Chapter 29

978 61 27

again, IM SORRY!! I literally have no time to write and when I do have time I have no motivation. I'm v aware I've kinda been neglecting my books and I've not been interacting with you lot so I am ever so sorry, I love you all <3

Harry awoke to lights which were far too bright, and voices which were far too loud.

"Harry? Jack, I think he's awake, will you grab a glass of water?"

Harry groaned, trying to sit up but was immediately held down.

"No, Harry, don't try to sit up."

"Time 's it?" He asked, squinting as he acknowledged the pounding headache, "water please?"

"It's half 2. Jack's just fetching you some water." Gemma came into focus.

"Half 2?"

"At night."

"So bright?"

"The lights are on, would you like me to turn them off?"


"God, Harry. God. You don't deserve this shit." Gemma frowned.

Harry hummed, rolling onto his side. "Everything hurts Gemma."

"I can imagine. You're covered in bruises. What the hell did he do to you?"

Harry didn't answer her question, "can I have a blanket please?"

"Of course."

Harry shut his eyes, relishing in the comfort that the blanket brought him.

"Is Louis okay?"

"I've not heard from him, but I can give him a call?"

"Please. Wanna make sure he's safe."

"God Harry, bless you. I'll go and call him now. Jack's back with the water."

Gemma left the room, and Jack sat down. Jack never quite knew how to deal with situations like these, so instead he just talked.

He talked to Harry about anything he could, and Harry listened.

Gemma soon returned, and Harry turned his attention to her, apologising to Jack.

"Louis's fine." Gemma spoke, "he's incredibly worried about you, but I didn't tell him the extent because I know he'd come straight here and that wouldn't go well. But he's alright, he's at home and he said to tell you that your things are safe."

"Thank god." Harry murmured, "thank goodness."

"You need to sleep." Jack said.

"Don't want to."

"You need to." He repeated, "you can sleep in here with us. We won't let him near you."

"I want to see Louis."

"You know you can't."

"I know..."

"Go to sleep Harry." Gemma said, walking over to turn the light off.

"Please lie next to me."

She did as he wished, and Harry rested his forehead against her shoulder.

"I love you." He said to the both of them, "thank you."


"Shit, it's even worse in daylight." Gemma muttered to Jack, Harry's eyes fluttering open.

"Hmm?" Harry groaned.

"Harry, how are you feeling?"

"He's never done it this bad before." Harry bit his lip, "I know it's my fault, I know it is, but-"

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