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Lmao I shall develop 3ahots tomorrow, I finally finished high school 😌

I think the exam went well, Thankyou for those who wished me good luck <8

I forgot to make alexa play stuff last chapter which is NOT OKYA specially in this story 👀 for... future reasons...

Alexa play Shoot Me by Day6.

Buckle up.

A/n: also I'd like to make a quick note that smut as you read it in Wattpad is never exacly the way it is in real life, so please don't be miss leaded by that, sometimes I want to rush it a bit more, I try to take different approaches to first times in every ff, different reactions ns different levels of reaction bc no one is the same,  it I feel like I should talk more about this, specially when I write "easy" first times, when it comes to pain tolerance and lack of important information.

Please NEVER use wattpad as a sexual education source!

That was it.


Changbin let out a cry into the kiss, wrapping his legs around the blonde's waist in a desperate try to ease the pain.

"Shhhh, I know, baby.", Felix pushed all the way in, pressing their foreheads together and kissing his nose, tears starting to roll down cheeks. "I'm sorry."

"F-fuck...", the older moved his hand to Felix's hair when the latter let it go, to be able to clean the tears falling from the smaller's eyes. Trying to keep as steady as he could, feeling every little shiver that went through the older's bones, he leaned in to kiss him again. This time, they simply stayed there, in each other's arms, Changbin silently gasped as he got used to the length, while their lips danced calmly, Felix cupping his face and pecking the older's lips in between longer kisses, until the shorter finally seemed relaxed enough. "Move."

"Can I?" Changbin nodded, too eager to say anything else. He gasped as Felix carefully slipped out of him, only to enter again, time after time, slowly and carefully. "How does it feel?" He asked, cleaning another tear from the shorter's face.

"G-good. Still h-hurts a bit.", Felix nodded and, somehow, managed to get their bodies even closer, letting Changbin hug his neck and he kissed him again, slowly picking up the pace. He smiled at the first moan the shorter let out, kissing down his neck as he tried to thrust a bit harder. Changbin's body trembled under him and he let out a choked moan, this time, but still a pleasure one, the sharp waves of pain that came from time to time becoming a bit easier to handle for the boy. "F-faster..."

That felt foreign for Changbin, his senses were too confused to actually make a clear image of how it felt, but every touch, every movement, every single one of his nerves were alert and enjoying as much as they could.

"What? Can't hear you.", Felix smirked and hit deep, making Changbin whine at the sudden abuse of his prostate.

"F-faster, please...", he whispered, and Felix kissed him again, moving his hips at a faster pace as the shorter let out some of the prettiest and messiest sounds he had ever heard. Changbin hissed at the friction his member was getting, twitching and reaching his high as Felix's body slightly touched it. He moved his hand to it and started plumping along with Felix's thrusts, but his hand got slapped.

"No way, you're ending from this, and this.... only...", Felix said between breaths, the sound of skin clapping filing the room as Changbin in let out a sudden yelp.

Felix smiled at the wide eyed boy and angled his hips better, pulling his waist up and hitting his prostate over and over again, turning Changbin into a moaning mess, arms stretched, as if trying to grab something.

"S-shit... I- Felix, Felix.... oh my god f-"


That was all it took.

Changbin let out another moan and his voice cracked, Felix leaned in and gave the final thrusts as the shorter came all over himself, his body shaking and his vision leaving as Felix took his member out, coming over him as well.

They breathed heavily and Felix got up without even looking at him, entering his own bathroom and opening the water.

Changbin simply stared at the ceiling. Now that the rush was kind of gone, even though he was still a bit lost, it hit him. Everything he had just done.

He gulped, feeling his stomach rise to his throat, a knot on his throat. Lips pressed, feeling ridiculous for the new tears that formed in his eyes.

He didn't even notice Felix coming back until the boy started cleaning his torso from the cum, still naked.

The taller looked him in the eyes with a soft smile, cleaning his tears and lifting him up. Changbin let his head fall on the taller's shoulder and snuggled up against his neck as they made their way to the bathroom. Felix gently put him on the floor, chuckling as he winced and entered the bathtub, that was already filled with water. Changbin followed him and sat between his legs, on his side so he wouldn't be hurt, groaning in satisfaction as the heat surrounded him.

They didn't say a thing at first, Felix pulled him closer and the older ended up resting the head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat as Felix played with the water, gently running it over the shoulder that stood outside of the water.

"Are you okay? You're too quiet."

Changbin lifted his head so he could look at Felix.

"Sorry, this is just a bit weird."

"Weird?", the taller tilted his head.

"Don't act all innocent now again.", Changbin slapped his chest, making them both laugh. "You're such a fluff ball at school and then... this...", Felix stared as Changbin's cheeks rose and leaned to kiss them.

"So what you are trying to say is you expected to fuck and got fucked."


"Sorry.", he wasn't sorry at all and Changbin could see it on his face, so the turned his back to the boy, ignoring the wave of pain that the movement gave him, and crossed his arms. "Oh, come on, baby.", he found himself smiling at the wall because of the nickname, but shook his head. "Changbinnnnnnn, come on.", Felix hugged him from behind and pulled him back, burying his face on the older's neck and caressing his torso. They laughed for a while before silence fell upon them again, Felix kissed Changbin's temple and the shorter started playing with his hands, a smile plastered on both of their faces.


And fuck the protein synthesis.

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