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I am posting earlier than usual because why the fuck not :)

Alexa play Road Not Taken by Straykids.


Changbin woke up with the light that came through the windows blinding him, and his stomach immediately turned. It was one of those times when you wake up and the world feels weird, somewhat out of place, and it partly sends you into a wave of panic.

Just as he was being hit by that wave, an arm.

A warm, strong arm around his waist.

Changbin's breath itched as his brain slowly recalled the night before, his eyes widened as he moved carefully to try and stare at the boy below him. He managed to move his head off the taller's chest, now looking at his perfectly calm expression.

What the hell had he done?

He felt somewhat sick, knowing all the weakness he had been experiencing would most probably be less now, which was good, but what now? Felix had been so sweet to him, and yet something didn't add up in Changbin's mind.

That feeling was annoying, but something was not right.

"Morning.", he jumped a bit as Felix spoke, a lazy smile on his face and his eyes still half closed as he glance down.

"H-hey...", Changbin smiled too, trembling a bit.

"What time is it? We have school."

The shorter whined and shook his head, burying it on the blonde's neck, which made Felix chuckle.
In a swift movement, he turned them around, carefully laying him on the bed, and hugged him by the side, kissing his shoulder.

"I don't want to go."

"You have too, you can't miss more classes, come on, lazy ass", Felix rubbed his face on the shorter's arm before kissing it again.

"Noooooo... Felix! Put me down!", the younger just laughed and ran to the bathroom with him, almost hitting the door. He carefully put the shorter down and Changbin crossed his arms.

"Come on, we really need to go."

This time he nodded, sighting and reaching for his tooth brush.

"My butt hurts.", he mumbled, and the other one just smiled through the mirror, sending shivers all over Changbin's body.

The shorter froze.

Something was terribly wrong.

His stomach said so.

Felix cupped his face and kissed his forehead, moving outside to go to his bedroom and get ready.

Or maybe it was just the butterflies.


"What's up?", Hyunjin winked as the shorter arrived, sitting in a table with Minho in front of him.

"Nothing much.", he lied, leaning against the table so he wouldn't have to jump to sit, and risk get caught by the pain in his bottom. "What's happening here and why does he look miserable?"

Hyunjin smirked.

"So... are you telling him."

"You tell him, I can't say it all over again. I have a homework to eat."

Hyunjin rolled his eyes while Changbin half laughed half stared.

"Very shortly, our hetero king might have a crush on a guy, a guy that... might have...", Hyunjin supressed a giggle. "fucked him the night of the party."

Changbin's head turned to fast his neck almost broke.

"Jisung fucked you? As in him fucking you? As in his di-"

"Hey! Shut up what the fuck?"

"There's no one here.", Changbin gestured to the empty classroom while Minho's wide eyed looked around.

"Have you never heard that walls have ears?"

"Alright, mister straight. So you fucked, what now?"

Minho groaned.

"I might have had a mental breakdown in front of him because of it. I panicked, okay!", he almost shouted, seeing the other's judging looks. "I have no idea what to do. I thought I could just ignore him and forget but now he's always with us and he's always running through my mind it's so annoying."

Changbin bit his lip, leaning forward to pat his shoulder.

"Love has stroke you, I'm sorry. There's no going back now."

"Shush, I don't need that kind of thing."

The shorter rolled his eyes while Hyunjin laughed.

"Need it or not, you fell, and you'll fall deeper, there's nothing you can do to avoid it."

Minho buried his face on his hands and sighed loudly.

"It can't be, come on, he's a guy."

"And you're clearly not straight, Minho. You guys literally fucked.", Hyunjin spit in frustration.

"Look, I know it's hard for now, so just don't think about it, okay. Just hang normally and if you ever realize you've really fallen, run to us, or run to him.", he thought for a while. "I don't know Jisung that much, but he looks like a caring person, he won't let you down, even if just to help understand yourself."

Minho heard Changbin's speech, but had no reaction for a while.

"Okay. I'll see how it goes.", he nodded as well, head hanging down and stomach twirling.

How Changbin understood that feeling.


Gay panic... I'm full of it.


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