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Early update ( Very early lmao ) bc why the fuck not :)

Alexa play Beautiful Pain by Btob.

(I will not be checking notifications for the next week, but I will keep publishing chapters <8 )


Changbin woke up with someone moving by his side. His brain worked faster than he thought it could, recognizing him as Felix and recalling the night before, the way the younger had forced him to have a bath, washed his hair and tired body and snuggled him to death after, covering him and cuddling him and making Changbin feel better than he had ever before.

He pouted at the sudden lack of heat and reached for Felix's arm, pulling the already sitting boy back to bed.

"Where are you going?"

Felix chuckled, but the shorter didn't open his eyes, feeling the pressure on the bed change and a kiss being planted on his forehead.

"Downstairs to see if anyone needs help or if anyone cooked already. I didn't want to wake you up."

Changbin whined like a little kid and snaked an arm around Felix's torso, pulling forward and laying on top of the boy's chest, who simply laughed and hugged him tightly.

"You're so clingy."

Changbin's mind immediately did a 180, his eyes shot opened and he got up on his elbows, half hovering over Felix who looked at him amused.

"Is that bad?"

"Absolutely not, I love it."

Changbin fought back a smile, and his chin half dropped as his mind recalled the last of the details.

"I love you too."

"Oh... I-I... Felix...", he muttered, not able to look the other in the eyes. "About..."



Felix pulled his chin up, raising his head to peck the guy on the lips for a few seconds before staring at him lovingly, running his index finger along Changbin's jawline.

"Yes, I meant it. I know what you're thinking about."

"You do?"

"I do.", he pulled Changbin down and made their foreheads touch, placing another kiss on his lips before he cupped the shorter's face, staring at his face with a smile.

Changbin let himself melt at the sigh and touch. Felix's brown eyes illuminated by the bright light that escaped the curtains block, his lips slightly red from the night before, a small cut on his bottom one. His freckle painted face in the most perfect way as if they were diamonds, dazzling and mesmerizing.

"You're serious?"

"I'll be the most honest I can with you, Changbin.", Felix kissed the shorter's nose, speaking in a soft tone. "When whatever this was started,", he looked down as to mention both of them, their relationship or whatever had been going on. "I had no intentions besides teaching you a lesson.", Changbin pressed his lips, nodding. "I had this stupid urge to make you feel powerless for some reason, to just... ruin you the way you thought you could ruin me, and then leave you the way you wanted to.", a tear escaped Changbin's eyes and Felix kissed it away, caressing his face. "But that changed, drastically. I can't tell you exactly when you made my heart flutter for the first time.", Felix poured everything out, smiling at the teary guy in front of him. "I can't remember when I realized I started to like you, or when I became actually attached to you. I can't tell you when I realized I had fell in love with you." Changbin choked in his soft sobs, burying his head on the crotch of the taller's neck and smiling like crazy.

"H-how did you make me f-fall this fast?"

"I don't know, Bin, it scares me a bit.", Felix chuckled. "But I did too."

"I love you so much Felix, it's dangerous how far I'd go for you at this point.", Changbin lifted his head again and wiped the tears away. "I feel ridiculous saying this it's been less than three months...", he choked again, biting back tears.

"Love knows no time."

"Okay, now you're being cliche."

"What about it?", The taller teased, rolling them over and hovering over Changbin. "You're my cliche, maybe.", he leaned in to peck his lips but Changbin kept him there after, nose to nose, forehead to forehead, hearts beating against their chests, painfully reminding them that there was no going back.

"If you ever do or say that again I am breaking up with you."

"Oh, we're dating?"

Changbin didn't answer, but he didn't need to. They stayed like that until Felix decided to lay down on top of the boy, legs tangled and the taller's head buried on Changbin's neck this time, as the other hugged him tightly like a child hugs their plushie.



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