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Today I'm a bit late when it comes to my last few days timing but I went to watch the Black Widow movie at the theater and I needed a second to stop simping over her sister.

Anyways, Alexa play the Marvel theme song bc why the fuck not :)

I'm also sorry for this chapter. Hehe :)


Changbin never thought his heart could shatter in so many pieces. He didn't even know he had allowed it to glue to start with.

The last day of that weekend had started the perfect way, after a quiet night with Felix, the shorter never thought about how good it felt to sleep in someone's arms until the taller pulled him close in the middle of the night, the one bed in the room being too easy to turn into whatever they wanted it to be. Changbin had never felt the need to cuddle or hug or be soft and cute with anyone before, but as soon as the blonde touched him, his whole body melted into the beat, in a completely different way than it had the times before.

This time he didn't feel horny or anything along those lines. No, Changbin loved.


A strong word, something that the guy knew was not possible to have without problems.

But he never thought the problem would come so fast.

He never thought all it took to make it fall down was admit it to himself.

And yet, it took only a conversation.

Changbin woke up late, but they were leaving only after lunch, so he lazily left the room to go to the bathroom, but Chan and Felix stopped him on his track. Whispering, laughing, the duo was inside the bathroom, door half open, but voices clear.

"When are you telling him?"

"Tell?", Felix chuckled. "Hell no, he doesn't need to know."

"Are you crazy? What are you going to do? Stay with him?"

"Please.", the younger snorted. "No fucking way, he's so annoying I can't anymore."

Changbin's heart immediately sank, even though he couldn't understand who exacly they were talking about, he had a pretty good idea of who fit the description lately.

"So, when?"

"When we go back, maybe, I wish I could just stop seeing him. Why did I even take this bet?", he sighed.

"Sounds like a you problem, and hey, at least you'll get the money."

"God he's not worth it, I made a mistake."

Chan sighed loudly.

"Whatever, let's go before we're heard, that would not be a good idea."

Changbin's eyes widened and he rand to the room again, closing the door behind him and jumping to the bed, covering himself and hoping his running heart wouldn't give it up when Felix entered the room. The taller seemed quiet for a second before getting something from his bag and leave again.

Changbin gulped as the door was closed, and that's when the break happened.

His brain slowly realized what he had just heard and choke a son, burying his head in the pillow as tears started streaming down his face.

He couldn't be too loud since the walls were clearly thin form Hyunjin and Seungmin's last night, so he muffled everything. Both his tears and his feelings.

He cursed himself for letting his heart be broken like this, the cursed himself for even letting Felix be this important to him.

He shouldn't have fallen in love with Lee Felix.

For when something falls, it's bound to break.


*awkwardly scratches head*

So... we're good? :)

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