Chapter 17

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Harry ran a hand through his hair, scrunching his nose as the curls tickled his neck.

He straightened out his jacket before clasping his hands behind his back and looking down at his feet.

"Straighten up boy." His father muttered.

"Sorry." Harry mumbled in response, immediately fixing his posture.

His father stood in front; Harry, Gemma and Jack stood behind.

Gemma wore a beautiful dress, lace hugging her torso perfectly before the dress flowed out at her waist. It was dark green in colour, and around her neck she wore a gold necklace with an emerald heart resting against her skin. Stretching up her arms were a pair of forest green lace gloves. Her hair was curled, the fronts twisted back and decorated with delicate flowers.

Jack was matching Gemma in a forest green velvet suit with a white shirt underneath- golden thread striping the shirt. His head of flames sat beneath a top hat of the same material and colour, a couple of sparks peeking out from beneath.

And Harry. Harry wore a white and gold floral suit, with a white shirt underneath and a gold bow wrapped around his neck. The legs were slightly flared out, and on his feet he had a pair of white loafers.

"Your Majesty, we're ready." A guard spoke up from by the door.

The King gave a curt nod, checking that his children were standing properly before pasting a smile onto his face- or what he thought to be a smile. It was more of a grimace.

The sound of trumpets could be heard before the guards opened the doors, the family now standing before the entirety of the kingdom.

The four of them made their way down the steps, the siblings smiling and waving whilst their father kept a straight face, not even acknowledging the people of his kingdom.

Harry looked around as his father began a speech, searching the crowd for any of his friends.

Before he knew it the speech was over and the people dispersed throughout the gardens. Harry ran down off of the steps, straight over to where he had spotted Louis.

"Hello." He beamed.

"Hello." Louis replied, "nice suit."

"Thank you." Harry blushed, "you look lovely. And you must be Louis's family?" He tilted his head with a shy smile as he acknowledged the people surrounding Louis.

"Yes, your highness." The woman curtsied.

"Oh, there's no need for that." Harry smiled, "what's your name?"

"I'm Jay, Louis's mother."

"You're very pretty. You all are. May I ask your names?" He turned to the siblings.

They all introduced themselves, Harry shaking each of their hands.


"Your family are lovely." Harry spoke as he and Louis walked towards one of the many food tables.

"They are, aren't they." Louis grinned. "Think my mum is starstruck by you mind."


"Um, maybe because you're the Prince of Wonderland?"

"Oh yeah." Harry seemed to have forgotten.

"Twat." Louis chuckled, nudging him. "Try one of these, they're lovely." He held out a jam tart."

"I made those." Harry grinned. "Well, Gemma and Jack helped me."

"You did?" Louis turned to him, "fuck me, they're good."

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