Chapter 12

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"Thank you Louis." Harry smiled as he took the reins.

"Your horse is a bloody nightmare." Louis grumbled, "he tried to kill me at least 5 times."

"Perseus is a lovely horse." Harry defended.

"He tried to eat me. And kick me."

"You know, if he were being too difficult you could've got another ready."

"It was requested I got this twat ready." Louis gestured to the snow white stallion who snorted at Louis and stomped his hoof down.

"See, this is exactly why he was being difficult. You can't call him such names."

"Well I'm sorry but he tried to fucking eat me alive." Louis threw his hands up.

Harry buried a hand in Perseus's mane, "maybe he's just having a bad day. He's a little feisty sometimes but if he trusts you he's lovely."

"It seems like most of your horses are like that."

"May I help you out down here sometimes? It would give me something to do."

"If you'd like." Louis nodded. "Anyway, you better get going or you'll be late."

"Gosh, I should. I'll see you later. Thank you for putting up with Perseus."

"Have fun." Louis nodded.

Harry climbed up onto the horse, swinging his leg over. "Oh, and Louis, I need to measure your head when I get back." He called over his shoulder as he set off.

"What?" Louis tilted his head, "why?"

He got no answer, just a wave.


"Oh, thank you." Harry smiled gratefully as one of Niall's maids poured him a cup of tea.

"So, Harry, how are you?" Niall sat back in his chair, tilting his hat so it shaded his eyes.

"I'm okay." Harry told him, "how are you? I haven't seen you in a while."

"I'm wonderful." Niall grinned, stroking a hand over his dog, who sat and stared at him.

"Niall, I think Basil wants food." Zayn gestured to the Labrador.

"He's just had a whole scone." Niall sighed. "No, Basil. No more."

Basil whined and Harry giggled, pouting sympathetically at the dog.

"Any luck with Louis?" Zayn turned to Harry, tapping the end of his cigarette.

"Yes actually, he's nice to me now. He apologised."

"Good, Louis's a lovely chap. He's just a bit feisty until he trusts you."

Harry burst out into a fit of laughter. Niall looked to Zayn with an amused look, "what's so funny?"

"Nothing," Harry's dimples were popping out, "that's just how I described Perseus to him earlier. I'm going to tell him this."

"Sorry, who's Louis?" Niall's expression remained amused, with a hint of confusion.

"Louis is my stableboy." Harry explained.

"Oh, Louis Tomlinson?"

"Yes." Harry nodded in confirmation.

"Oh, yeah. I know Louis. I've met him at charity events and stuff."

"Why had everyone met Louis but me?"

"Because your father is a snob." Zayn said easily.

Harry looked uneasy at that, shifting in his seat and looking down.

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