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Today I entered Wattpad and this app recommended me three of my own stories 🤡

Please I- yes I have read them already, dear wattpad, Thankyou.


Apparently they were filming in 문경새재 촬영장 which will give us a mediavam/ traditional concept? It might not be quite it but there's that hypothesis 👀

Alexa play the teaser at 0:31 because I want to keep hearing Hyunjin's laugh <8


"So, got anything out of Felix yet?", Hyunjin asked as they sipped in their drinks, at a random party nights after.

"No, the guy is so oblivious. I tried so many things already, I just need him to get horny, for God's sake."

"Maybe he is asexual.", Hyunjin shrugged and Changbin whined.

"Dude I hadn't even considered that."

"That's very stupid."

Changbin whined again and buried his face on his hands.

"That is getting too much, they're literally eating each other's faces at this point.", Hyunjin made a disgusted face at Minho and the random girl he had "befriended" in the middle of the room, shamelessly making out.

"He's starting to get full of it, don't worry, he'll push- see, I told you so.", they stared as the guy smile awkwardly and her and waved his hands in front of his face, as if to tell her he didn't want anything else. He then rolled his eyes at her answer and walked over to them, whipping his mouth with the sleeve.

"And they didn't live happy ever after.", Changbin joked.

"This party is boring.", Hyunjin chuckled as the door opened, too drunk already. "Look, it's Jisung!"

They all turned to see the guy entering, a simple black shirt on, jacket on his hand and black ripped jeans, with a beanie covering his hair. The guy spotted Hyunjin and made his way to the three, pushing random people.

"Aren't you checking your phone? S- the guys are worried as fuck."

Hyunjin looked at the time in his imaginary clock.

"It's still early."

Jisung rolled his eyes.

"It's not. The race is over, it's already 4am, they started early. You'd know if you were sober and checking your messages." Hyunjin sang something and Jisung pinched the cane of his nose. "They're coming here, to get you."

"Who's them?", Changbin asked.

"The race squad, don't worry, Hyunjin's boyfriend is there."

"So he IS dating a racer. That is so sick.",  Changbin chuckled. "Will they take long?", Jisung nodded.

"An hour maybe more, they need to take Chan to the hospital first, he sprained his wrist trying to get a car to work."

Changbin flinched at the thought but recollected himself.

"So... if you have the time, how about you and Minho solve something here."

"Solve?", Minho rolled his eyes. "What the fuck are you on?"

"I have a challenge for you, if Jisung is okay with it."

"I'm all ears.", the younger sat on the couch's arm, next to him.

"So... I dare Jisung to try and seduce Minho, and if Minho likes it, besides finding out he is not straight at all and having some actual fun in this party, I'll also get payed!"

"What? No way."

"Are you scared, Lee?", Jisung smiled at the boy which made him clench his fists. "You know you'd never resist so you don't-"

Minho's face immediately switched to an annoyed one.

"Do it. I'm not losing no money and I'm not scared."

Jisung chuckled and dropped his jacket, laughing as Hyunjin passed out on the other couch. Changbin smirked at the older, who rolled his eyes and tried to keep calm as Jisung climbed to his lap, siting on his thighs with a leg on each side of him.

"You're ready, hetero?"

"Do your best."

Jisung smiled, licking his lips as he scanned the older's neck, while Minho stared back, his eyes free from any emotion.

That didn't stop Jisung to chuckle at the way his breath itched when he moved his hand to the back of Minho's neck.

"No kissing, that's gay."

Jisung let out a dry chuckle, moving forward and hovering his body over Minho's member, without pressing himself to it yet.

"As you wish, babyboy.", he whispered next to Minho's ear, smiling as the older clenched his fists harder, both standing on the sofa, next to his legs. "Don't come and beg for it, after."

He leaned in.


"That's gay"

Who tf even let me write stories god stop me

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