Chapter 23

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Louis put the sandwiches on two plates, getting out the special ones with flowers on for Harry.

Louis nodded towards the living room and Harry followed after. "I adore your house." Harry said.

"Thank you." Louis smiled, looking around. The living room wasn't exactly all that exciting, but it was cosy. Blankets were draped over the sofas and there was a basket of them in the corner. A fireplace stood against the wall, and a guitar in another corner. "Sit down wherever."

Louis sat down and Harry sat next to him, drawing his knees up. He thanked Louis for the sandwich, holding the plate up. "Oh, Louis, where did you get these plates? They're beautiful."

"They were my grandmother's. For special occasions."

"And what's the special occasion?"

"I just thought you'd like them." Louis shrugged.

"I do. I love them." Harry smiled.


"Here are some jammies, they'll probably fit. If they don't you can always borrow a different shirt and just stay in your boxers or something."

"Thank you." Harry took the bundle of clothes, "um, may I ask where the bathroom is?"

"Next door. I'll just grab you a spare toothbrush and a washcloth." Louis placed a hand on Harry's back as he stepped around him.

"Okay, thank you." Harry smiled softly.

Louis left him to it, and Harry quickly got ready for bed, shuffling out of the room dressed in Louis's pyjamas 5 minutes later.

Louis was lying on his front, flicking through a book. He lifted his head, rolling onto his side as he heard Harry walk in.

"Awe." Louis grinned. "Cute."

The pyjamas were stripy, and slightly oversized on him. His hair was pulled into a loose bun, a couple of curls falling from the front and back of his head.

Harry looked down at his feet as his cheeks flushed pink. "Um, where will I sleep?"

Louis patted the bed next to him. "You comfortable sleeping next to me? I can take the sofa if you want."

Harry nodded shyly, "I'm comfortable sleeping next to you."

Louis got under the covers, lifting the corner up so Harry could get in.

"You look a bit sad babes."

Harry hummed, before acknowledging what Louis had said. "I'm okay."

"You're not though, are you?"

"No." Harry sighed.

"Would you like to talk about it?"

"I'm scared to go home and I miss mum and I feel like a disappointment. Everything is just too much for me at the minute." He told him. "It'll be okay, I know it'll be okay, but it's getting to okay that's scaring me."

"Oh darling, I know things are hard for you at the minute. And I know there's not much I can do but if you ever need to stay somewhere you can come here."

"Thank you." Harry shuffled a little closer.

Louis took that as a sign to wrap his arms around Harry and tug him even closer. He held Harry tightly, feeling his shoulder begin to get soaked.

"Shhh, it's okay. I've got you Harry, I've got you." Louis ran a hand up and down Harry's back.

"I'm sorry Lou, I'm sorry."

Louis pressed a kiss to Harry's head. "Don't be sorry. It's okay." 

After a while Harry drifted off. He lay with one leg hooked around Louis's, a hand splayed against Louis's chest and his head buried in the crook of his neck. He let out soft sighs, Louis smiling down at him every now and again. He had one of his arms wrapped around Harry, and in the other hand he held a book.

Soon he got tired and placed the book down, switching off the light. "Goodnight angel." He muttered.


Harry's eyes fluttered open. He was immediately greeted by Louis's face, golden as the sun poured through themay window. His eyelashes lay thick and dark against his cheekbones, his hair messily swept across his forehead.

Intoxicating scents of sandalwood and vanilla encapsulated him. He inhaled softly, sitting up.

"Morning Harry." Louis yawned, sitting up next to him and stretching.

"Good morning." Harry smiled brightly. "May I ask what time it is?"

"Half six. Bloody early."

"It's not that early." Harry laughed, "did you sleep alright?"

"I did, thank you. Did you?"

"It was so, so lovely. I slept very well." He beamed, "thank you."

Louis reached a hand up to poke Harry's hair, a small bundle of curls remained on top of his head, the rest having fallen down.

"Oh, no, my hair must be a complete and utter mess!" Harry gasped.

"It is." Louis chuckled, "but it's cute."

Harry groaned, his arms coming up to cover his head. He pouted, looking at Louis through his eyelashes.

Louis rolled his eyes, grabbing a comb from his bedside table and chucking it to Harry. "Sort out your curls, princess. I'll head down and start on breakfast. Do you want pancakes?"

"That would be lovely." Harry picked up the comb, crossing his legs and pulling the ribbon out of his hair.

"Alright. Come down when you're ready." Louis nodded as he left the room.

Harry washed himself in the sink, pulling on his clothes before walking downstairs.

Louis was stood with his back to the living room door. He was shirtless, and he had the telephone tucked between his ear and shoulder, being careful not to move too much so that he didn't tug the whole thing off of the counter.

"Yeah? I'll come by tonight, don't worry. I know, I know." Louis heaved an over exaggerated sigh, "I know, I'm rubbish aren't I? No? Well, thank you. Do you think I'd be able to talk to mum for a second? Okay, Lottie then? Okay, thank you. Love you." Louis seemed to notice Harry's presence in the doorway, turning around and giving him a smile.

Harry waved, sitting down on a stool. Louis waved back, holding up a finger as if to say 'one second' before turning back.

"Hi Lotts, yeah, you okay? Good, good. Is mum alright? I know it's busy there, she must be going mad. You know you're welcome to come here if it gets too busy. Even if I'm not here, you and Fizz have a key, don't you? Yeah, okay then. Right, I have to go but I'll see you tonight. Love you too. Bye!"

"Thank you." Harry took the plate from Louis. "Is everyone okay?"

"Yeah, I just like to call to check in when I haven't seen them as often. Me poor mum is being run off her feet."

"You're a good brother. And a good son."

"I try my best." Louis shrugged. "Right, so we'll eat and then we'll have to go."

"Hopefully father won't have noticed my absence. Thank you, Louis. For letting me stay and for making me dinner and breakfast."

"You're welcome to stay anytime. It's nice having someone over. Just know this house is always open to you if you need to get away from that dickhead of a father or anything else."

Harry looked for a second as though he were about to defend his father, but instead he just looked down. "Thank you. I really appreciate it."

I know I keep saying updates are gonna be slower but sixth form is more work than I thought so they may be slower sorryyy

also I got red high top converse and I am in love

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