Chapter 10

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Louis was digging up the soil, Harry watching him, sitting back on his knees.

Harry unbuttoned the top of his shirt, taking the suspenders off of his shoulders and folding his jacket up as he placed it carefully behind him.

"Louis, would you like to hear a joke?" Harry tilted his head.

Louis looked up, tilting his head, "go on then."

"Why can't the flower ride his bike?"

"I don't know, why can't the flower ride his bike?" Louis's lips were curled up on one side.

"Because his petals fell off." Harry grinned, a dimple popping out as his eyes sparkled. 

Louis groaned, tilting his head back but he couldn't stop the amused smile from gracing his face. "Now that was fucking dreadful."

"Heyyy." Harry whined, dragging out the word as he pouted a little.

"I'm going to be honest with you Harry. You need to work on your jokes."

"No I don't. My jokes are funny." He stuck his tongue out a little.

"Who's been lying to you love?"

"Nobody has been lying to me. Gemma and Jack always laugh."

"Tell me another."

"Why did the baboon ask the giraffe why the long face?"


"Because he thought his neck was his face." Harry couldn't hardly get the words out as he giggled his way through the answer.

Louis let out his own laugh, watching as Harry bent over, his eyes crinkled and his hair falling in front of his face.

"I take it back. Your jokes are wonderful." He chuckled, reaching over to pat Harry's shoulder.

"Thank you." He beamed. "Would you like to here another one?"

Louis was about to shake his head but he decided against it. Harry seemed happy right now, and it was better that Harry was happy than hurting. "Go on then." He repeated.

The two sat there as Louis dug up the old soil and Harry told awful jokes- which he laughed at more than Louis.

"Have you ever considered a career as a comedian?"

"You've changed your tune."

"Well, what can I say, I'm like a guitar." Louis shrugged, frowning as the words came out of his mouth. It didn't make a huge amount of sense, but Harry seemed to find it funny. "Would you like to help me with the seeds?"

"Do you have any gloves?"

"What, gardening gloves?"


"I do. Which do you want, there are black ones or flowery ones?"

"Can I have the flowery ones please?" Harry asked shyly.

"I'll be right back." Louis nodded with a kind smile.

Harry smiled back at him, sitting back on his heels again. Louis returned quickly, yielding two pairs of gloves, flowery ones for Harry and a pair of black ones for himself.

"They're pretty." Harry beamed.

"They are, aren't they?"

"Louis, what's it like in the village?" Harry asked suddenly, tilting his head in curiosity.

"Surely you must know." Louis replied.

"Father won't let me go there. I've ventured past, but never within. Well I might've a couple of times with my mother, but only when I was little. I don't remember it at all."

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