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Lmao y'all are interacting 0 with this story so I thought it was flopping but then I saw the views... and then I remembered I don't rlly give a shit anyway I've been writing for a wall fro so long at this point it doesn't even matter anymore anyway I love you all and I hope those who read this are liking the... introduction 🤡

Alexa play I Got U by Lucy.



Felix opened the door with a sigh, pushing it hard enough to make the old lock work. The apartment was dark, meaning his mom was either still sleep or just away, for days, maybe. He dropped his bag on the living room, massaging his sore cheeks from smiling all day long, laughing at random jokes that made him want to cringe.

Felix had an image to keep. The happy, perfect, beautiful boy that was soft and shy, while nice at the same time. The boy that was easy to talk to, innocent and precious.

The true Felix, though, had nothing to do with that faked image.

He opened the fridge and rolled his eyes at the lack of food. He scanned it, finding one or two things that would probably work, but deciding against them, closing the door and moving to the bedroom.

He cringed at the way the hallway window almost opened again, the glass broken with tape holding it. The wind outside was not that strong, but neither was the window.

He sighed and knocked at his mom's door, knowing exacly what would come.

"Come in.", a faint voice shouted. Felix opened the door, finding his mom by the bed, a suitcase in it as she folded clothes. Felix furrowed his eyebrows. "I'm sorry, darling. I know we promised to talk about things like this first but i-"

"Yes, don't worry. Where are you going?", Felix asked, trying not to sound annoyed. He knew he had to do all he could for their family, their small family.

"That's the catch.", she smiled, but Felix could see her sad eyes. " I got a job, but it's in Japan. And I should have talked to you but it's only six months and they pay double of what we were getting here.", she spoke fast, hands waving in front of her face. "I thought I could keep sending you money but they will only pay me full at the end so I can't and I had to get you some-"

"Mom, calm down, I was expecting it. What do I need to do?"

She took a deep breath.

"Seo's house. As a helper, basicaly."

Felix's eyes widened.

"As in Seo Changbin's home? No fucking way."


"Mom, he's a pervert, he'll try to fuck me the second I get there."

The woman pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Language. And I know you can defend yourself, Lix, but I really had no other option. They'll give you a room there for the months I am out.", she closed her eyes. "I just want you to be safe and away from this old, falling place."

The boy let his shoulders fall, defeated. He nodded,  even though his mom couldn't see it, stepping forward and hugging her, trying to keep the tears away.

"I'm sorry, I'll do it.", he sighed.

"I'm so so sorry, but we have no other option. There y-you have meals, and b-bed and-"

"Right. Don't worry.", the freckled boy tucked his mom's hair behind her ear. "When do I start?"


Don't you feel like hitting yourself sometimes while writing storys? Cs I surely do like-

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