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Lmao I did not forget to post.... what 👀

Anyways- Alexa play Dalla Dalla by Itzy.

I apologize for this chapter please don't beat me up, Thankyou <8


By the time Changbin's and Felix reached the school entrance that day, after the detention they had gotten along with Jeongin, the other five were already there with the cars, bags and everything ready.

Changbin's parent had decided to pay for Felix's trip, since he seemed to be such a good boy and Changbin hadn't tried to get with him yet, they believed this time their som had found a friend instead of some kind of human toy and his mom couldn't be more pleased with it, so this trip was the perfect opportunity for them to get even closer.

How closer?

Changbin wandered what would happen from then on.

They had had sex.

But if there was something Changbin knew was that sex meant nothing, at least for him it never did. Finding himself or the other side of the story, both metaphorically and literally, he cursed everything he knew about players.

He forced a smile as they entered the cars, his being driven by Chan and Jeongin singing in the front.

Felix sat in the back with him and he immediately turned to the window.

"Changbin, can you move to the middle so we can put some bags there?", the shorter cursed under his breaths na moved to the next seat, his thighs immediately touching Felix's. "Thanks."

He tried to concentrate on the youngest's voice, but as soon as the car started moving a hand moved to his leg, rubbing the inside part of his thigh and knee.

Changbin closed his eyes, tensing up and his whole body melt at the sound of Felix's chuckle.

The taller moved closer to him.

"But you're not weak, sure.", Changbin rolled his way and slapped his hand away, but Felix put it back, this time taking Changbin's hand in his. "Are you hurt?"

"A bit.", he timidly answered.

Felix nodded and adjusted in his seat.

"How long is the trip?"

"Three hours, probably.", the Australians spoke in English, while Changbin's eyes started closing.

"Sleep. You're tired."

He didn't need to say it twice, the shorter's head fell to Felix's shoulder and the latter intertwined his fingers.

Just before he fell asleep, Changbin could still capture some small sounds and Felix whispering him that he should rest.

"So..", he heard Chan's voice. "I guess I owe you 200, right?"

"Pay up, bitch, next time don't doubt me when..."

Changbin's alarm started ringing again, louder.

Something was terribly wrong.

But his eyes closed too hard and his brain shut down before he could understand or make himself stay awake, his alarm got lost between dreams and sweet melodies, and wasn't there anymore when he woke up, hours later.

That's why he let the taller hold his hand as they entered the house and Chan showed them the huge lake and the pool, the bedrooms.

That's why he said yes to sharing one with him.

That's why he stared at the mirror that afternoon, and admired to himself, that he had fallen for Lee Felix.

And there was no more going back.


*protects myself from your punches*

I love you all <8

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