21 ⚠️

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I know y'all screamed when you saw the ⚠️ again I just know it 😌✋🏻

Stargazer and On your knees are winning y'all I see what you guys want 😌✋🏻

Anyways, I have an exam in 10 hours 🥲🥲🥲

Wish me luck <8


Changbin's eyes had never been so wide.

The first thought that crossed Felix's mind was how funny the shorter looked as he opened the door of his own room, trying to go downstairs and get a glass of water. The second thought was fucking him, and he wasn't embarrassed to admit it.

Straight up fucking him against a wall or something like that. But who could blame him? He had been hard for most of the night from hearing the guys whimpers in his sleep, and now he had just came face to face with that same person, his voice going around in Felix's mind like a broken record.

"In a rush?", the taller chuckled, blocking Changbin's way. The shorter only sighed, his right leg trembling a bit as he tried to straighten up and move his weight to look comfortable. "Where do you think you're going?", Changbin gulped.


"There's a bathroom in your bedroom.", the taller smirked, looking him up and down and biting his lip.

Changbin blinked fast, urging his body to act.

He wanted Felix.

He groaned again at how weak he had been feeling lately, his head light and unable to make a move, but he didn't even have to. In literally two second and with a yelp that was quieted by Felix's hand, he was pulled inside the taller's bedroom, door closed and back against it.

Felix caressed his waist with the free hand and leaned to gently kiss his forehead, which made Changbin gasp. He took the hand away from the other's mouth and leaned in, capturing his dry lips on a kind of long peck. Changbin let his eyes fall closed, savoring the confusing moment, until Felix pulled away. They stared at each other before Felix gripped his waist a bit stronger.

"We both know you want this, so why not just give in?", Felix kissed his temple, hugging him by the waist completely and chuckling at his panicked look, hands flying to clutch Felix's tshirt. "You're parents aren't even home tonight."

Changbin dropped his head to the side, giving Felix more space to work as his kisses got down to the neck, letting out a small moan as he glued their bodies, hard member pressures between them.

"F-Felix...", he whimpered in pleasure as the younger sucked on his skin.

"I want to hear you, loud.", he chuckled right next to Changbin's ear and squeezed his butt slowly, making the younger yelp in surprise, cheeks flushed scarlet. "Give you the best night of your life.", he positioned his hands on the back of Changbin's thighs, resting their foreheads together. "Can I?"

Changbin knew it was a bad idea, but that didn't stop him from nodding, breathless.

The moment after, he was pressed against the wall, harder, legs around Felix's waist and hickeys being printed on his milky skin.

He tried to stop his own body from reacting every time his member was pressured, but when Felix threw him on the bed, hovered over him and sat right on top of the tortured area, the loudest and most pained moan he had ever emoted came out of his throat. Felix smiled and leaned in to kiss him, caressing the side of his, already naked, torso and swirling his tongue along Changbin's bottom lip, depending the kiss and connecting them even more. Changbin whined into the kiss, pulling the hem of the taller's shirt to take it off, which made the Australian laugh. He ceased the kiss, getting up and stripping out of his plain shirt and shorts, letting the boy in the bed stare at him for a while before he pulled him by his legs, forcefully opening them.

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