Chapter 24

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where've all my commenters gone :( I miss having lots of comments whenever I update

"Excuse me." Harry spoke from outside the gate.

The guards stopped their conversation, immediately standing still, faces blank. They turned to him.

"Hello, may you open the gates for us please? I'm sorry to cause any hassle." He continued.

"Yes your highness. Would you like me to alert the King of your arrival?" The gates were opened and the pair slipped inside.

"Oh, no thank you. In fact, it would be lovely if you didn't mention to him that I'd been out all night. Of course, if he asks you don't lie. I wouldn't want you to lose your job over this."

"Babes." Louis nudged him, looking amused. "Come on."

Harry thanked the guards before scurrying quickly after Louis.

"I'll see you around, princess. Get up to the castle and stay safe."

Harry hugged Louis, Louis rubbing his back. "Again, thank you so much."


Harry creeped along the hallways, looking behind him every now and then.

Just as he thought he was safe he collided with a large figure. Harry's eyes widened as he looked up, meeting his father's gaze.

"Why the fuck are you sneaking around?"

"I'm not." Harry said quietly. "I just thought I heard someone behind me."

"I've been looking for you boy. Go and make yourself presentable. I can't believe you're walking around like that."

"I do look presentable." Harry frowned, looking down at himself.

"You look fucking homeless. Clean up your face, do you want to look like you've been dragged through a bush?"

"Um, uh, father, my face is bruised, it's not dirty." Harry stammered.

"Get rid of it. You're meeting a princess in an hour."

"What?" Harry felt as though the breath had been knocked out of him.

His father didn't respond, just walked away with a sharp "I want you in the hall in half an hour precisely."

Harry pressed his lips together tightly, swallowing dryly. He rushed to his room, passing Charles and grabbing his arm on the way.

"Charles!" Harry hissed as soon as they had shut the door behind them. "Father wants me to meet a princess today."

"You didn't return home last night Harry, I've been worried about you."

"You didn't tell him, did you? Oh god, please Charles, tell me you didn't-"

"No, no. Of course not. But where have you been?"

"I went out with Louis yesterday, when we returned the guards had retired from their posts by the gates and I had to stay at his. I'm sorry for making you worry, I would've phoned but I wasn't sure who would answer." Harry sat in front of the mirror before immediately standing up again. "I need to go see Gemma."

"I'll lay out some clothes for you. You may decide what to wear when you return. But don't take too long."

"Thank you Charles. Thank you."

He made his way to Gemma's room, knocking lightly on the door.

"Come in!"

"Hey Gems, may you help me?"

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