Chapter 4

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A few days passed before Harry ventured down the the stables again.

He sat on the same wall, beginning to read his book. Not long after, two voices grew louder. Louis came into sight, followed by another boy. This one taller and stronger looking.

The two turned towards him, the taller boy whispering something to Louis. Harry gave them a small, shy wave, but he was ignored by both of them.

Harry dropped his hand and his smile, frowning a little. He watched as they talked and laughed, attending to one of the horses. Perhaps he would go and see Zayn.

Yes, he would go and visit Zayn. Timidly he made his way down to the stables, standing awkwardly in the doorway.

The boys acknowledged him, but didn't say a word. "Hello," Harry started, "um, do you have any paper?"

"Over there." Louis nodded to the corner before turning to the boy, "Liam, can you go fetch the horses in the yard?"

Ah, so his name was Liam.

Harry thanked Louis, grabbing a piece of paper. "Oh, um, and a pen?"

"If you used your eyes you'd see there was one next to it." Louis replied.

Harry's cheeks flushed in embarrassment as he picked up the pen, scribbling a note to whoever may search for him.

"Thank you. I just left a note here incase anyone needs to find me." Harry thanked him one last time with a small smile as he left the stables and began to walk to Zayn's.

The distance between the castle and Zayn's mantion itself wasn't too large, but the driveways were endless. Harry didn't mind though, the driveways were scenic- with sculpted bushes and vibrant flowers. There was often a deer or a bunny accompanying him on these walks, watching with a curious eye.

Harry eventually reached Zayn's home. A Georgian mansion made with red brick and spiralling pillars.

He knocked on the front door, a butler opening it immediately. Harry greeted him politely, waiting in the foyer for Zayn to invite him in.

"Oh, Harry, come in." Zayn called from the stairs, "are you okay?"

"I'm alright, yes. Shall I come up?"

"Yes, we'll go to my room."

Harry climbed the stairs, walking alongside Zayn. "May I ask why you're my friend Zayn?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, there's this stable boy but he doesn't seem to like me much. I'd like to have someone around my age who I can talk to whenever."

"What's his name?" Zayn pushed open his bedroom door.

"Louis Tomlinson. Do you know of him?"

"Not really. When my family and I do the rounds of the village I see his family sometimes. Quite large, maybe around 7 of them, I don't know."

"I can't figure out why he doesn't like me." Harry sighed, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Have you said anything out of turn to him?"

"Not that I'm aware of. If I have I wish he'd say something so I could put it right. What if I have said something? But I couldn't have, I said no more than a few words to him."

"Well I'll come down there with you later."

"Okay. And I need your honest opinion."

"Of course."

"Should I keep growing my hair?"

"I think you should." Zayn nodded, "it suits you."

"You do?" Harry tilted his head, smiling happily.

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