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I have nothing to say today.

But I got another Changbin pc... :)


Alexa play Cypher by Changbin bc it needs more love.


"Good race!", Chan patted his friend's shoulder and white, while the other took his helmet off, running his hand through his newly painted hair. The cherry color suited the guy even more at night.

"Thanks, you weren't bad as well, one day you'll catch me.", Chan chuckled and ruffled his hair.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Seungminnie."

The younger shrugged him off with a smile and turned to the wall again, the inside of the improvised garage, empty as everyone ran to the cars and racers, partying now that the music started playing and the beers coming again. He sighed and turned his head around, tiredly.

He didn't hear the steps until it was too close for him to even turn in his own. His eyes widened and he gasped as his back got thrown against the wall, hands next to his head and lips attached to his own in a hungry kiss from the beginning. His body immediately reacted and he slipped his arms around the taller's waist, bringing him close and tugging his bottom lip, asking for entrance. Hyunjin let him in immediately, while the shorter pulled him forward, his back against the car, before he jumped to sit on it. Seungmin made him open his legs immediately, his kisses running down Hyunjin's neck and sucking on his skin as soon as the sweet spot was found. He pulled the taller closer by his waist and let his hands cup the guy's ass, kissing his jawline before squeezing it slightly.

Hyunjin moaned against his ear and Seungmin closed his eyes fiercely, hugging the older strongly as if trying to control himself.

"Seungmin?", the taller was still trying to catch his breath, but still chuckled as the other nuzzled against his neck. "Congratulations, you were great out there."

"Thanks babe.", the shorter said, breathless. "You look so fucking good."

"You haven't even looked at me yet."

Seungmin chuckled and leaned back a bit, pressing a kiss to his forehead.

"You always look stunning."

"That's true."

Seungmin connected their lips again, this time in a slow kiss, his hands cupping Hyunjin's face while the other had a hard time finding something to do with his.

"You didn't tell me you'd be here tonight.", he pouted, making Hyunjin giggle.

"I wasn't planning to, I had a party with Changbin and Minho.", Seungmin huffed at the names. "But they came with me here, instead."

"You brought them here? Did you tell them?"

Hyunjin shook his head. "Not yet, but I had been thinking of slowly bringing them into the other part of my life. We were bored and I saw an opportunity."

Seungmin hummed and kissed his nose.

"And are you going back with them or coming with me?"

Hyunjin bit his lip, letting his arms snake around Seungmin's neck.

"Innie brought us, I'm sure he can get them home without me."

"They'll be suspicious, though."

The taller shrugged.

"They know I'm seeing someone, they just don't know it's you. But they didn't even see you.", his eyes widened and he let out a laugh. "But they saw Jisung, you should have seen Minho's and Changbin's faces."

Seungmin laughed with him while he fixed his long hair around his forehead.

"A whole different Jisung."

"We always play around saying Jisung has a crush on Minho and the guy always gets defensive but I can imagine him getting a crush on Jisung now."

"Isn't he straight?"

"He is. But still, who doesn't have a crush on Jisung?"

Seungmin pocked his waist and Hyunjin chuckled, hopping of the car.

"Who what?", Seungmin showed him an ironic smile.

"Don't worry, I'm only yours."

Seungmin huffed and pulled him closer, if that was even possible, pecking his lips.

"Too much pda.", a voice said from the end of the space below the brige.

"There's literally no one here besides you, it's not quite in public.", Seungmin narrowed his eyes, laughing. "Congrats on your win, freckled boy."

Felix came out of the shadow dramatically, holding his helmet and already wearing normal clothes. A pair of black jeans and a simple white shirt, his hair slicked back and his face dirty with some black substance on the side that he didn't even notice.


"Lee, you almost killed yourself out there, but you got a new fan. Changbin jumped every time you went past us.", Hyunjin winked and let go of Seungmin, sitting back on the car on his own.

"Can't blame him, I am very hot."

"He liked your car.", Seungmin rolled his eyes.

"He is still a fanboy, though.", Hyunjin winked and his lover pouted.

"Speaking of which, can you tell Innie to slow their arrival down a bit? I'm checking out with Chan and leaving but I need to leave the car at Jae's first and then walk. I can't have Changbin there when I arrive, he's too awake."

"We can give you a lift after you leave the car, I left my dad's at Jae's."

Felix thanked Seungmin, turning back to look for Chan, trying to tell his cousin he would be leaving. The corners of his mouth turned up without him even noticing when he found the Australian talking to an overly exited Changbin.

His eyes shone against the night like he was the most innocent human being in the world, despite the beast that lived inside him.

Even knowing that, Felix couldn't help it but to stare from far away, wandering how much time he would be able to hold back from ruining the shorter.


I did that. Yes.

I can imagine your faces rn 😌

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