Chapter 20

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Harry bounded into the dining room the next day with a huge grin on his face, "oh, father, yesterday was so, so wonderful!" He exclaimed. "It was so lovely, I had such a good-"

He cut himself off as his father scraped back his chair, his face set cold as stone. Harry cowered back, only then noticing it was just himself and his father in the room.

"Go on." The King growled.

Harry wasn't sure if that was a sign for him to continue or not, but he knew either way wouldn't fix the mood of his father.

"I had such fun when we watched the fireworks and when-"

"And when you got passed around like a fucking slut? When you went around clinging to any boy you could get your hands on."

"I-I didn't-" Harry started, shutting his mouth as the king took a step closer, so now he was towering over Harry, his figure blocking the light and casting a shadow over him.

"I saw you. Everyone probably saw you. You're fucking disgusting!" He raised his hand and Harry's eyes widened as it lashed down on his face. Tears sprung to his eyes, the stinging immediately spreading across his cheek.

He lifted his own hand up, cradling his cheek as he looked up in shock.

"I advise you stop acting like a faggot." He growled, "it's unnatural and disgusting. Isn't it?"

"N-no, it's not, I'm not, I'm not gay, but it's not something to-" Harry stammered desperately.

Another slap was delivered to his face, harder this time. Then another. And then one more. Harry was certain he was bleeding, but he wasn't sure if it were blood or just his tears.

"Fucking pathetic cunt!"

Harry backed away quickly, gasping for breath as he spun around and ran down the halls. He ran until he reached his room, shutting himself in his room with a slam of the door.

He collapsed on the floor, trembling as he traced over the wounds with his finger. He wiped at the tears aggressively, not quite knowing what to do.

Eventually he moved himself to sit on the floor before the mirror. He bit the inside of his cheeks as he tilted his head to see if he had any physical marks.

Across his cheekbone was a cut, a trickle of ruby running down his face. His lip had a small cut, and he could already see bruises forming.

He wouldn't be able to leave his room until this was gone. He wouldn't be able to see anyone at all until it had faded at least a little.

"Your Highness, is everything okay?" Charles asked from the other side of the door.

"Y-yes, I'm fine. I'm alright."

"Well, it's just that you rushed straight back from the dining room. And I heard shouting. Your Highness, you were so happy."

"I'm okay Charles. I-" Harry tried to say but a whimper cut him off.

"May I come in, your Highness? Pardon me if I'm overstepping, but you don't sound overly okay."

"Oh, okay. I suppose you can. Just don't look at me." He murmured, dropping his head into his hands.

"Oh, Your Highness, what happened?" Charles exclaimed as he shut the door behind him, catching sight of Harry's face.

Harry just shook his head, a sob escaping from his mouth. Charles sat next to him, holding him close.

"It was your father again, wasn't it?"

Harry nodded, not being able to speak with the lump in his throat.

"Come on Harry." Charles said softly. "Sit on the chair and we'll get your face cleaned up."

Harry did so, playing with his hands as he crossed his ankles. He kept his head bowed, his bottom lip trembling.

Charles stood in front of him, dabbing at his cheek gently. "Would you like me to go and get you some food?"

"I'm not hungry." He muttered. "I think I just want to sleep."

"I'll bring you some food." Charles said decidedly, "and a nice cup of tea. There we go, we're all done. Get changed and get into bed."

"Thank you Charles." Harry tried to smile but it just looked like a grimace. Charles patted his shoulder with a kind and sympathetic smile.


Harry stayed in his bed for the rest of that day. He didn't look up when Charles re-entered the room with a tray full of food and a cup of tea. He just hugged his bunny to his chest and stared at the wall.

Charles was used to Harry being like this. It wasn't too often, but sometimes Harry would return after going to see his father, silent and solemn. It hadn't taken long for Charles to work out what happened, not with the bruises and cuts.

Of course Charles couldn't do or say anything to stop it. If he did so, he'd most likely get expelled from the kingdom. The best he could do was look after Harry afterwards.

Harry stirred slightly as he heard Gemma's voice outside, followed by Charles.

"Is Harry in there?"

"He is, but your highness, he doesn't want to see anybody."

"Charles, I'm sorry but I'm his sister. I believe I have the right to see my brother."

"I'm not sure I'm allowed-"

"It'll be fine. What's he going to do? Chop off your head?" He heard her say and be could practically see her rolling her eyes. "Don't worry Charles, it'll be fine. Please may you just let me in?"

Charles must've moved out of the way because the door handle clicked and Gemma entered the room.

Harry drew the covers up to his eyes, curling into himself more.

"Harry, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." He murmured.

"Harry." The edge of the bed dipped as she sat down and rested a hand on his shoulder. "Talk to me."

"Father just got a bit upset, that's all. It was my fault really."

"What did he do?" Her voice was cold.

Harry remained silent, shaking his head a little.

"Fuck's sake." Gemma muttered under her breath. "Come here, let me have a look at you."

Harry rolled over and she observed the cuts and bruises that lined his face.

"It's okay." Harry shrugged. "It was my fault. I upset him."

"Don't be silly. You can't blame yourself, it was his decision to hit you. Not yours. Come on, you need to try and eat something." She placed the tray in front of him.

Harry shook his head and pushed the tray away, "I'm not hungry."

"How long do you intend of staying in your room for?"

"Until this fades."

"That may take a while. Are you sure you don't want to join me for a walk around the gardens?"

"I'm sure."

"Alright," she sighed, "shuffle over."

Harry did as she said, asking a quiet "why?"

"Because you need a good long cuddle."

Harry bit his lip as he wrapped his arms around her, trying not to cry. Gemma rubbed his back soothingly, telling him that everything would be alright.

And Harry knew that in the end, everything would be alright. But at times like this he found it difficult to keep the end in sight.

I miss writing tempest lol. like it was such a comforting fic to write

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