Chapter 35

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Harry watched from afar as his father got dragged away, towards the prison.

He was stood next to Louis, Louis's arms wrapped around his waist. A crowd had gathered as the King was paraded through the street. A loud chatter echoed through the village, one full of excitement and confusion.

Gemma stood in front of them all, and silence fell. Harry and Louis inched closer so that they could hear what was said.

"I know you're all confused by the fact that my father is in shackles. It's a funny sight really, isn't it? The King being taken to prison. But we all know he deserves it. I know you don't know the extent of what he's done, but I know you know that he is a bad man. Just this morning he hunted down my brother, Harry, with the intent of hurting him and his companion." She glanced up to where they were hidden in the forest, not sure what she should call Louis, or if Harry was even ready to come out yet. "He's beaten Harry to the point where he's unconscious many times, and him hitting his children isn't too much of a rare occurrence. And as if all of this isn't bad enough, he murdered our mother. She didn't die because she was sick. She died because he killed her. The King is a monster, and I have had him arrested. I will now be your Queen."

The talk amongst the crowds grew louder, this time outraged. They began to jeer and boo, not at Gemma, but at her father.

A small smile appeared on Harry's face as he saw how much the villagers despised the man. At least they weren't alone.

Louis took Harry's hand, squeezing it. "It's over." He spoke. "Everything will be fine now."

Harry nodded, "we can live our life how we choose. Together, forever." He grinned brightly.

"Together forever." Louis agreed, capturing Harry's lips in a soft, sweet kiss.

right, so I think this could be the end...

I'm sorry when I wrote this last chapter I recall it being a lot longer but it seems not. As we all know my motivation for this story isn't great anymore so I've decided it's best I end it now instead of it feeling like a chore to write.

this defo wasn't one of my best stories (ahem tempest is defo the best- read it if you haven't already) but I hope you enjoyed even so.

I'm sorry I couldn't make it just that tad better or last that tad longer, but nonetheless I really do hope you somewhat liked it.

I will be attempting to start another story (I know, I know, Exile is neglected) so keep an eye out for that. I will most likely announce it in my little conversations bit but I can also put it on my twitter/Instagram.

Happy Valentine's Day my loves, thank you for reading xx

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