or do you live further away?"

"I live in the village."

"Do you ride?"

"Ride what?" Louis's lips curled up a little in the corners.

"What? Horses of course. What else can one ride?"

"Many things." Louis shrugged nonchalantly, his face not changing.

Harry squinted a little in confusion. "Well do you ride horses?"

"I can, yes. But no, not really. What's with all the questions?"

"I'm just curious. How long have you worked here?"

"6, 7 years. I don't know."

"How old are you?"

"Jesus, it's like I'm being questioned about a fucking murder." Louis muttered and Harry's eyes widened. "Sorry, I s'pose you're not used to that kind of language, are you, your highness?"

"Why do you keep saying it like that?" Harry frowned.

"No reason." Louis waved a hand in dismissal, "I'm 20."

"I'm 18." He offered.

"I know."


"I've got to get back to work." Louis told him. "Have fun doing whatever princes do all day."

"Have fun playing with the horses."

"Is that all you think I do? Play with the horses? God, you're so privileged. I work hard for my money, unlike some people." Louis spat out.

Harry's eyebrows creased as he chewed his cheek, "I didn't mean it like that."

"Whatever. I'm going to go and work hard, goodbye."

"I can help you?" Harry offered, desperate to make Louis not upset with him.

"Yeah right." Louis shook his head as he walked off.

Harry wasn't used to people acting that way around him. The only person who had ever outwardly expressed their distaste and disappointment towards him was his father, and now he felt that perhaps it wasn't just his father's high standards.

lol so secondary leavers day yesterday. safe to say there were a lot of tears. Also I've never cried in front of anyone but my family before but today was just tear central 

also the amount of hugs I got yesterday, jesusss I love hugs


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