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I find it funny that when I'm writing the revised sometimes I misspell it.... like am I fucking dumb? Yes.

Anyways, I am so close to making a sequel to the bed but with their child pls someone stop me Moas don't let me do this I already have too many skz themed books in hand...

Alexa play Hellevator by Straykids.


Changbin sprinted through the halls with a smile on his face, the sun already setting as he finally made it out of detention. He reached the pool complex and rushed in, finding the last survivors of the school's swimming club running laps around the water. Hyunjin spotted him first, waving with a tired smile.

"Seo, came to join us?"

The shorter chuckled at the guy's comment.

"No way, Jackson, I'm not fit for these things."

"I heard you have quite the stamina, though.", the man chuckled. "Just try to not fuck my guys with your eyes, Thankyou."

"They're all half naked, it's a bit hard."

Changbin's dodged the older's slap and leaned against the wall, laughing.

"Just keep your little Changbin inside your pants."

"Gross, how are you already thinking of that? I know I'm hot but like...", Hyunjin chuckled, approaching the guys with a smile. Jackson rolled his eyes and shouted at some of the other members of the club.

"I breathed, Hyunjin.", Changbin pushed him playfully, turning his attention to the different members that ran around, some literally, around the pool, others inside, moving like robots.

The bell rang that exact moment, the last bell of the day, echoing through the school and bringing that comfort of having the day come to an end. All the clubs around the school starting to pack and close, friends lazily watching the sunset outside the school, halls getting emptier by the second.

His head was the first thing Changbin saw. The blonde's hair appeared on the side of the pool, his bangs sticking to his forehead after he took off his cap. The guys laughed at something another one had said, climbing up with ease, his toned body making the first appearance in Changbin's view. The shorter gulped as he followed the drops falling down the younger's abs.

"Dude, stop drooling."

"Since when is Felix this fucking hot? He's such a cinnamon role."

Hyunjin sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Don't even think about it, the guy is too innocent for your games. Don't ruin him."

"Look at his bod-"

"No fucking with your eyes, I said.", Jackson ouches his shoulder, making the guy whine.

"Plus, you have your boys at home, don-", Hyunjin shook his head. "This sounded so wrong, what the fuck?"

"He's still hot as fuck. And the horny boys always run away."

Jackson furrowed his eyebrows.

"Horny boys?"

"Don't mind him.", Hyunjin smiled. "He's not quite himself when he's horny. Now, leave Felix alone."

The younger boy was entering the showers at that moment, making Changbin's eyes drop to his abs again, following him until his body disappeared inside. Hyunjin sighed.

"I want him."

"Changbin, he's a literal angel, he probably doesn't even know what sex is, you shouldn't-"

"I don't care, that's even hotter. I'll have him."

Jackson chuckled and patted his back, rolling his eyes as he left the pair.

"You're so going to regret this, Bin."

The shorter rolled his eyes.

"Don't worry, I got this."

Hyunjin rolled his eyes, smirking.

"I'm sure you do."

"Are you mocking me?", the guy lifted his hand, pointing at Hyunjin, who just laughed.

"Nop. I just want to see how you'll do it." Changbin hummed, biting his lip as he stared at the door. "You're getting weird, get the fuck off while I go get dressed. I'll see you in a bit."

The taller left his friend to go and joking the others in the shower. He smiled at Felix, the boy already leaving with a towel around his waist.

Hyunjin laughed at himself.

That would be fun.


Y'all writing jumping hormones has no business in being this funny istg

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