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[This is a scheduled chapter]

Alexa play Insomnia by Straykids.


Changbin rolled his eyes for the thousandth time that day. Hyunjin had found it funny teasing him in the morning, but Minho was not letting go, at all.

"You're such a clingy boyfriend..."

"I missed him!"

"You were apart from him for literally a class, Changbin."

The shorter rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"A class is a whole hour, it's a lot."

"What have you done to him?", Felix shrugged, his arm around Changbin as they ate lunch in the cafeteria, waiting for Jisung and Hyunjin to arrive from their last morning class.

"Are you out publicly to the school?", Chan asked over from his spot. No one understood how he got in, but Jeongin seemed happy about having his very much illegal boyfriend next to him at school.

"I mean, we didn't announce anything, but we're not hiding it as well, I think?", Felix looked at the shorter. For confirmation.

"I think we should take it easy and calm, we both have fanclubs."

"They'll just become a whole club instead of two."

"Changlix!", Jeongin sent them one of his dazzling smiles and Chan stared at him in awe.

"He's absolutely right."

"What did he even say?", Chan shrugged. "You're ridiculously in love."

"Maknae on top, I guess.", Jeongin shrugged.

"If anyone makes the "literally" joke, I will run you over with my car, then leave that one, run you over with Felix's car, and then-"

"We got it, tone it down, this is a school, not your little cars playground."

"That's it, you're going down, Hwang."

Chan got up, motioning Hyunjin to run, but Minho was faster.

"Wait, Hyunjin, when the hell did you even arrive?"

"A while ago.", he shrugged, already eating part of Seungmin's dessert.

"Where's Jisung?"

The taller made a weird face.

"Depressing on the rooftop, he said he needed a bit of time for himself, didn't feel like eating."

Minho bit his lip, staring at the sandwiches in front of him.

"I'll go to h-"

"No, let me go.", he got up, staring firmly at a doubting Chan.

"I'm not sure if that's a good idea, Min. You're probably part of the reason why he needs time, you know..."

"What does he have to do with it?", Jeongin furrowed his eyebrows, but Chan shook his head.

"I know, okay... that's why I need to go."

"Don't fuck up."

Minho rolled his eyes at the sudden change.

"I won't."

"You better not, or I'll run you over with-"

"Yeah we know the story, I'll see you guys later."

The guy ran through the halls, stairs, panting when he finally reached the last steps and opened the balcony door.

Jisung was right there, sitting in the floor with his head in his hands, legs crossed and dressed with too little colors for his usual self.

He had black shorts and a yellow hoodie, a black bucket hat was on the floor by his side, and his brown hair was messy, as if he had ran his hands through it too many times.

The noise of the door closing again was what made him look up, and even standing a few feet away, the way his face contorted at the older's sigh shot Minho in the heart.

"Not you... Minho Hyung, why are you here?"

"Should I feel offended that you don't want to see me?", he tried to play, but his voice came out strained.

"You should be grateful."

Minho sighed.

"How so, Jisung?"

" I need to be alone, please."

Minho took a step in front.


"I need to."

"I can be alone with you."

"That's not how it works.", the shorter got up, stepping back against the wall and keeping his eyes closed, as if looking at Minho alone hurt him.


"Minho I'm begging you, please let me get over this."

"This, what?", another step.

Jisung groaned.

"Fucking hell.", he opened his eyes, staring at Minho with pleading ones. "You, get over you, you and your fucking face and your fucking body and adorable laugh and the way I want to kiss you every time I look at your goddamn face.", he screamed, hitting his own head after.

Minho sighed again, exasperated as he moved close and caught Jisung's arms, keeping them in place against his torso. Jisung threw his head back again, butI ho was faster, blocking the movement with his hand behind the younger's head.

"Then why aren't you doing it?"

"What the fuck Minho?"

"Why are you suddenly wanting to forget me?"

"Because you are fucking straight!", He half screamed again, choking and falling in front as his sobs started to make themselves heard. Minho caught him and held him strongly by his waist, feeling his own mind and body give up. He pressed his forehead to Jisung's shoulder.

"I'm so tired, Jisung, I just want this to stop. I want you to stop avoiding me and stop making me feel like this, I want you to fucking stop being an idiot and understanding I'm not here to play anymore.", he pulled Jisung away from his hold and cupped his face with one hand, the other still around his waist, keeping him straight ( lmao good one ).

"Stop playing with me."

Minho cleaned a tear that had just fell and kissed Jisung's nose, startling the guy.

"I'm not. I did a lot of thinking, trying to understand this whole situation. It didn't help shit. I went with the safe choice, I like his company, but I'm straight, so let's be friends.", Jisung cleaned his face with the sweater paws, pouting and making Minho almost lose his focus. "It was only when you started drifting away that I realized I needed to act on my feelings, maybe the first time I truly understood my feelings."

Jisung bit his lip, snaking his arms around Minho's neck, a glimpse of hope in his eyes that Minho found the most beautiful thing on the planet.

"Your... f-fellings?"

Minho let out a chuckled, pulling him closer and laying a kiss on his lips, fast and dry.

"I like you, Han Jisung. A lot. A scary lot. And I want you."

The squirrel like boy choked another sob and pulled Minho's neck.

Maybe time stopped when their lips met, but the flutter only intensified. Both their hearts heart pounded in their chests as their knees got weaker. Minho could only focus on how soft he felt against his mouth, how addictively he invaded all his senses.

"I like you too, Minho, so much."

"Great.", the other one smiled, looking Jisung in the eyes. "Now make me yours."


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