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[This is a scheduled chapter]

Even though I am IA right now due to holiday matters, and I might not check my notifications for a while, even after publishing the next book, I want you guys to know I'm thankful if you liked this story, and I appreciate every single one of you who was with me during this story.

To be honest, this isn't my favorite work so far, but you are giving it the love you always do and I hope it is good enough for some of you, at least.

I will do better in the future, promisse <8

Alexa, Play Neverending Story by Straykids.


Felix got home that day and tiredly threw his bag to the floor, getting of his day shoes and stretching. He looked at the sofa with longing eyes, but forced himself to stay up, even if the day had been tiring as hell.

"God, I haven't cleaned this in forever.", he cursed, running his finger through the expensive marble and seeing the line drew in the dust. "I hate life."

"Lix? You're home?", the shorter appeared from upstairs, a smile on his face as soon as he saw Felix.

Three, two, one, Felix had the clingiest person ever to exist hanging around his waist, peppering his face and lips with small kisses and letting out exited squeals.

"Baby, calm down.", Felix chuckled, putting him down and ruffling his, now, blonde hair.

"I missed you so much... how was the meeting?"

"Good.", Felix moved to the sofa, bringing Changbin with him and letting him cuddle up to his side. "We talked about that contract with the mechanic I told you about last week. Chan was a bit scared, it would be risky."

"Would be? You're not doing it?", Changbin ran his finger around Felix's hand, playing with his knuckles.

"Nop. I'm quitting."

"You're what now?", Changbin sat down, wide eyed. "Are you serious?"


"What are you going to do, then?"

"Someone needs to clean the house, right?", Chnagbi rolled his eyes and hit his chest.

"I mean it."

"I'm driving. Legally now."

"How so?"

Felix pulled him down again, hugging his waist and kissing the shorter's forehead.

"After 15 years of this, I got hired to a racing team. They want me so bad they'll cover up anything about that past, which won't be heard because barely anyone knew who I was when I raced."

Changbin's head popped up and he smiled widely.

"God, I'm so happy for you! And now you won't be gone at night ne you can cuddle me to sleep!"

"I can, love.", Felix chuckled and intertwined their hands, looking at their matching rings. "When are we having dinner with your parents again?"

"Thursday, and with the guys Friday, then we have Hyunjin and Seungmin's weeding this weekend, we can't forget.", Changbin listed. "We are having lunch with your mom and your step dad next Monday and then we are going to the dog shelter with Minho on Wednesday."

Felix hummed and kissed him without warning, sending the other into an euphoric state of mind.

Even after all the years that passed, and kisses they shared, the two could never get enough of one another, and every kiss felt like the first, maybe even better than the first.

Felix ended the kiss with a soft but long peck, staring deep into Changbin's eyes after.

"I love you."

"I'm hungry."

"W-hat?", Felix's chin fell in surprise.

"Cook for me." The shorter smiled cutely, and the Australian rolled his eyes.

"I hate you."

"I love you too, now cook for me."

Felix got up and ruffled his husband's hair again, rolling his eyes at the demanding man.

"You're so lucky I love you, my small idiot."

"Whatever you say, freckles, I want chicken."

Felix sighed, asking himself what the hell he had gotten into for the hundredth time that day, and every other day, but still bowed at the shorter, with a ear to ear smile on his face.

"At your service."

~the end~


Yesyes, cry all you want.

Yesyes, cry all you want

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Here <8

Anyway, I don't have much time to do these notes and I won't add anything the day I publish this so, I'll see you in our next journey matryoshkas <8

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