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Today I'll make a short introduction <8

Alexa play Buddy by Lucy.


Chan and Jeongin were the last people to get there, right after Hyunjin entered the house like he owned it, bringing Minho and Changbin with him.

Jisung's house was big.

No, enormous.

Almost as big as Changbin's mansion like house.

The two were holding hands, chatting about something that apparently, the younger was exited about, or maybe that was just his personality.

"Hello? What the fuck are you two doing?", Hyunjin raised his eyebrow, looking at them from the other side of the pool, laying between Seungmin's legs next to Changbin as the three engaged in one of the most unlikely conversations Changbin had ever thought about. Just the group that was around the pool, Jisung somehow talking to Felix while Minho swam his worries away, and the three of them, plus the racer and the underage, illegal mechanic that had just arrived, was already unlikely.

"What do you mean?"

Hyunjin scoffed at Chan.

"Why are your illegal hands touching Innie's?"

Chan rolled his eyes and Seungmin kissed Hyunjin's shoulder, making Changbin's stomach twirl and his eyes move to Felix, without him even meaning to. When he noticed what he had done, he quicky looked back at the new arrivals, trying to ignore the needy feeling in his chest.

"His hands are illegal too."

"Hey!", Jeongin slapped Chan's head and the shorter winced. "I'm very much legal."

"Babe, you're not even legal in age let alone your job at the garag-", he bit his lip at the way his boyfriend eyed him. "Alright I'm shutting up."

"Babe? When did this happen?"

Joengin rolled his eyes and turned to the trio.

"Months ago, Hyunjin, you would have noticed if you didn't spend your life eating Seungmin's face and actually took a look around."

"He doesn't need to look around I'm all that matters.", Seungmin shot back and hugged Hyunjin's shoulders, making him lean more against his chest.

"What he said."

"Anyways, are we staying the night?", the youngest asked as Chan moved to the food table.

"Yep, no one is going anywhere."

Jisung came to them and sat down, while Felix took off his shirt and stood by the pool, seeing Minho float. When the older realized there was a shadow, he stopped and exchanged a few words with Felix, who jumped at the pool with a chuckle the second after, then Changbin couldn't see them anymore, just random splashes that moved along with them as they challenged each other over and over again doing pools.

Changbin moved uncomfortably on his place, feeling that goddam same thing everytime he saw Felix's bare torso. He gulped and closed his eyes, imagining how it would be to run his hand through the younger's abs.

How he wanted to find out.


Tw// idk if I should tw this but some people te kinks so hard getting caught kink? This is a Tw for this whole story tbh ☠️

2am was the lucky time for Changbin, or maybe not that lucky. The guy had woken up in the guest room, with Minho lying next to him and snorting loudly, a painful high in his boxers and sweating a bit from the wet dream he had had, thanking god Minho wasn't awake and slept like a rock. He got out of bed, wincing at the creaks, and opened the door carefully. He stepped outside and took a deep breath, finding the bathroom immediately. Closing the door behind him, the boy whined, closing his eyes and slipping his hand inside his boxers, trembling as he touched his over sensitive member.

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